As Quebec moves forward with a plan to implement vaccine passports for some non-essential services, Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis weighed in on possible legal and social implications.


Classified as: External, faculty, Graduate Students, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, Pearl Eliadis, staff, students, undergraduate students, vaccine passports
Published on: 11 Aug 2021

This message is sent on behalf of Julie Ghayad, Director Finance System Support and Transaction Services


Effective Wednesday, December 9th at 6:00 P.M., a new Finance Fund Administration Menu will be made available: Adjust Past Payroll Transactions (previously known as the Retro FOAPAL HR Minerva Menu).

When to Use the Adjust Past Payroll Transactions Menu (PA Minerva Menu)?

Classified as: faculty, staff, Minerva, payroll adjustments, payroll
Published on: 8 Dec 2020

is the international Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The Fourth Industrial Revolution – the current period of rapid, simultaneous and systemic transformations driven by advances in science and technology – is reshaping industries, blurring geographical boundaries, challenging existing regulatory frameworks, and even redefining what it means to be human.

Classified as: international, staff
Published on: 9 Sep 2020

We know first-hand that managers are facing more disruptions than ever before. One of the biggest questions that companies are asking themselves today is how they can adapt to today's new reality—a challenge we have also had to face.

Executive Institute has been working hard not only to offer our most popular programs online but also to create an impactful virtual experience for our participants. With that in mind, we are pleased to announce that our Mini-MBA Series will be offered online!

Classified as: Executive Education, External, faculty, management, Executive Institute, staff, training, Mini-MBA
Published on: 19 May 2020

Dear Members of the Faculty of Arts community,

We have all experienced a stressful week of adjustment and adaptation as we take action to face the COVID-19 global pandemic. While there is still much uncertainty and more change to come, I want to thank you all for your resilience and patience in these trying times.

Classified as: Faculty of Arts, staff, Internal announcements
Published on: 20 Mar 2020

January 7, 2020| There are serious concerns about how Facebook will police deepfake videos. Max Bell School professor Taylor Owen talks about why these sophisticated videos need editorial oversight.

Classified as: External, faculty, graduate, students, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, podcast, staff, taylor owen, Taylor Owen on Digital Governance
Published on: 14 Jan 2020

September 12, 2019 | Social media might not be to blame for Canadians’ ideological polarization, a new report on digital democracy in Canada finds. “A lot of people don’t use social media very actively,” said Eric Merkley, a researcher on the project. “People on Twitter are not representative of the broader population.”

Classified as: Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, Digital Democracy Project, Digital Democracy Project (DDP), External, faculty, graduate, students, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, podcast, staff, taylor owen, undergraduate students
Published on: 23 Sep 2019

September 2, 2019| An estimated 19 million Canadians have been affected by data breaches between November 2018 and June 2019, according to numbers obtained by "Attention Control with Kevin Newman," a new podcast that launched Monday. The numbers come from 446 breaches that were reported to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). Victims of these kinds of data breaches are vulnerable to identity theft, financial crime, even violence in some cases.

Classified as: Digital Democracy Project, Digital Democracy Project (DDP), External, faculty, graduate, students, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, podcast, staff, taylor owen, undergraduate students
Published on: 23 Sep 2019

August 10, 2019| Beware of things you see online that make you emotional, one media expert warns ahead of the fall election. Taylor Owen, professor at and the co-creator of the Digital Democracy Project, says fake news often preys on feelings like anger and fear.

Classified as: Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, Digital Democracy Project, Digital Democracy Project (DDP), External, faculty, graduate, students, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, podcast, staff, taylor owen, undergraduate students
Published on: 23 Sep 2019

August 7, 2019| Canadians aren’t as divided into partisan echo chambers as social media would suggest, but a heavy news diet doesn't guarantee you'll be informed, a new study has found.

Classified as: Taylor Owen on Digital Governance, Digital Democracy Project, Digital Democracy Project (DDP), External, faculty, graduate, students, max bell school, max bell school of public policy, podcast, staff, taylor owen, undergraduate students
Published on: 23 Sep 2019

To all Finance users,

The month of June 2019 is closed. You may pick up your Minerva Financial Statements by logging into Minerva via .

This link will bring you directly to the Finance (Fund) Administration Menu >> Financial Statements menu option.

For questions or assistance, you may contact the Finance Helpdesk at 514-398-3463 or via email at fishelp.acct [at]

Classified as: faculty, month end, staff
Published on: 10 Jul 2019

The Human Resources Office in the Faculty of Arts is pleased to announce the latest updates to Administrative and Support Staff positions within the Faculty. Join us inwishing your colleagues well in their new roles.

Classified as: faculty, staff, Internal announcements
Published on: 12 Jun 2019

To all Finance users,

The month of May 2019 is closed. You may pick up your Minerva Financial Statements by logging into Minerva via .

This link will bring you directly to the Finance (Fund) Administration Menu >> Financial Statements menu option.

For questions or assistance, you may contact the Finance Helpdesk at 514-398-3463 or via email at fishelp.acct [at]

Classified as: faculty, month end, staff
Published on: 10 Jun 2019

is the international Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The Fourth Industrial Revolution – the current period of rapid, simultaneous and systemic transformations driven by advances in science and technology – is reshaping industries, blurring geographical boundaries, challenging existing regulatory frameworks, and even redefining what it means to be human.

Classified as: international, staff
Published on: 23 Apr 2019

Par Andy Blatchford,Presse canadienne, Ottawa

Le Canada prévoit attirer plus d'étudiants internationaux en renforçant sa présence à l'étranger afin de promouvoir la diversité des salles de classe et d'accroître les retombées économiques qui atteignent déjà des milliards de dollars par année.

Selon une analyse fédérale, les retombées économiques des étudiants étrangers ont presque doublé de 2010 à 2016, atteignant un total de 15,5 milliards. Cela va des frais de scolarité au loyer et à la facture d'épicerie.

Classified as: External, faculty, international, staff, students
Published on: 15 Apr 2019


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