
CMHRU Meetings 2013

Wednesday Research Meetings

ICFP, Room 218B
3:00 – 4:30


Setting up a virtual psychology clinic in Chad: Challenges and lessons learned (January 16)
Neda Faregh

A village possessed by witches: A study on possession and common mental disorders (January 23)
Ram Sapkota

In your face or: What Husserl could learn from Levinas about Intersubjectivity (January 30)
Bettina Bergo

A political economy framework: Self-governance and health in Nunavik (February 6)
Sarah Fraser

Unsettling the dominant myths of healing: The power of "good stories" in South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (February 20)
Monica Patterson

Probing the Jihadi Mindset (February 27)
Sohail Abbas

Towards a revisioned psychiatry: Contributions of cultural-clinical psychology (March 6)
Andrew Ryder

Changes in DSM-5: An Overview (March 20)
Venkat Bhat

Compassion as a pathway to resilience among Tibetan refugees (March 27)
Sara Lewis

Evaluation of language barriers to mental health services among linguistic minority outpatients: A preliminary report (April 3)
Eric Jarvis

Cultural Psychiatry Day (April 10)

Making peace in the heart-mind: Towards an ethnopsychology of resilience among Bhutanese refugees (April 17)
Liana Chase

Confounding culture: Drinking, country food and traditional knowledge networks in a Labrador Inuit community (April 24)
Joshua Moses

Unraveling ethnic density effects, expectations and acculturation the adjustment of Russian-speaking immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to Montreal (May 1)
Tomas Jurcik & Esther Yakobov

Childhood migration post-WWII and post-detention in Soviet labour camps: An examination of resilience-related themes from a lifespan development perspective (May 8)
Amanda Chalupa

How Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D relate to psychological distress in the Inuit population (May 15)
Hans-Ragnar Skogli

Police reactions to being labeled racists (May 29)
Myrna Lashley

Recovery centers for people with mental illness: New research (July 3)
Rob Whitley

Changing Trajectories in acculturation research: Restoring culture, restoring "-action" (July 10)
Andrew Ryder

Montreal's health workers' perceptions of access to care for children and pregnant women with precarious immigration status: Health as a right or a privilege? (July 17)
Karine Vanthuyne

Training of health workers in Chad to address mental health needs (July 24)
Neda Faregh

The first episode psychosis movement - An ethnographic exploration (July 31)
Constantin Tranulis

Cultural neuroscience and the social determinants of health (August 7)
Lauence Kirmayer

Embodiment, enactment and the cultural neurophenomenology of delusional experience (August 14)
Laurence Kirmayer

How culture constructs normativity: Thinking about delusions in context (August 28)
Laurence Kirmayer

Social coercion experiences by immigrants and refugees referred to a Cultural Consultation Service (September 4)
Don Quang Tran

The Cultural Formulation in DSM-5: Opportunities for research (October 2)
Laurence Kirmayer

Disability causality in Kinshasa, Domcratic Republic of the Congo: Implications for support (October 16)
Heather Aldersey

Implementing a mental health program in 14 Indigenous communities across Canada: Lessons learned and upcoming challenges from a Participatory Action Research (PAR) (October 23)
Dominique Geoffroy

Fun and expression: Youth learning hip hop dancing in a multiethnic urban neighbourhood (October 30)
Claire Lyke

Trust in biomarkers: The adolescent brain in the context of psychiatry (November 20)
Suparna Choudhury & Vincent Laliberté

Integrating mental health in primary health care in Nepal: Lessons learned (November 27)
Ram Sapkota

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