Bauer, Karin
with Andrew Piper, Rethinking Graduate Studies. Seminar: A Journal of German Studies. 50:2 (2014) 139-41
“’Nach Auschitz Gedichte zu schreiben ist barbarisch’: Zu einer literaturhistorischen Intervention aus dem Gefängnis Köln-Ossendorf.†Die Künste und die RAF. Haus der Geschichte, Stuttgart, 2014.
Berman, Anna
Pierre and Familyhood†in Critical Insights: War and Peace, edited by Leighton B. Cooke, 166-180. Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing, 2014.
Competing Visions of Love and Brotherhood in Tolstoy’s and Prokofiev’s War and Peace.†Cambridge Opera Journal 26:3 (2014): 215-238.
Bolongaro, Eugenio
“The Fluidity of the Fantastic: Todorov’s Legacy to Literary Criticism.†Tricontre: Teoria Testo Traduzione 1 (2014): 1-22.
Boruchoff, David
“MartÃn de Murúa, Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, and the Contested Uses of Saintly Models in Writing Colonial American History.†Religious Transformations in the Early Modern Americas. Ed. Stephanie Kirk and Sarah Rivett. Philadelphia: Univ of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. Pp. 79-106 and 281-97. [47 pp. total]
“Indians, Cannibals, and Barbarians: Hernán Cortés and Early Modern Cultural Relativism.†Ethnohistory 62.1 (2015) [2014]: 17-38. [22 pp. total]
Kroha, Lucienne
The Drama of the Assimilated Jew: Giorgio Bassani’s Romanzo di Ferrara    University of Toronto Press, 313pp. 2014
Jesus Perez-Magallon
Writing Madrid, Writing Identity: A Spatial Dialogue between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.†The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque: Complex Identities in the Atlantic World. Ed. Harald E. Braun and Jesús Pérez-Magallon. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. 205-218.
“Introduction.†(With Harald E. Braun). The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque: Complex Identities in the Atlantic World. Ed. Harald E. Braun and Jesús Pérez-Magallon. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. 1-14.
“Los umbrales del Ramillete poético, de Tafalla y Negrete.†Criticón 119 (2013): 23-34 [Published February 2014]
“El Quijote, ¿un libro inglés? Calas en la recepción inglesa del Quijote.†La cultura española en la Europa romántica. Ed. José Checa Beltrán. Biblioteca Filológica Hispana 160. Madrid: Visor Libros, 2014. 107-120.
“Gregorio Mayans y la invención mitificadora de Cervantes.†Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Association of America 34.2 (2014): 187-202.
“El hispanismo en Canadá: una perspectiva.†El hispanismo en el mundo. Anuario del Instituto Cervantes (2014): 237-254.
“Cervantes frente a Calderón en la identidad nacional: en torno al Discurso de Erauso y Zavaleta.†eHumanista 27 (2014): 71-88.
“Obituario. Russell P. Sebold.’ eHumanista 27 (2014): 27-28.
“NecrologÃa. Russell P. Sebold.†Revista de Literatura 76.151 (2014): 11-13.
Minghelli, Giuliana
“Photography and the Construction of National Identity†with Sally Hill and Roberta Valtorta, in Stillness in Motion: Italy, Photography and the Meanings of Modernity (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014) 27-66.
“Eternal Speed/ Omnipresent Immobility: Futurism and Photography†in Stillness in Motion (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014) 97-130
Interview with photographer Franco Vaccari in in Stillness in Motion (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014) 333-347
Piper, Andrew
“The Werther Effect I: Goethe, Objecthood, and the Handling of Knowledge.†Co-authored with Mark Algee-Hewitt. Distant Readings: Topologies of German Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century. Ed. Matt Erlin and Lynn Tatlock (Rochester: Camden House, 2014) 155-184.
Of Automatics: Sophie von la Roche and the Life of the Writer’s Desk.†Women’s Writing. Special Issue: “Women’s Writing Materials of the Eighteenth Century.†21.3 (2014): 405-415., 2014) 155-184.
Posthumous, Stephanie
“Écocritique et ecocriticism. Repenser le personnage écologique.†La pensée écologique et l’espace littéraire. Eds. Sylvain David and Mirella Vadean. Montreal: Figura, 2014. 15-33.
Co-author, Stéfan Sinclair. “Reading Environment(s): Digital Humanities and Ecocriticism.†Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism. 18.3 (2014): 254-73.
“Pour une écocritique interdisciplinaire et engagée. Analyse de la nature et de l’environnement dans les sciences humaines.†Formes poétiques contemporaines 11 (2014): 7-30.
“Les Enjeux des animaux (humains) chez Michel Houellebecq, du darwinisme au post-humanisme,†French Studies Vol. LXVIII.3 (2014): 359-76.
“Portraits de l’homo litteratus dans le darwinisme littéraire et La Possibilité d’une île de Michel Houellebecq.†@nalyses, Revue de critique et de théorie littéraire, 9.2 (2014): 70-95.
Sibbald, K.M.
Sibbald, K.M. “Convergencias y divergencias culturales: T.S. Eliot, The Criterion y la España de los años 20 y 30.†La Nueva Literatura Hispánica “(Valladolid), 17 (2014): 167-83.
 “BibliografÃa del BoletÃn 18-13.†BoletÃn de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas 18/13 [2014]: 20-22.
Sinclair, Stéphane
With Geoffrey Rockwell. (2014) “Les potentialités du texte numérique†in Pratiques de l’édition numérique. Presses universitaires de Montréal.
(2014). Thinking Bigger: Reflections on the Digital. Edited by Jillian Tomm Richard Virr. Meetings with Books: Special Collections in the 21st Century, º«¹úÂãÎè. 125-132.
With Stephanie Posthumus. (2014). Reading environment(s): digital humanities meets ecocriticism. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism. 18(3): 254-273.
With Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Stan Ruecker, Stan, Nadine Adelaar, Susan Brown, Teresa Dobson, Ruth Knechtel, Susan Liepert, Andrew MacDonald, Ernesto Peña, Milena Radzikowska, Geoff G. Roeder, Jennifer Windsor. (2014). Academic Prototyping as a Method of Knowledge Production: The Case of the Dynamic Table of Contexts. Scholarly and Research Communication. 5(2).
Soranzo, Matteo
â€Un’identita religiosa nel primo Cinquecento: gli Hymni Heroici Tres di Gianfranancesco Pico della Mirandola.†Journal of Italian Studies 2015
â€A new look at spirituality: transformation and knowledge in EM Italy.†Journal of Religion in Europe 2015.Â