CMHRU Meetings 2017

Wednesday Research Meetings

ICFP, Room 218B
3:00 – 5:00


How do mental health service users and their family members co-create potential, desired futures and desired selves? An exploratory analysis of a mother’s narrative using a narrative-phenomenological framework (January 18)
Jiameng Xu

Cultural Affordances: Scaffolding Local Worlds Through Shared Intentionality and Regimes of Attention (January 25)
Maxwell Ramstead

Cultural Affordances Series 2: “A Primer on Predictive Processing and Free Energy” (February 15)
Maxwell Ramstead

Cultural Affordances Series 3: “The Trump Effect: Automatic Decision-Making and Inter-group Conflict” (February 22)
Samuel Veissière

Social Origins of Mental Disorders and Primary Prevention in Global Mental Health (March 1)

Strengthening Mental Health Services by Supporting mhGAP Trainees: A Mixed-method, Multi-site Study in Kenya and Chad (March 22)
Neda Faregh

Cultural Affordances Series 4: “Internet-mediated Identities and Experience” (March 29)
Samuel Veissière, Moriah Stendel & Maxwell Ramstead

Culture, Identity and Parenting Practices as Determinants of Indigenous Youth Wellbeing (April 19)

Cultural Affordances Series 5: “Narratives as Generative Model” (April 26)
Maxwell Ramstead & Nabil Bouizegarène

A Brazilian Study of Primary Mental Health Care to Emotional Distress Facing Global Mental Health Scenario (August 30)
Alice Menezes

Linguistic and Cultural Barriers to Access and Utilization of Mental Health Care for Farsi-Speaking Newcomers in Quebec (September 6)
Fahimeh Mianji

Culture and Psychotherapy: In Pursuit of Virtuous Loops (September 27)
Andrew Ryder

Culture as Healing in Indigenous Mental Health (October 4)
Laurence Kirmayer

British Psychiatric Perception of Africans with Psychosis: Origins and Transformations (October 18)
G. Eric Jarvis

The Cultures of Competence in Multicultural Societies: Development of an Interactive Web-delivered Cultural Competence Roadmap Toolkit – Work in Progress (October 25)
Ana Gomez-Carrillo & Janique Johnson-Lafleur

Drinking to Forget: Art of Memory and Collective Drunkenness of the Conflict-affected Andean Indigenous Population in Peru (November 1)
Sakiko Yamaguchi

Scaling up for Depression in Indonesia: The Gap Between Text and Practice (November 15)
Aliza Hunt

Unfolding Body Stories: A Transformative Journey of Being with Others While Moving (November 22)
Keven Lee

Taking a Narrative Lens Upon the Ethnographic Encounter: The Transformative Effect of Story-Telling Upon the Listener (November 22)
Jiameng Xu

In Pursuit of Attentiveness: Exploring the Social Life of ADHD in the Portuguese Clinic (November 29)
Angela M. Filipe

MINI Musings: Understanding Depression Symptoms in Indonesian Elderly Villagers (December 6)
Aliza Hunt

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