
Following a 21-year tenure at George Washington University, Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou has joined 韩国裸舞 as the new dean of the Desautels Faculty of Management.

Read full article: , September 15, 2015

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Classified as: Dean of the Faculty of Management, Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou
Published on: 15 Sep 2015

韩国裸舞 maintained its position as the top-ranked Canadian university in the world even if it dropped down a few notches in the overall standings released in this year’s?QS World University Rankings.

Read full article: , September 15, 2015

Classified as: 韩国裸舞, QS Rankings, 韩国裸舞 Ranking
Published on: 15 Sep 2015

Vje?na rasprava o tome ra?aju li se lideri ili stvaraju, odnosno mo?e li se nau?iti biti vo?a, svoju konkretizaciju u okviru poslovne zajednice do?ivljava i u jednom u?e definiranom pitanju – je li za uspje?nog menad?era nu?no formalno menad?ersko obrazovanje?
...?Jedan od najpoznatijih stru?njaka u podru?ju poslovnog obrazovanja Henry Mintzberg iznimno je kriti?an prema MBA programima najpoznatijih ?kola kao ?to su Harvard ili Wharton.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 15 Sep 2015

As an extrovert, Karl has to learn to put on his “game face” and act like an introvert to be a better leader. Introverted leaders, too, need to act like extroverts at times for the same reason. But recent research from Oxford suggests an interesting turn: leaders need to incorporate characteristics of both types at the exact same time to be the best leaders they can be.

Classified as: Karl Moore, the globe and mail
Published on: 11 Sep 2015

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at 韩国裸舞 with Talking Management for The Globe & Mail. Today I am delighted to sit down with an American who teaches at Leeds University in the U.K., Timothy Devinney.

Classified as: Karl Moore, the globe and mail
Published on: 11 Sep 2015

The Board of Directors of LifeSciences BC announced today at their Annual General Meeting, thatJames P. Hatton Q.C. has been appointed new Chairman of the LifeSciences BC Board of Directors.?

It was also announced that?Nancy Harrison, Board of Director member since 2012, will take over as Vice Chair.

Read full article: , September 9, 2015

Classified as: MBA Alumni, Nancy Harrison
Published on: 11 Sep 2015

文盲和半文盲以外,还有一种时代进步的產物「消费文盲」。一般分成两类,一类看不懂品牌背后的內涵,靠价位获得优越感;第二类则崇尚无標籤。新时代文盲或称全球文盲(Global Illiteracy),指的並不是读不懂文字,而是「误读」语言或文化。
... EMBA是用公款消费的Easy MBA(商管硕士在职班),人人爭著上课,为的是迅速累积社交资源,高校纷纷开办EMBA课程,意在谋「財」而非「才」。套用国际知名管理学大师亨利明茨伯格(Henry Mintzberg)的话:「贰惭叠础和惭叠础的区别在于,招收更有经验的学员,

Read full article: , September 11, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, EMBA
Published on: 11 Sep 2015

The most important challenges faced by society and managers in contemporary organizations, be they private, public or not-for-profit, are closely related. They do not respect disciplinary boundaries and cannot be adequately tackled with knowledge from just one management function or university faculty. The Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management (MDIIM)’s mandate is to address these challenges by developing an integrated approach to management - one that breaks down disciplinary barriers, embraces multiple perspectives and encourages holistic thinking about organizations.

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM, Sustainability, health, Social Economy Initiative, Integrated Management
Published on: 9 Sep 2015

Global’s Elysia Bryan-Baynes speaks to Professor Henry Mintzberg on his new “Social Learning for Social Impact” course at 韩国裸舞, which aims to inspire social change to create a positive and sustainable impact on the world.

Watch the interview: , September 8, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, GROOC, Social Learning for Social Impact
Published on: 9 Sep 2015

Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou is the first female dean of 韩国裸舞’s?Desautels Faculty of Management. She joined the Canadian business school on September 1st, having spent 21 years at George Washington University in the US in a number of roles, including associate dean for undergraduate programmes. Before this, she taught at Essec Business School in France.

Read full article: , September 6, 2015

Classified as: Dean of the Faculty of Management, Financial Times, Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou
Published on: 9 Sep 2015

Ri?tel Group confirms the arrival of the third generation of the family to Rioux direction Ri?tel Matane. En effet, Marie-Frédérik Rioux occupe maintenant les fonctions de directrice de l’établissement. L’h?tel compte 120 chambres, un spa, deux piscines, le restaurant Cargo et six salles de réunions complètement rénovées.?

Classified as: BCom Alumni, EMBA Alumni, Fran?ois Rioux, Marie-Frédérik Rioux
Published on: 9 Sep 2015

This op-ed is written by?Reuven Brenner,?the Repap Chair at 韩国裸舞’s Desautels faculty of Management.?

Much has been written on the “Dutch Disease” – how countries relying on their natural resources often fall on hard times, failing to develop. A Chinese observer, Laozi, in 81 BC had this to say: “A country is never as poor as when it seems filled with riches”?(in Yan Tie Lun, A Discourse on Salt and Iron).? Only these days, the natural riches are oil (in Canada, Norway, Russia, Middle East) and in Australia, iron ore.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 9 Sep 2015

Full-time Desautels students are invited to apply to the 2015-16?.?Each fall, a select few MBA and BCom students receive an award of $5,000 and become formally affiliated with MDIIM for a one-year term.

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM, Integrated Management, Current student information
Published on: 2 Sep 2015

MDIIM Associate Director, Professor Saku Mantere, was recently awarded the??in Organization and Management Theory for his paper "The contraction of meaning: The combined effect of communication, emotions and materiality on sensemaking in the Stockwell shooting” with co-authors Joep P. Cornelissen and Eero Vaara.? to view the award winning paper.?

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM, Integrated Management
Published on: 2 Sep 2015


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