

Austin, Paul M.

Russia and Ukraine: Literature and the Discourse of Empire from Napoleonic to Postcolonial Times, Ed. Myroslav Shkandrij, Slavic Review 63.3, 2004: 641-642.

Bauer, Karin

"Nietzsche, Enlightenment, and the Incomplete Project of Modernity." Habermas, Nietzsche, and Critical Theory. Ed. Babette Babich. New York: Prometheus Books, 2004. 105-22.

Boruchoff, David A.

“El fin de los amores de Teágenes y Cariclea, y los fines del Persiles.†Peregrinamente peregrinos. Actas del V Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Cervantistas. Ed. Alicia Villar Lecumberri. 2 vols. Madrid: Asociación de Cervantistas, 2004. 1: 221-37.

“The Poetry of History.†Colonial Latin American Review 13.2 (December 2004): 275-82.

“Free Will, Beauty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Don Quijote and the Moral Intent ofPastoral Literature.†Cervantes y el IV Centenario del Quijot. Special inaugural volume of Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos 1 (2004): 121-35.

Review of Ãlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca. Ed., trans. and introd. Rolena Adorno and Patrick Charles Pautz. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2003. Early American Literature 39.2 (2004): 385-93.

Goldsmith-Reber, Trudis E.

"Heinrich Böll, Group Portrait with Lady. " Encyclopedia of Catholic Literature. Ed. Mary R. Reichardt . Vol.I. Westport, Connecticut. London: Greenwood Press, 2004. 52-61.

Holmes, Amanda

“Estética y dictadura: ‘Grafitti’ de Julio Cortázar.†Cuadernos Literarios 2.3 (2004): 85-94.

Review of The Supernatural in Short Fiction of the Americas: The Other World in the New World by Dana Del George. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 28.2 (2004): 437-9.

Reprint of “Residential Unhomes in Short Stories by Julio Cortázar and Ilse Aichinger.†Short Story Criticism Volume 76. Ed. Joseph Palmisano. New York: Thomson Gale Publishers, 2005. 173-182.

Hsia, Adrian

“Euro-Sinica: The Past and the Future.â€Â Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies. 1.1, (June) (2004). 17-58.

“Goethes poetische Chinareise.â€Â ³Ò´Ç±ð³Ù³ó±ðÂá²¹³ó°ù²ú³Ü³¦³óÌý120 (2003) [2004]. 182-195.

“Hermann Hesse und das (nicht so ferne) Asien.â€Â Hermann Hesse Jahrbuch I (2004): 19-30.

and Irene Eber. “Center for Memory – The Jewish Cemetry in Hong Kong.†Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry (Winter-Spring 2004): 333-349.

“Richard Wilhelm’s Reception of Confucianism in Comparison with James Legge’s and Max Weber’s.â€Â Journal of Ecumenical StudiesÌý³Õ³¢/1-2.96-110.

“Hermann Hesse e la (non così lontana) Asia. Hermann Hesse E L’â€Altroâ€. Ed. Mauro Ponzi. Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2004. 17-27.

Jouve-Martín, José

“El rapto de Elena: Fiestas de mulatos por el nacimiento del Príncipe Baltasar Carlos.†La literatura Iberoamericana en el 2000: Actas del XXXIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana by Carmen Ruiz Barrionuevo. Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, 2003.732-737.

“En olor de santidad: Cultos locales y política de canonizaciones en el Virreinato dell Latin American Review 13: 2 (2004).

Lombardi, Elena

“Traduzione e riscrittra: da Folchetto al Notaio.â€Â The Italianist, 24 (2004): 5-19.

Macchi, Fernanda

“El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega en la edición de Andrés González de Barcia,†Actas del XXXIV Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. Iowa : University of Iowa Press, 2004. 239-258.

Cecilia Valdés soy yo, Hecho Teatral. Univesitas Castellae. Valladolid. III (2003). 75-87.

Patera, Tatiana

Collection of Tver’ University. Tver’, Russia. February 2004.

A Concordance to the Poetry of Joseph Brodsky. Volumes 5-6. Lewinston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004.

Parts, Lyudmila

“Degradation of the World or the Adventures of an Intelligent in Viktor Pelevin’s Generation P’.â€Canadian Slavonic Papers XLVI. 3-4, (September-December 2004): 435-449.

Pérez-Magallón, Jesús

“La identidad nacional y Calderón en la polémica teatral de 1762- 64†(with Olga Bezhanova) Revista de Literatura 66.131 (2004): 99-129.

“Crisis del imperio y quiebras de la modernidad.â€

“El sí de las niñas o la consumación de un sueño.†Arbor 177.699-700 (Marzo-Abril 2004): 649-63.

Review of “Leandro F. de Moratín. El sí de las niñas. Ed. Emilio Martínez Mata. Madrid: Cátedra. 2002.

†Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 81 (2004): 409-10.

Review of “Fernando Doménech. Leandro Fernández de Moratín. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis, 2003. 206 pp.†Dieciocho 27.2 (Fall 2004): 399-401.

“Locura y normalidad: el anti-modelo varonil en El egoísta, de María Rosa Gálvez de Cabrera.†Hecho Teatral 3 (2003): 11-35 [Published in 2004].

Peters, Paul

“Leib und Seele: oder die Heinesche Transsubstantiation.†... und die Welt ist so lieblich verworren: Heinrich Heines dialektisches Denken. Festschrift für Joseph A. Kruse. Ed. Bernd Kortländer and Sikander Singh. Aisthesis: Bielefeld, 2004. 39-73.

“Mysteriöse Ãœbergänge: Anmerkungen zu einem Motiv bei Volker Braun.â€Â Volker Braun in Perspective. Ed. Ralf Jucker.German Monitor Series, Rodopi: Amsterdam/ New York, 2004. 91-109. Also published as: “Mysteriöse Ãœbergänge - ein Motiv bei Volker Braun.â€Â Weimarer Beiträge 2/50 (2004): 195-211.

"Heine et Baudelaire ou la formule alchimique de la modernité." L'année Baudelaire 8 (2004) : 57-83.

Predelli, Maria

 “The Italian CantareÌý´Ç´ÚÌýBel Gherardino: a Source for Partonopeus?â€Â Medievalia 25.2 (2004): 37-47.

“Fra ‘cortesia’, continenza e magnificenza: reinterpretazioni di un motivo erotico†Proceedings of the Conference “Transitions: Perspectives on Shifts in Italian Literature and Linguisticsâ€. Ed. Dario Brancato et al. Fiesole: Cadmo, 2004 : 91-103.

Review of : La mémoire du Texte. Intertextualités italiennes, a cura di Claude Perrus e Marina Marietti. (Arzanà. Cahiers de littérature médiévale italienne, n. 6) Paris : Presses de la Sorbonne nouvelle, 2000). Annali d’Italianistica,2004: 425-26.

Schmidt, Josef

with Mary Simon. "Holy and Unholy Shit: The Pragmatic Context of Scatological Curses in Early German Reformation Satire." Fecal Matters in Early Modern Literature and Art. Ed. Jeff Persels and Russell Ganim. Studies in European Cultural Transition. Vol. 21. Hampshire, England: Ashgate, 2004. 109-117.

“Gertrud von le Fort, The Song at the Scaffold. †Encyclopedia of Catholic Literature. Ed. Mary R. Reichardt, Vol. II. Westport, Connecticut. London: Greenwood Press, 2004. 422-429.

and Laszcewska, Edyta. “Henryk Sienkiewicz, Quo Vadis?â€Â Encyclopedia of Catholic Literature. Ed. Mary R. Reichardt, Vol. II. Westport, Connecticut. London: Greenwood Press, 2004. 638-649.

“.†Rhetor I (2004): 1-7. Electronic edition.

Review of Die Entdeckung des Altertums. Der Umgang mit der römischen Vergangenheit Süddeutschlands im 16. Jh.by Martin Ott. The 16th Century Journal XXXV/4 (2004): 1193f.

Review of Vor der Literatur. Eine Evolutionstheorie der Poetik Alteuropas by Ingo Stöckmann. ²Ñ´Ç²Ô²¹³Ù²õ³ó±ð´Ú³Ù±ðÌý96 (2004): 121f.

Sibbald, Kathleen

"Spanish Studies: Literature 1898-1936." The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 64 (2003): 280-96. [Published 2004]

“Autobiografía como econografía; Rafael Alberpi y María Elena Walsch.â€

Short Review of “Nancy Hanway. Embodying Argentina: Body, Space and Nation in 19th-Century Narrative.†Choice 41.4 (2004): 741.

"An Unsuitable Job for a Woman? Irony and Subversion in the ‘Anatomical’ Discourses of Norah Lange." Essays in Luso-Hispanic Humor. Ed. Paul W. Seaver. Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press, 2004. 9-24.

"El hispanismo en el Canadá." Boletín de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas 10 (2004) 105-107.

Short review: “From the Forbidden Garden. Letters from Alejandra Pizarnik to Antonio Beneyto. Ed. Carlota Caulfield. Trans. Carlota Caulfield & Angela McEwan.†Choice 41.11 (2004): 2050.

Short review: "Josefina Ludmer. Corpus delicti: Crime and Argentine Literature.†Choice 42.4 (2004): 666.

Short review: “Kathleen Ann Myers. Neither Saints Nor Sinners. Writing the Lives of Women in Spanish America.†Choice 42.4 (2004): 666.

"Spanish Studies: Literature 1898-1936." The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 65 (2004): 269-87.

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