MECH 447
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Equilibrium analysis of reacting systems, Hugoniot analysis, flame propagation mechanisms, introduction to chemical kinetics, models for laminar flame propagation, ignition, quenching, flammability limits, turbulent flames, flame instability mechanisms, detonations, solid and liquid combustion.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 497
Value Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Value Engineering is an in-depth analysis of an industrial product or process with a view to improving its design and/or performance to increase its worth. This is a workshop type of course. Projects will be supplied by industrial firms and students will work in teams with industrial personnel.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (0-8-1)
- Prerequisites: MECH 393 and completion of 45 credits
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 498
Interdisc. Design Project 1
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Completion of an individual project on an interdisciplinary theme with emphasis on a balanced combination on analysis and synthesis.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 499
Interdisc. Design Project 2
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: The individual project initiated in MECH 498 is continued and finalized in this course.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Timothy Lee, Dylan Caverly
MECH 500
Sel Topics in Mechanical Eng
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: A course to allow the introduction of new topics in Mechanical Engineering as needs arise, by regular and visiting staff.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Changhong Cao
- Andrew J Higgins
MECH 501
Special Topics:Mechanical Eng
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: A course to allow the introduction of new topics in Mechanical Engineering as needs arise, by regular and visiting staff.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 502
Topics: Mechanical Eng
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: A course to allow the introduction of new topics in Mechanical Engineering as needs arise, by regular and visiting staff.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 510
Engineering Acoustics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Vibratory and acoustic disturbances propagated in homogeneous media. Modelling of acoustic systems using lumped-parameters. Simple sound wave fields, transverse waves in strings and bars, longitudinal waves in bars, and transverse waves in membranes, beams, and plates. Basic wave propagation phenomena and sound source models.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 513
Control Systems
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: State-space modelling and related linear algebra. Controllability and observability of linear time-invariant systems and corresponding tests, system realizations. Stability: Bounded-Input-Bounded-Output (BIBO), internal, Lyapunov. Linear state feedback control: pole placement and root locus design methods, linear quadratic regulator. State observers: full- and reduced-order designs, separation principle, Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) design. Introduction to optimal control and optimal state estimation.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 515
Unsteady Gasdynamics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Fundamentals of unsteady gasdynamics. Shock and detonation waves in gases and condensed material. Condensed explosives: hydrodynamic theory, equations of state, initiation. Shock interactions. Blast wave theory, similarity methods, blast scaling.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 516
Computational Gasdynamics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics. Numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation laws: first- and higher-order upwind schemes; monotonicity and Godunov theorem; total-variation-diminishing schemes; Riemann solvers; treatment of source terms; multi-dimensional methods. Introduction to grid generation and adaptation. Methodology for the comparison of numerical and experimental results.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite(s): MECH 430 or permission of instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 522
Course not available
MECH 524
Compu Integrated Manufacturing
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: A study of the present impact of computers and automation on manufacturing. Computer-aided systems. Information modelling. Information system structures. Study of several types of production systems. Integration issues: inter-and intra-enterprise. Laboratory experience with manufacturing software systems.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 526
Course not available
MECH 528
Product Design
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: A study of the design issues present in product life cycle demands. Computer-aided systems. Rapid prototyping. Design for manufacturability. Integration of mechanics, electronics and software in products. Effect on design of product cost, maintainability, recycling, marketability.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite (Undergraduate): Permission of the instructor
- **This course will be held on July 14-26, 31, August 1, 2 and there will be an exam due on August 16, 2020.
- **Due to the intensive nature of this course, the standard add/drop and withdrawal deadlines do not apply. Add/drop is the first lecture day and withdrawal is the second lecture day.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 529
Course not available
MECH 530
Mech of Composite Materials
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Fiber-reinforced composites. Stress, strain, and strength of composite laminates and honeycomb structures. Failure modes and failure criteria. Environmental effects. Manufacturing processes. Design of composite structures. Computer modelling of composites. Computer techniques are utilized throughout the course.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Corequisite: MECH 321 or equivalent/instructor's permission.
MECH 531
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Kinematics and dynamics of a UAV. Aerodynamic forces and moments on a fixed-wing UAV. Application of linear systems analysis for fixed-wing UAVs. Flight control and
autopilots for UAVs. Navigation sensors and state estimation based on Kalman filtering. Guidance strategies and the basics of path planning.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 532
Aircraft Perform,Stablty&Cntl
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Aircraft performance criteria such as range, endurance, rate of climb, maximum ceiling for steady and accelerated flight. Landing and take-off distances. Static and dynamic stability in the longitudinal (stick-fixed and stick-free) and coupled lateral and directional modes. Control response for all three modes.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 533
Subsonic Aerodynamics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Kinematics: equations of motion; vorticity and circulation, conformal mapping and flow round simple bodies. Two-dimensional flow round aerofoils. Three-dimensional flows; high and low aspect-ratio wings; airscrews. Wind tunnel interference. Similarity rules for subsonic irrotational flows.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-1-5)
- Prerequisite (Undergraduate): MECH 331
MECH 534
Air Pollution Engineering
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Pollutants from power production and their effects on the environment. Mechanisms of pollutant formation in combustion. Photochemical pollutants and smog, atmospheric dispersion. Pollutant generation from internal combustion engines and stationary power plants. Methods of pollution control (exhaust gas treatment, absorption, filtration, scrubbers, etc.).
