This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at with Talking Management for The Globe & Mail. Today I am sitting down with James Tansey from the University of British Columbia.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 27 Aug 2015

Cornwall's best chefs have gone all out to create some unique meals for Restaurant Week, a five-day celebration of Cornwall’s vibrant culinary scene.
...Born and raised in Cornwall, Sebastien (Mani) Manigat has over 10 years of hospitality, marketing and event management experience. A recent graduate of 's MBA program, Mani has also completed the Restaurant Management program at the French Culinary Institute in New York City. 

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Sebastien Manigat
Published on: 27 Aug 2015

Henry Mintzberg is Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at and the author of Rebalancing Society (2015)

This is written on behalf of Canada’s silenced majority – those of us who care deeply about our country but have been shut out by a government of micromanaged dogma. We consider Canada to be a nation of decency and balance, but for years we have been getting nastiness and bullying, alongside disrespect for basic democratic institutions.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, the globe and mail
Published on: 27 Aug 2015

Though it was recently announced that productivity in the US rose 1.3% from the previous quarter, Alan Greenspan is worried about the collapse in productivity: “I think it’s the most serious problem that confronts not only the United States but the world at large and more exactly the developed world especially. American productivity is not significantly different from zero growth in the last 6 or 8 quarters. 
... Reuven Brenner holds the Repap Chair at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management. The article draws on his Force of Finance (2001).

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 27 Aug 2015

For Immediate Release

World’s first Group MOOC set to ignite global social change

Classified as: edx, moocs, GROOC, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Group MOOC, press release
Published on: 26 Aug 2015

That plaintive cry you heard over the weekend was the sound of millions of teens and tweens around the world mourning the imminent loss of One Direction, the hugely popular British boy band launched by "X Factor" and "American Idol" svengali Simon Cowell.
... “There’s a spillover effect,” said Jui Ramaprasad, a professor at who teaches a course on the music business. “It’s not just the effect of One Direction’s sales.”

Classified as: Jui Ramaprasad, Entertainment Business, One Direction
Published on: 26 Aug 2015

Les étudiants d’été se voient souvent confier de nombreux dossiers lors de leur passage au bureau. Comment gérer la charge de travail parfois importante et les échéances ?
...Sabina a complété sa 3e année au baccalauréat en droit à l'Université de Montréal. Elle passe son deuxième été au sein du cabinet Gowlings à Montréal.

Read full article: , August 21, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Sabina Malderle
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

One of the most down to earth and helpful approaches to feedback that you should consider adding to your repertoire is one that I have taught to hundreds of managers in new manager courses: The Five Languages of Appreciation.

Written by Karl Moore.

Read full article: , August 20, 2015

Classified as: Karl Moore, forbes
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

Port of spain ONE Caribbean Media Group chief executive Dawn Thomas has announced the appointment of Anthony Shaw to the position of chief executive at the Nation Group in Barbados, effective September 1.

Read full article: , August 19, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Anthony Shaw
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

ѱMarc-Antoine La Rochelle devient conseiller juridique principal au sein de l’institution bancaire la Société Générale. Il se spécialise en services financiers et bancaires, droit immobilier, commerce en gros, financement de franchises et d’équipement. Diplômé en commerce de l’Université en 1994 et en droit de l’Université d’Ottawa en 1997, il détient également un certificat en droit minier de la Faculté de droit Osgoode.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Marc-Antoine La Rochelle
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

There are some places Wayne Griffith knows like the back of his hand.
... Griffith brought a wealth of knowledge and experience in the financial services industry to his new position at RBC. A graduate of Concordia University in Montreal, the Bajan holds a Bachelor’s degree of commerce and a number of other financial planning designations from Concordia, the Canadian Securities Institute, the Institute of Canadian Bankers and ’s Executive Institute.

Classified as: Executive Institute, Wayne Griffith
Published on: 24 Aug 2015

Taxi companies are playing catch-up in the battle for a smartphone presence. A Quebec company is developing its own app to allow taxi customers to order a cab from their phone, to track its location while en route and allow them to pay via their phone as well.
... “Uber has such a strong presence here already and has sort of become the market leader all of a sudden. Whether the taxi companies can get that back with this app will be interesting to see.” – says Jui Ramaprasad.

Classified as: Jui Ramaprasad, Uber
Published on: 21 Aug 2015

When British entrepreneur Oliver Proudlock visited France for a ski season he didn’t expect to sell a chalet and begin his start-up journey. Here is his story...
“I sold a small guest house in the French Alps for a friend a little over half a decade ago and stumbled upon a business model that really worked. I’d begun with a three-bedroom chalet in 2009, perched above the town of Chamonix, offering catered accommodation during the winter ski season and turning into a backpackers lodge once the snow had melted... "

Classified as: MBA, entrepreneurship, Oliver Proudlock
Published on: 21 Aug 2015

Choosing a post-secondary school is one of life's most important decisions. But Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Top Universities is making the choice a little easier for anyone who's considered studying in Montreal. 
... Montreal came seventh with a score of 380. QS praised it for having a number of Canada's "highest ranking institutions," including , which it has ranked second among Canadian universities. QS also praised Montreal's "relatively large and diverse student population." Indeed, it was tied with Coventry, England for the third-best "student mix" score.

Classified as: , Huffington Post, QS Rankings
Published on: 20 Aug 2015

Entrevue 60 secondes— Vous représenterez le Canada au Sommet de l’Alliance des jeunes entrepreneurs du G20 à Istanbul, du 7 au 9 septembre prochain. 
... Diplômée en commerce de l'Université , Stéphanie Brisson est chargée de projet et cofondatrice de Credo, un accélérateur de projects àimpacts sociaux, et de l'espace de travail collaboratif La Gare, situé dans le Mile-End. 

Classified as: BCom Alumni, stephanie brisson, G20
Published on: 19 Aug 2015


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