Refonte de programmes, développement de spécialités, formules d'enseignement revues, choix de nouveaux axes stratégiques, besoins récemment identifiés chez des employeurs: les MBA (Master of Business Administration) sont constamment en évolution dans les universités québécoises. Coup d'oeil sur quelques tendances actuelles.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, MBA, Don Melville, Marie-José Beaudin
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

Les étudiants qui s'inscrivent aux programmes de MBA vont chercher des outils qui les aideront à transformer leurs rêves en réalité. En voici quelques-uns qui ont accepté d'expliquer leurs motivations et leurs ambitions.

... Guillaume Charpenel
Faculté de gestion Desautels de Cofondateur de Solexium (projets solaires sur toits)

Classified as: MBA Program, MBA Alumni, Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

Le MBA a la réputation d'être la voie d'accès aux promotions. Souvent, d'ailleurs, les universités calculent le salaire moyen de leurs diplômés quelques mois après la fin de leurs études, de même que le pourcentage d'augmentation salariale après le programme.
... Tout dépend de son profil. , par exemple, estl'université qui compte le plus d'étudiants internationaux, dont la plupart veulent immigrer auCanada, d'après Ѳ-Dzé𲹳ܻ徱, directrice duCentre de carrière de la faculté de gestion Desautels.

Classified as: La Presse, Marie-José Beaudin, Finding a job
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at with Talking Management for The Globe & Mail. Today I am delighted to sit down with Columbia Business School professor Adam Galinsky.

Classified as: Karl Moore, the globe and mail
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

The Desautels Faculty of Management launched a world’s first on September 16, coining a new word in the process. According to the people who put the course together, “Social Learning for Social Impact” is the very first GROOC (Group MOOC), a new massive open online course that’s designed to foster social collaboration, interaction and learning.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Leslie Breitner, Anita Nowak, GROOC, Social Learning for Social Impact, Carlos Rueda
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

In September 2015, MDIIM launched the first of two new courses for undergraduate non-management students:INTG 201 (Integrated Management Essentials 1) & INTG 202 (Integrated Management Essentials 2).The coursespresent the essentials of management (accounting, finance, information systems, marketing, operations, organizational behaviour and strategy)using an integrated approach, highlighting how organizations function as a whole and the importance of being able to work across functional and organizational boundaries.

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM, Integrated Management
Published on: 1 Oct 2015

HSBC Bank Canada has partnered with 10 top universities from coast to coast, establishing a new Award to help some of Canada's most deserving and internationally-minded students break through the financial barriers associated with completing an international university exchange program.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, HSBC
Published on: 1 Oct 2015

Thinkers50, the premier ranking of global business thinkers, today announced that Henry Mintzberg is to be the recipient of its 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award – previously won by Charles Handy and Ikujiro Nonaka.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Thinkers50, Lifetime Achievement Award, International Masters for Health Leadership (IMHL), International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM)
Published on: 1 Oct 2015

Peter Todd is the new Dean of HEC Paris.He explains his vision for HEC Paris, a "great school with its great challenges" that he vows to rise to, capitalizing on the excellence of our professors and students.

View the interview: , September 22, 2015
View the interview (in French): .

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd, HEC Paris
Published on: 29 Sep 2015

Depuis le 1er septembre, Peter Todd a succédé à Bernard Ramanantsoa, au poste de directeur général d'HEC Paris. Ce Canadien, ex-doyen venu de la faculté de management Desautels de l'université de Mc Gill à Montréal, compte bien donner une nouvelle dimension à l'école de Jouy-en-Josas.

Read full artilcle: , September 15, 2015

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd
Published on: 29 Sep 2015

The biggest automaker in the world admits it screwed up. Rigging emissions tests on its diesel cars will cost Volkswagen billions. But what's happened to car owners' trust?
Our guest is Henry Mintzberg, a Cleghorn professor of management studies at and author ofRebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond, Left, Right, and Center.He argues that what happened at Volkswagen was not a scandal, but a part of a pattern or syndrome.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Volkswagen
Published on: 29 Sep 2015

You’re late getting out the door and your six-year-old isn’t co-operating. You know it isn’t the best parental decision you’ve ever made but you offer him a treat if he agrees to obediently put on his shoes and get into the car. What’s the harm in that?

A study co-authored by Laurette Dubé of ’s Desautel Faculty of Management suggests there could be long-term consequences to these types of actions, especially if they become a regular routine.

Classified as: Laurette Dube, the globe and mail, Eating Behaviors
Published on: 29 Sep 2015

Written by Henry Mintzberg

‘What was Volkswagen thinking?’ This question makes a big assumption: that the Volkswagen people were thinking about anything beyond their greed. About decency, about our environment, about their progeny.

Okay, so you won’t be buying a Volkswagen. A Chevrolet? Watch out for the ignition. Or how about a Toyota? Just duck as the airbag comes your way. Do you, by any chance, see a pattern? Have webeen thinking?

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Volkswagen
Published on: 28 Sep 2015

It’s hard to hear anything over the chirping. Cardboard boxes filled with egg cartons and sheets of plastic buzz with thousands of young-adult crickets calling out to one another to mate.
... Gabriel Mott, the chief operating officer of Aspire Food Group, yells above the noise and points inside one of the boxes. “You see the one with the wings?” he asks. “That’s a female. They get their wings at their final stage.”

Classified as: MBA Alumni, aspire food group, gabriel mott
Published on: 28 Sep 2015

À l'heure oùPeter Toddprend la tête de HEC, avec un excellent track-record financier sur son précédent poste à , c'est l'occasion de faire un point sur la présence de HEC sur LinkedIn, réseau social où sont présents la plupart des dirigeants internationaux.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd, HEC Paris
Published on: 25 Sep 2015


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