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 535
Turbomachinery and Propulsion
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to propulsion: turboprops, turbofans and turbojets. Review of thermodynamic cycles. Euler turbine equation. Velocity triangles. Axial-flow compressors and pumps. Centrifugal compressors and pumps. Axial-flow turbines. Loss mechanisms. Dimensional analysis of turbomachines. Performance maps. 3-D effects. Introduction to numerical methods in turbomachines. Prediction of performance of gas turbines.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 536
Aerospace Structures
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Aircraft and spacecraft structural components and loads. Bending, shear, torsion and buckling of thin-walled open and closed sections. Structural idealization. Principle of stiffener / web construction. Trusses and isogrid structures. Wing spars and box beams. Fuselage frames and wing ribs. Analysis of riveted, bolted and
adhesive joints. Sandwich structures analysis. Thermoelasticity analysis for spacecraft structures.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: MECH 321 or equivalent
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MECH 432.
MECH 537
Course not available
MECH 538
Course not available
MECH 539
Computational Aerodynamics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Fundamental equations. Basic flow singularities. Boundary element methods. Source, doublet and vortex panel methods for 2D and 3D incompressible and compressible flows. Method of characteristics. Euler equations for inviscid rotational flows. Finite-difference and finite-volume methods. Explicit and implicit time-integration methods. Quasi 1D solutions. Nozzle and confined aerofoil applications.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 541
Course not available
MECH 542
Spacecraft Dynamics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Review of central force motion; Hohmann and other coplanar transfers, rotation of the orbital plane, patched conic method. Orbital perturbations due to the earth's oblateness, solar-lunar attraction, solar radiation pressure and atmospheric drag. Attitude dynamics of a rigid spacecraft; attitude stabilization and control; attitude manoeuvers; large space structures.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 543
Design With Composite Mat'ls
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Material systems/selection process. Cost vs. performance. Laminate layup procedures. Theory and application of filament winding of composite cylinders. Regular oven and autoclave oven curing, analysis of resulting material performance. Practical design considerations and tooling. Analysis of environmental considerations. Joining techniques. Analysis of test methods. Theory of repair techniques.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 544
Processing of Composite Mat
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Composite processing science basic principles. Reinforcement properties; permeability, compaction. Resin properties; curing, viscosity, shrinkage. Heat transfer and cure kinetics; cure cycle optimization. Resin flow; infusion, thickness variations, fiber volume fraction distribution. Residual stresses; tool-part interaction, warpage control, spring-back, tool design. Thermoplastic composites; crystallization control, melting and consolidation.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: MECH 530 or permission of instructor.
- Restriction: This course requires the use of a finite element software, so experience with finite elements is recommended.
MECH 545
Course not available
MECH 546
FEM in Solid Mechanics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Discrete systems; variational formulation and approximation for continuous systems; direct and variational methods of element formulation in 1- 2- and 3 dimensions; formulation of isoparametric finite elements; plate and shell elements; finite element method for static analysis, vibration analysis and structural dynamics; introduction to nonlinear problems.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- Instructors
- Mathias J Legrand, Pascal Hubert
MECH 547
Mechanics of Biological Matls
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Mechanics of proteins (collagen, keratin), polysaccharides (cellulose, chitin), cells, skin, bone, teeth, seashells, insect and arthropod cuticles. Emphasis on microstructure-property-function relationships and on multiscale approach. State-of-the-art experimental and modelling techniques. Self-healing and adaptive biological materials.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 548
Cellular Matls:Natl&Eng Struct
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Overview of hierarchical solids exhibiting cellular structure. Cell size, shape and topology of bending and stretching dominated materials, including periodic microtruss lattice, plant cellular tissue and trabecular bone. Theories for modelling the mechanics and the physical properties; design and optimization of multifunctional cellular solids for ultralight aerospace and biomedical applications.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 550
Vibrations of Contin. Systems
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to continuous systems. Discretization methods. Vibrations of Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams. Boundary conditions, intermediate supports and penalty method. Strain-displacement relationships for plates/shells. Vibrations of plates and shells. Sloshing and added mass. Effect of geometric imperfections and thermal loads. Introduction to nonlinear dynamics and stability. Introduction to experimental techniques.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 551
Nonlin Dyn of Shell Structures
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to nonlinear dynamics and stability; softening and hardening systems; bifurcations; Lyapunov exponents; nonlinear strain-displacement relationships; Lagrangian description; plates and shells; nonlinear vibrations of plates and shells; reduced-order models; stability of shells with cardiovascular application; supersonic flutter of circular cylindrical shells (rockets).
