
CMHRU Meetings 2014

Wednesday Research Meetings

ICFP, Room 218B
3:00 – 4:30


Female circumcision: What constitutes the nature of the trauma? Insight from semi-structured interviews with 22 circumcised women living in Ivory Coast and in Canada (January 22)
Sophia Koukoui

Parental supervision, discipline, and differential treatment of children in Liberia (January 29)
Monica Ruiz Casares

What kind of science for psychiatry? Thinking through RDoC (February 5)
Laurence Kirmayer

Mental health capacity building with the National School of Nursing and Midwifery of Chad: A combined approach to virtual and on-site training (February 19)
Neda Faregh

Relationship of perceived cultural competence and public perception of security officers (February 26)
Myrna Lashley

Stigma and attributions of causality of mental illness in Minas Gerais, Brazil (March 5)
Patricia Guimaraes

The well-being of Kenyan-Canadian parents and youth living in mixed families in Montreal (March 19)
Alexandra Williams

Seeking refuge: Reconceptualizing therapeutic space at a day center for asylum seekers in Montreal (March 26)
Liana Chase

The treatment of dysfunctional loops: Prospects for a culturally-grounded CBT (April 2)
Andrew Ryder

Cultural Psychiatry Day (April 16)

Writing for publication (April 23)
Laurence Kirmayer

Preliminary results of the Language Barriers to Mental Health Services project (April 30)
G. Eric Jarvis & Jose Santiago Santa Cruz

Music and ethnic identity development in adolescence (July 2)
Dave Miranda

The uses of bipolar disorder in Iran: Vicissitudes of a diagnosis (Jult 9)
Fahimeh Mianji

Developing guidelines for training in transcultural psychology in the German context: What's universal and what is not (July 16)
Urlike von Lersner

The 'MINI' and mixed methods ethnography: Researching the cultural basis of "online gaming addiction" in an innovative teaching laboratory (July 23)
Jeffrey Snodgrass

Teaching lay community health workers to administer standardized psycho-developmental testing: A Nigeria case-study (July 30)
Neda Faregh

Depression among Sami and Norwegian adults in the north of Norway: A qualitative study using the MINI (August 6)
Hilde Thornquist

Cultural meaning of genetic risk for breast cancer among French Canadian and Ashkenazi Jewish healthy BRCA carriers (August 13)
Alicia Navarro de Souza

Stereotypes of Africans with psychosis: Preliminary reflections (August 20)
G. Eric Jarvis

Writing a qualitative empirical paper to be published in the best health journals (August 27)
Danielle Groleau

Ethnicity and quality of follow-up in a first-episode psychosis clinic (September 3)
Katerina Nikolitch

Culture and the process of change in psychotherapy: Narrative, metaphor, and embodiment (September 17)
Laurence Kirmayer

Ethno-racial variations in recovery from severe mental illness: Results of a qualitative study (September 24)
Rob Whitley

Talking to Tulpas: Sentient imaginary friends, the social mind, and implications for culture & mental health research (October 1)
Samuel Veissière

Becoming cultural...again: A multi-level perspective on acculturation (October 15)
Marina Doucerain & Andrew Ryder

Listening to One Another: Video-testimonies from our First Nation partners (October 22)
Dominique Geoffroy

Exploring the social, political, and individual dynamics of psychiatric patienthood among Mexican-American adolescents (October 29)
Rebecca Seligman

Culture, emotion and the varities of traumatic experience: Implications for the understanding of torture and its sequelae (November 5)
Laurence Kirmayer

Draw me a new home: Creative expression as Psychological First Aid for Syrian refugee children living outside of refugee camps in Istanbul (November 19)
Deniz Kilinc

God, why did you make me this way? Exploring the experiences of Muslim men seeking asylum in the US on the basis of sexual orientation (November 26)
Sara Kahn

Every bit matters: Ambiguities in a modern brain bank (December 3)
Scott Phelps

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