2020-2021 Eleanor Stubley Recording Prize Winners
The Schulich School of Music congratulates Justin Almazan (GrDipPerf'18, GrArtDip'20, MMus’21) and Samuel Hanna (MMus’21), winners of the 2020-2021 Eleanor Stubley Recording Prize for their project “Love Notes”!
Charles Chiavato Rambaldo wins at International Percussion Youth Competition Belgium 2021
Percussionist Charles Chiavato Rambaldo (current BMus) wins First Prize in Marimba as well as the Second Prize in Snare at the International Percussion Youth Competition Belgium 2021 (IPYCB).
Schulich in CBC Music's 2021 edition of "30 hot Canadian classical musicians under 30"
Congratulations to former students Elisabeth Boudreault, Marie Nadeau-Tremblay (BMus'14, LMus'17, MMus'19), Gabrielle Gaudreault (BMus'14, DMus'20), Brandyn Lewis (BMus'17), Alexander Soloway (MMus'15), William Broverman (BMus'16), Charlotte Siegel (MMus'19, GrDipPerf'20), Ryan Davis (BMus'14), and incoming MMus student Ben Diamond who were all featured as part of the 2021 edition of CBC Music's annual list of "30 hot Canadian classical musicians under 30". The l
Announcing the Recipient of the 2020-2021 Luba Zuk Piano Duo Composition Prize
Congratulations to Zhuosheng Jin (current DMus), winner of the 2020-2021 Luba Zuk Piano Duo Composition Prize! Zhuosheng’s composition is slated to premiere at the Schulich School of Music in 2022.
Announcing the Recipient of the 2020-2021 Andrew Svoboda Prize for Orchestral Composition
Congratulations to Chelsea Komschlies (current PhD), winner of the 2020-2021 recipient of the Andrew Svoboda Prize for Orchestral Composition! Chelsea’s orchestral piece is slated to be premiered by the Symphony Orchestra during the 2022-2023 season.
Winners announced for the Andrew Svoboda Prize for Orchestral Composition and the Luba Zuk Piano Duo Composition Prize
The winners of the Andrew Svoboda Prize for Orchestral Composition and the Luba Zuk Piano Duo Composition Prize have been announced.
Professor Edward Klorman is part of 's Bicentennial Digital Time Capsule
After 200 years of trail-blazing research and innovation, continues to look towards the future.
Marcelo Wanderley is the Most Cited Author in the first 20 years of the NIME Conference
Congratulations to Prof. Marcelo Wanderley on his accomplishment as the most cited author over the entire lifetime of the New Interfaces in Musical Expressions (NIME) conference. With students and colleagues, he has co-authored 48 NIME papers presented at 17 conferences which had a total of 1,391 citations over 20 years [Fasciani & Goode, 2021. p. 24].
2020-2021 International Grant Winner (Master's Category — Music Research): Chooi Chong
Congratulations to Chooi Chong, winner of the 2020-2021 International Grant Writing Competition for master's students — Music Research
2020-2021 International Grant Winner (Master's Category — Performance): Christopher Keach
Congratulations to Christopher Keach, winner of the 2020-2021 International Grant Writing Competition for master's students — Performance
2020-2021 International Grant Winner (Doctoral Category — Music Research): Hester Bell-Jordan
Congratulations to Hester Bell-Jordan, winner of the 2020-2021 International Grant Writing Competition for doctoral students — Music Research
2020-2021 International Grant Winner (Doctoral Category — Performance): Alicia Choi
Congratulations to Alicia Choi, winner of the 2020-2021 International Grant Writing Competition for doctoral students — Performance
Percussionist David Therrien Brongo (current DMus) wins at the Prix d’Europe 2021
Percussionist David Therrien Brongo (current DMus) wins at the Prix d’Europe 2021.
2020-2021 Teaching Award Winner: Max Henry
Congratulations to Max Henry, winner of Schulich's 2020-2021 Teaching Award in the Teaching Assistant/Graduate Instructor Category.
2020-2021 Teaching Award Winner: Jennifer Messelink
Congratulations to Jennifer Messelink, winner of Schulich's 2020-2021 Teaching Award in the MUAR Teaching Assistant/Graduate Instructor Category.