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 553
Design & Manuf of Microdevices
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Micromachining techniques (thin-film deposition; lithography; etching; bonding). Microscale mechanical behaviour (deformation and fracture; residual stresses; adhesion; experimental techniques). Materials- and process-selection. Process integration. Design of microdevice components to meet specified performance and reliability targets using realistic manufacturing processes.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 554
Course not available
MECH 557
Course not available
MECH 559
Eng. Systems Optimization
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Introduction to systems-oriented engineering design optimization. Emphasis on i) understanding and representing engineering systems and their structure, ii) obtaining, developing, and managing adequate computational (physics- and data-based) models for their analysis, iii) constructing appropriate design models for their synthesis, and iv) applying suitable algorithms for their numerical optimization while accounting for systems integration issues. Advanced topics such as coordination of distributed problems and non-deterministic design optimization methods.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 560
Eco-design and Product LCA
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Fundamentals of both product and process engineering with an emphasis on life cycle models and sustainability. Practical and theoretical topics, methodologies,
principles, and techniques. Practical methods such as Life Cycle Analysis, eco-design strategies, streamlined Life Cycle Assessment, environmental impact
assessment, and Life Cycle Engineering. Introduction to important product development theories and life cycle assessment theories.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 561
Biomech of Musculoskeletal Sys
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: The musculoskeletal system; general characteristics and classification of tissues and joints. Biomechanics and clinical problems in orthopaedics. Modelling and force analysis of musculoskeletal systems. Passive and active kinematics. Load-deformation properties of passive connective tissue, passive and stimulated muscle response. Experimental approaches, case studies.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 562
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Conservation laws, control volume analysis, Navier stokes equations, dimensional analysis and limiting forms of N-S equation, laminar viscous flows, boundary layer theory, inviscid potential flows, lift and drag, introduction to turbulence.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: MATH 271 or permission of instructor.
MECH 563
Biofluids&Cardiovascular Mech
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Basic principles of circulation including vascular fluid and solid mechanics, modelling techniques, clinical and experimental methods and the design of cardiovascular devices.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisites: CHEE 314 or MECH 331 or permission of instructor
- Restriction: Not open to students who have taken CHEE 563
MECH 565
Fluid Flow &Heat Trans. Equip
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Pipes and piping systems, pumps, and valves. Fans and building air distribution systems. Basic thermal design methods for fins and heat exchangers. Thermal design of shell-and-tube and compact heat exchangers.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 566
Fluid-Structure Interactions
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Pipes and cylindrical shells containing flow: fundamentals and applications in ocean mining, Coriolis mass-flow meters, heat exchangers, nuclear reactors and aircraft engines; chaos. Cylinders in axial flow and in cross-flow; vortex-shedding and galloping. Cylinder arrays in cross-flow; fluidelastic instabilities. Ovalling of chimneys.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 572
Mechncs&Contrl of RoboticManip
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Historical development and applications of robotic manipulators. Homogeneous
transformations and geometry. Forward and inverse kinematics, manipulator Jacobian.
Newton-Euler and Lagrangian formulations of inverse and forward dynamics. Trajectory
planning for pick-and-place operations. Linear independent joint control and nonlinear model-based control schemes.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 573
Mechanics of Robotic Systems
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Manipulator performance and design. Pick-and-place and continuous-path operations. Computation of rigid-body angular velocity and acceleration from point-data measurements. Inverse kinematics of serial manipulators with coupled architectures; kinetostatics of multifingered hands and walking machines. Kinematics and dynamics of parallel manipulators and wheeled mobile robots.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- (3-0-6)
- Prerequisite: MECH 309 or MATH 317, and MECH 572 or permission of the instructor.
- Since the course is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, and B- is the minimum passing mark for graduate students, this minimum mark will be relaxed for undergraduates. The regulations applicable to undergraduates will apply accordingly.
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 576
Course not available
MECH 577
Course not available
MECH 578
Advanced Thermodynamics
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: Review of classical mechanics; Boltzmann statistics, thermodynamics of ideal gases; Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, Gibbsian ensembles; elementary kinetic theory of transport processes, Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann H-theorem and entropy, KBG approximation, discussion on the solution of Boltzmann equation; Maxwell transport equations, derivation of Navier Stokes equations.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
MECH 579
Multidisciplinary Design Optim
3 Credits
Offered in the: - Fall
- Winter
- Summer
Mechanical Engineering: A comprehensive introduction to important algorithms in sensitivity analysis and multidisciplinary design optimization of large systems. Topics include: unconstrained and constrained optimization, sensitivity analysis, gradient-free optimization, multi-objective optimization, and various multidisciplinary algorithms and approaches for design optimization.
Offered by: Mechanical Engineering
- Terms
- This course is not scheduled for the 2024 academic year
- Instructors
- There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024 academic year
MECH 593
Course not available