Bombardier says it has no plans to pull the plug on the CSeries even though its efforts to secure a rescue deal from Airbus stoked fears about the future of the aircraft program and the company itself.
… Karl Moore, professor at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management, said Bombardier may sell a majority stake in its transportation division to raise funds but he’d be “astonished” if Bombardier’s new CEO Alain Bellemare bailed on the CSeries that is two years late and $2 billion over budget.

Classified as: Karl Moore, MBA Alumni, Faculty Advisory Board, Alain M Bellemare
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

I've got a bunch of endorsements awaiting my approval to add them to my LinkedIn profile.
... "If you want to understand the difference between a network and a community," management scholar Henry Mintzberg wrote this week on, "ask your Facebook friends to help paint your house."

Read full article: , October 10, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

Damiano Baj è Head of IT and Operations alla BSI Bank di Singapore. Ha 40 anni ed è via dall’Italia da quasi 15, da quando, con in curriculum una laurea in ingegneria gestionale del Politecnico di Milano e alcuni mesi di lavoro nel mondo della business intelligence e dei big data, è entrato alla Banca della Svizzera Italiana di Lugano come project manager nel settore IT.

Read full article (in Italian): , October 11, 2015

Classified as: IMPM Alumni, Damiano Baj
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

Singapore Airlines has appointed Simon Turcotte as New Zealand general manager. He replaces Edwin Chiang, who heads to Jakarta on October 31 to begin his new role as general manager of Singapore Airlines Indonesia.

Read full article: , October 12, 2015

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Simon Turcotte
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

Vieillissement, maladies chroniques, détresse psychologique, invalidité… les défis que doivent surmonter les entreprises pour protéger la santé de leur organisation sont aussi nombreux que les maux qui affligent les travailleurs d’aujourd’hui. Heureusement, des solutions novatrices émergent un peu partout sur la planète. « Selon l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, près de 68 % des travailleurs canadiens sont inactifs, 32 % vivent un stress modéré ou élevé au travail et 61 % souffrent de surpoids. Ce sont tous des problèmes évitables.

Classified as: EMBA Alumni, Marie‑Claude Pelletier
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

Up high in the air inside the Cirque du Soleil headquarters, trained staff step gingerly on taut metal wires.
… “The famous line from Guy was, ‘We’re a private company. That gives us the freedom to grow, as we didn’t have pressure to make quarterly earnings.’ I think that’s kind of gone now,” says Robert David, professor of strategic management at , who has followed the company from its early days.

Classified as: Robert David, Cirque du Soleil
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

This is Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at with Talking Management for The Globe & Mail.

Read full transcript: , October 14, 2015

Classified as: Karl Moore, the globe and mail
Published on: 26 Oct 2015

Humanity is faced with a list of daunting challenges.
... That was followed by Desautels Faculty of Management at , a program that has successfully reorganized itself in recent years around the more holistic concept of “integrated management.”

Read full article: , October 8, 2015

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management
Published on: 23 Oct 2015

I’ve got a bunch of endorsements awaiting my approval to add them to my LinkedIn profile.
... “If you want to understand the difference between a network and a community,” management scholar Henry Mintzberg wrote this week on, “ask your Facebook friends to help paint your house.”

Read full article: , October 9, 2015

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

La perspective que Bombardier ouvre la porte à des investissements étrangers n'effraie pas le chef du Parti libéral du Canada. Jeudi, Justin Trudeau s'est dit ouvert à cette possibilité, tant et aussi longtemps que cela ne mettait pas en péril les intérêts des Canadiens.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

Bombardier says it has no plans to pull the plug on the CSeries even though its efforts to secure a rescue deal from Airbus stoked fears about the future of the aircraft program and the transportation company itself.
...Karl Moore, professor at 's Desautels Faculty of Management, said Bombardier may sell a majority stake in its transportation division to raise funds but he'd be ``astonished'' if Bombardier's new CEO Alain Bellemare bailed on the CSeries that is two years late and $2 billion over budget.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

L'Institut des administrateurs de sociétés (IAS), la principale association nationale d'administrateurs et de conseils d'administration au Canada, a annoncé aujourd'hui que son programme phare, le Programme de formation des administrateurs (PPA), s'élargit à nouveau pour inclure Ottawa parmi ses villes d'accueil.

Classified as: Desautels Faculty of Management
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

Âgée de 22 ans, Claudia Torregrosa Tomas s’implique sans réserve afin d’être un vecteur de changement et de contribuer à façonner une société meilleure. Spécialisée en marketing et stratégies pour des entreprises sociales, elle est devenue coordinatrice de l’acquisition de talents chez TandemLaunch peu après l’obtention de son baccalauréat en commerce de l’Université . Depuis l’automne 2014, elle est également bénévole chez Exeko.

Classified as: BCom Alumni, Claudia Torregrosa Tomas
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

Reports that Bombardier Inc. approached rival Airbus Group to sell a majority stake of the CSeries aircraft program have set off fears that the company is in deeper trouble.
... “They are in trouble, and there are real cash flow issues,” said business professor Karl Moore, noting that’s why 𳾲was brought in as CEO. “It’s not a trivial thing to do.”

Classified as: Karl Moore, Faculty Advisory Board, Alain M Bellemare
Published on: 15 Oct 2015

On October 20 and 21, The Ontario Nonprofit Network will host its annual conference. Guided by four themes—advocacy, governance, assets and evaluation—the event will connect many of the province’s 55,000 nonprofit and charitable organizations, including volunteers, staff, directors, as well as experts, policy-makers, and others working in the sector.
... Keynote speakers will include Rick Cohen, a national correspondent for the American publication Nonprofit Quarterly, as well as Henry Mintzberg, the John Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at .

Classified as: undefined
Published on: 15 Oct 2015


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