This year’s Thinkers50 ranking publication is getting closer. Besides that, they have already announced thatHenry Mintzbergwill receive the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award. I think he is an excellent choice.

Read full article:, October 7, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Lifetime Achievement Award, Thinkers50
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

This IsKarl Mooreof the Desautels Faculty of Management at with Talking Management for The Globe & Mail. I am sitting down in Vancouver with Sheen Levine, from the University of Texas at Dallas and Columbia University.

Read full transcript:, October 6, 2015

Classified as: Karl Moore, the globe and mail
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

Uno de los paradójicos efectos de la crisis fue el aumento del prestigio de las 'business schools'.
...“Los MBA forman a la gente equivocada con métodos equivocados y traen consecuencias equivocadas”, llegó a afirmar uno de los más importantes gurús del 'management',Henry Mintzberg.

Read full artticle (in Spanish):, October 6, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

It's a Friday afternoon and mergers and acquisitions lawyer Giancarlo Salvo squeezes in a break at the Dentons law firm to get measured for a suit and dress shirts. He heads down to the lobby of Montreal's Place Ville Marie and steps into the Tailor2Go van parked out front where tailorNathan Kongis waiting.

Read full article:, October 5, 2015

Classified as: mcgill dobson cup, Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

Guthrie Stewartest nommé vice-président et chef mondial des marchés privés. Il est présentement professeur adjoint à la faculté de gestion de l'Université depuis septembre 2007, selon les informations disponibles sur LinkedIn.
Nathalie Bernierdevient vice-présidente, planification stratégique et d'affaires, et chef de la direction financière du gestionnaire de portefeuilles.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Faculty Advisory Board, Guthrie Stewart, Nathalie Bernier
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

O professor canadense Henry Mintzberg irá receber neste ano um prêmio da Thinkers pelo conjunto de sua obra. A entidade publica o ranking dos 50 pensadores de negócios mais influentes da atualidade a cada dois anos. Época NEGÓCIOS entrevistou Mintzberg em 2010. Confira os melhores momentos do bate-papo.

Read full article: , October 2, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Lifetime Achievement Award, Thinkers50
Published on: 5 Oct 2015

En1953, la société nord-américaine vit la prospérité d'après-guerre. Pour La Maison Simons, c'est une quatrième génération qui s'installe aux commandes, avec l'arrivée de Donald Simons.Né en 1929, le jeune homme d'alors 24ans détient un baccalauréat en commerce de l'Université (1949), et une maîtrise en administration des affaires, avec mention honorable, obtenue à l'Université Northwestern de Chicago (1950). Il acquiert de l'expérience dans un grand magasin de Chicago, avant de revenir à Québec prendre sa place au sein de l'entreprise.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Simons, Donald Simons
Published on: 5 Oct 2015

Canadian manufacturing could be on the brink of a much-needed investment boost from an unlikely source: the U.S. government.
... “Given that our dollar is weak, the timing is such that, if we are ready, we can take advantage absolutely,” said Saibal Ray, associate dean at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management.

Classified as: Saibal Ray, toronto star, Associate Dean, GE
Published on: 5 Oct 2015

6. Desautels Faculty of Management,

Full-time Program Length:20 Months
Full-time Program Cost:$79,500

Real-world exposure is key to Desautels’ program, with all students taking part in a 10-day international study trip and completing an experiential component consisting of a paid internship, study-abroad experience or field practicum.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, MBA, Canadian Business
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

Queen’s University School of Businesswill today announce that it has received the largest ever donation to a Canadian business school, with a Can$50m pledge from financier and entrepreneur Stephen Smith. It is also the largest gift given to Queen’s University in its history.
... In Montreal, became theDesautelsschool in 2005 following a Can$22m donation.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, Marcel Desautels
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

is the only Quebecuniversity to make the top 100in the 2015-16Times Higher Education World University Rankings. was ranked 38th overall out of the 800 universities ranked worldwide, placing one rank better than it did last year.Université de Montréal was ranked 113th, Université de Laval was in the low 200s, and bothConcordia University andUniversité du Québec à Montréal were ranked in the 400s.Université de Sherbrooke ranked in the 500s.

Classified as: Ranking, , Times Higher Education, University Rankings
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

Canadian business students have opportunities to study abroad, but financial barriers sometimes get in the way of pursuing an international experience. With that in mind, HSBC Bank Canada this week announced financial support for 60 business students from 10 Canadian schools over the next three years to spend a semester abroad as part of their undergraduate degree.

Classified as: Scholarships, Desautels Faculty of Management, HSBC
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

Walter Surface Technologies(Windsor, CT), a global industry leader in surface treatment technologies, has announced that Chester Collier, the senior vice-president of global distribution, has been appointed to the senior vice-president and general manager of the company’sBio-Circle North Americadivision.

Read full article: , October 1, 2015

Classified as: Advanced Management Program, Chester Collier
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

Twenty-five Canadian universities have been ranked in the top 800 worldwide byTimes Higher Education.The University of Toronto (19), University of British Columbia (34) and (38) are once again the top three Canadian institutions in the annual World University Ranking.

Read full article: , September 30, 2015

Classified as: Ranking, , Times Higher Education, University Rankings
Published on: 2 Oct 2015

MBA students at the Desautels Faculty of Management are immersing themselves in the world of the performing arts as a way to improve leadership skills through a unique workshop in collaborative leadership which uses theatrical improvisation techniques. Taught by actor, writer and producer Rob Nickerson, the workshop includes a series of progressively layered exercises in which students come to both intellectually understand and also experience the benefits of collaboration; seeing when it is present and also when it is absent.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management, MBA, mcgill reporter
Published on: 2 Oct 2015


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