Academic Year
*indicates lecture recording available
Date | Speaker | Title |
January 26 | Sadeq Rahimi, PhD | The Hauntology of Everyday Life: Iranian Revolutions Between Messianic Justice and Nostalgic Desire |
Date | Speaker | Title |
December 8 | Marc Winz, PhD* | Urban stress and physiological arousal in early psychosis: a biosocial approach |
October 13 | Les Sabiston, PhD | “He has the ‘look’”: The social meanings and political effects of an FASD diagnosis |
March 17 | Patrick Bieler* |
Urban mental health beyond social relationships? Encountering as a heuristic for co-laborative interdisciplinary engagements between anthropology and psychiatry |
March 10 |
Roy Richard Grinker, PhD* |
Nobody’s Normal: How Culture Created the Stigma of Mental Illness |
February 24 | Grégoire Hervouet-Zeiber, PhD |
“Finding Oneself in Civilian Life”: The Homeless Laughter of a Veteran of the Second Chechen War |
Date | Speaker | Title |
December 9 |
Rasmus Birk, PhD |
“This city is not doable anymore”: On psychological ecologies and ‘idioms of urban distress’ in Southeast London |
April 22 |
Michele Lancione, PhD* |
Planning as dispossession: Abstracting race & class through the ‘bloc’ |
April 1 |
Aidan Seale-Feldman, PhD |
“The World is Like This”: Life, Loss, and the Trembling Thought of Disaster |
March 25 |
Emily Ng, PhD |
Walking the Chairman’s Path: Spirit Mediumship and Psychopolitical Transmission |
February 4 |
Tomas Matza, PhD* |
Between Politics and Policy: Psychic Life as an Object of Intervention in Russia and El Salvador |
January 28 | Mitchell Weiss, MD, PhD | Harmonizing cultural psychiatry & social medicine in a clinical case formulation |
Date | |
Title |
December 10 |
Alexander Rödlach, PhD, SVD |
Improving Emotional Health in the Community: Health Ministries in Faith Communities |
November 19 |
Ido Hartogsohn, PhD |
Media as Drugs: A Cultural Perspective on Digital Media Addiction |
October 15 |
Pierre Minn, PhD |
Haitian Psychiatry at the Crossroads |
September 17 |
Neely Laurenzo Myers, PhD* |
“Pathways Through Care: ´Madness´, Moral Agency and Mental Health Recovery” |
Cambodians’ Use of Buddhist Techniques to Recover from Trauma
Devon E. Hinton, M.D., Ph.D.
Friday, February 8, 2013;1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
An exploration of how film portrays psychopathology:The depiction of PTSD inWaltz with Bashir
Ahmed Hankir
January 31, 2013; 3:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Schizophrenia: Does Talk of Genes and Brains Really Stop a Mother's Blame
Felicity Callard
November 30, 2012;2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
WHO’s Work on Mental Health During and After Emergencies
Mark van Ommeren, Ph.D.
July 20, 2012; 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Culture, Suicide and Social Conditions inAboriginal Communities: A Social Network Approach
Kirk Dombrowski, Ph.D.
April 26, 2012;3:30 - 5:00 PM
Acculturation Processes Among Soviet Jewish andVietnamese Adolescents and Adults:What Research Can Tell Us About the Ecology of Refugee Lives
Edison J. Trickett, Ph.D.
March 29, 2012;3:30 - 4:00 PM
How Useful is the Capabilities Approach inGlobal Mental Health?
Lynne Friedli, Ph.D.
February 17, 2012; 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Synergy and Healing: Insights from Indigenous Peoples
Richard Katz, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, First Nations University of Canada
Adjunct Professor, Psychology, University of Saskatchewan
January 26, 2012;3:30 - 5:00 pm
February 13, 2009: Dr. Les Whitbeck[.pdf]
November 2007
Cultural Therapy & Reasonable Accomodation
Cultural Therapy & Reasonable Accomodation [.pdf]
October 25, 2007
Film Premiere & Discussion with Diane Wolkstein
Diane Wolkstein: A Storyteller's Story [.pdf]
Building Bridges Between CommunityOrganizations and Mental Health Professionals
Tamara Kater, Director: Multi Caf Community Cafeteria
And Food Bank
Discussants: Dr L. J. Kirmayer & Ms. Judy Malik
May 14, 1999; 12:30 - 2:00
Rape: A Crime of War
J. Malik & M. Shermarke
July 16, 1999; 12:30 - 2:00
Hear What We Are Saying
A documentary on:
Women, racism and the mental health system
Jaswant Guzder& Radhika Santhanam
October 15, 1999; 12:30 - 2:00
Dilemmas of Ethnic Match:Minority origin professionals in health and social services
Speaker: Dr. Morton Weinfeld
Professor of Sociology and Chair in Canadian Ethnic Studies,
Discussant: Jaswant Guzder, M.D.
