As of January 31, 2025, IT Services has decommissioned the Staff Directory. This initiative aims to streamline processes, improve security against phishing attacks, and replace outdated technology.

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Following the petition filed by AGSEM on April 30, 2024, to certify the group of employees occupying a position classified as ‘’Academic Casuals’’, the Tribunal administratif du Travail, the Quebec government body that oversees unionization, handed down a decision on August 13, 2024, confirming that several Academic Casuals positions were now unionized and represented by AGSEM. The bargaining unit is defined as follows:
John Orlowski published in "News Perspective/Preview" article in Cell Metabolism that discusses an intriguing research paper in the same journal issue on a pH-sensitive transcription factor SMAD5 that regulates insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells
Chu, S., N. Joma, H.W. Yong, D. Maysinger, A. Kakkar, and U. Stochaj. 2023. Curcumin and butyrate induce fibroblast senescence without the emergence of fibrosis biomarkers. Aspects of Molecular Medicine. 2:100021.
Our Congratulations to Daniela Quail, recipient of the Maude Abbott prize, which recognizes outstanding women faculty members with academic appointments who excel in teaching, research, or administration in the early stages of their career!

PUBLISHED: 27 July 2023
On June 19, 2023, the Pension Administration Committee of the Pension Plan was advised that Retraite Québec will be ending their participation in the reciprocal transfer agreement. This agreement allowed for pension transfers between Québec universities and eligible public-sector pension plans administered by Retraite Québec.
Dr. Jack & Fanor Hilton & son foundation fellowship in Physiology
Established in 2023 by The Dr. Jack and Fanor Hilton and Sons Foundation
Awarded annually on the basis of academic merit by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to one Master’s student entering or enrolled in the Physiology program and pursuing a research project.
Payment and allocation:
$10,000/year over 5 years
Total Funding: $50,000

Max Bell School Associate Professor Pearl Eliadis, has been selected to the Official Language Rights Expert Panel of the federal Government’s Court Challenges Program (CCP).
The objective of the CCP is to provide financial support to Canadians to bring before the courts test cases of national significance that aim to clarify and assert certain constitutional and quasi-constitutional official language rights and human rights.

Researchers classify Alzheimer’s progression and subtypes for a personalized approach to the disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a disorder characterized by abnormalities in several different biological areas.
A study carried out by HBHL-funded researcher Yasser Iturria-Medina and his research group, in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at The Neuro, represents the first and largest multimodal data collection effort to date for Alzheimer’s disease.
This work represents the most significant effort so far to classify Alzheimer's disease from a multi-level molecular perspective.
This message is sent on behalf of Yves Beauchamp, Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance).
Ce message est envoyé au nom d’Yves Beauchamp, vice-principal (administration et finances).
La version française suit.
Dear colleagues,

September 23, 2021 | What does a feminist foreign policy entailwithin the Canadian context, and how do we ensure that it observes a gender based analytical approach? Thispolicy report proposes concrete recommendations toward this goal, it also encourages foreign and defence actors to reflect on fundamental gender equality principles and considerations that get lost in the face of results-oriented policy approaches aimed for the short term.

TheGraham Sommer Competitionis proud to announce thatMatthew Rickettsis the grand prize winner of thesecondedition of the Graham Sommer Competition for Young Composers. The $18,000 first prize forMatthew’snew work for piano trio,“Still There,”was among$54,000in total prize earnings awarded at the Concert and Prize Gala on Sunday,September26at Pollack Hall.This national competition for Canadian composers under the age of 35 was founded byDr.