MECH 362
Mechanical Lab 1
2 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Experiments will be performed in four areas: MECH 240 Thermodynamics, MECH 315 Vibrations, MECH 331 Fluid Mechanics 1, and MECH 346 Heat Transfer. Students should sign up to do experiments in one or more areas the term following the completion of one or more of the above courses. Students will not formally register for this course until the term in which they will complete all of the experiments.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
(Mech Lab):
This course consists of a set of experiments that support the theoretical background covered in the following courses:
MECH 240
Thermodynamics 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Thermodynamic systems and properties. First law of thermodynamics: energy, work and heat. State principle, p-v-T surfaces, phase equilibrium, ideal gas model. Second law of thermodynamics, entropy, exergy analysis. Energy analysis applied to steady and transient engineering systems including heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps, air compressors.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-1-5)
- Restrictions: Restricted to students in U1 or above.
- Terms
- Instructors
- David Frost, Dylan Caverly
- Dylan Caverly
MECH 315
Mechanics 3
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Single-degree-of-freedom systems; free vibrations; effect of damping; response to harmonic, periodic and arbitrary excitation. Lagrange's equations of motion. Vibrations of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Continuous systems.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Luc G Mongeau
- Luc G Mongeau
MECH 419
Advanced Mechanics of Systems
4 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Lagrange's equations of motion. Hamilton's principle. Variational methods. Discrete linear systems: analytical and numerical methods. Distributed parameter systems: exact solutions and discretization techniques. Electrical-mechanical-acoustical analogies. Stability of systems. Nonlinear dynamics: phase-plane, perturbation and other methods of solution.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 331
Fluid Mechanics 1
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Physical properties of fluids. Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow: stress in a continuum, rates of strain, rotation. Control volume analysis; conservation of mass, linear momentum and energy; Euler and Bernoulli equations; Flow measurement. Dimensional analysis and dynamical similarity. Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes and boundary layers.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Sivakumaran Nadarajah
- Timothy Lee
MECH 346
Heat Transfer
3 Credits
Offered in the:
- Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Basic concepts and overview. Steady and unsteady heat conduction. Fin Theory. Convective heat transfer: governing equations; dimensionless parameters; analogy between momentum and heat transfer. Design correlations for forced, natural, and mixed convection. Heat exchangers. Radiative heat transfer: black- and gray-body radiation; shape factors; enclosure theory. Thermal engineering design project.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Laurent Mydlarski
- Laurent Mydlarski
The main objective of this course is to expose students to experimental equipment, data collection, and reporting which would support the theoretical background obtained in these topics.
Students should sign up (without registration on Minerva) in teams of two students to do experiments in one or more areas the term following the completion of one or more of the above courses. Thus, this course should be completed over several semesters.
Students will not formally register for this course on Minerva until the semester in which they will sign up for their last topic(s) to complete a total of eight experiments (two experiments per topic).
To know more about the MECH Labs, please watch this short introductory video:
Please refer to the online University Calendar for course descriptions.
Academic Associate Director of Undergraduate Labs:
amar.sabih [at] (Amar Sabih)