November 12, 1999; 12:30 - 2:00
War is Not A Game
A CCVT (Canadian Center for Victims of Torture)
film on the effects of organized violence
Discussant: Patricia Foxen, Anthropologist
December 10th, 1999; 12:30 - 2:00
Organized Violence
Pierre Dongier, M.D.
Director of the Clinic Santé-Accueil, CLSC Côte-des-Neighes
Member of RIVO
Angelica Marin-Liva, Coordinator of RIVO
January 14th, 2000; 12:30 - 2:00
Interventions in Intercultural Situations:A Training Model
Speaker: Kalpana Das,
Co-founder and Director of the Intercultural Institute of Montreal
February, 11th, 2000; 12:30 - 2:00
Broken Promises
A National Film Board & Nutaaq Media
film on the effects of relocation on a group of Inuit families
Patricia Tassinari, Filmmaker
March 10th, 2000; 12:30 - 2:00
Working Like Crazy
A National Film Board of Canada and Skyworks
film on the struggles and victories of psychiatric survivors
working in a survivor-run business
Gwynne Basen, Filmmaker
Friday, April 14th, 2000
12:30 - 2:00
Culture, Infancy and Research in South Africa
Dr. Tomlinson will discuss his work on the mother-infant
research project in a context of extreme socio-economic
adversity in a settlement near Cape Town.
Mark Tomlinson, Director of Child Guidance Clinic
Capetwon, South Africa
Friday, July 28th, 2000
12:30 - 2:00
The Return of the Dybbuk:A Cast Study of Spirit Possession in Contemporary Israel
Yoram Bilu, Professor
Department of Anthropology
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Friday, September 15th, 2000
12:30 - 2:00
If the Family Fits:A National Film Board of Canada documentary
Explores traditional notions of family as voiced by
R.E.A.L. Women, a Canadian lobby group,
versus an alternate family lifestyle when
a spouse declares a bisexual orientation
Patricia Kearns, Film Producer and Director
Dan Delaney
Friday, November 17th, 2000
12:30 - 2:00
Encounters of the Three-Way Kind:Working with Interpreters in Mental Health Settings
During this session, video-vignettes of interpreters
interacting with mental health professionals and
patients will be used to launch a discussion of the
use of interpreters in the clinical setting. There
will be an examination of the mental health interpreter's
role and of challenges interpreters and clinicians face.
Suggestions will be provided as to actions clinicians can
take to improve communication in interpreter-mediated encounters.
Heather Clarke, Coordinator of the Multiculturalism Program,
Montreal Children's Hospital
Friday, January 12th, 2001
12:30 - 2:00
Political and Psychiatric Ambiguities in the Baltic States:From Neurasthenia to Depression
Independence for the Baltic States has led to
change in all areas of social life: not only political
and economic but also medical and psychiatric. The Soviet
system of medicine provided a large number of psychosomatic
diagnoses, among them neurasthenia, which were not stigmatized.
Although many patients felt that the doctor's emphasis on
physical symptoms did not capture the essence of what was
wrong and neglected the intimate relationship between
biographical experience and subsequent illness nevertheless
there was ready access to the sick role. West European and
Scandinavian influences have led to massive restructuring
of the health care delivery system, less autonomy for the
patient, and a different set of diagnoses. Depression has
replaced neurasthenia but does not carry with it the same
set of privileges. My presentation looks at how patients
articulate their ill health in terms of a continuing
dialogue with the past.
Dr. Vieda Skultans, Department of Sociology, University of Bristol
Friday, February 9th, 2001
12:30 - 2:00
A partir d'un cas clinique en Abitibi une approche écologique du "Mental"?
Jean-Dominique Leccia, Psychiatrist
Dan Delaney
Friday, March 23rd, 2001
12:30 - 2:00