Axis “Mobility, urban planning, and environment”

Nik Luka

Associate Director


Associate Professor,School of Urban Planning ()

Associate Professor, Peter Guo-Hua FuSchool of Architecture ()

Research interests

Public space; active means of transportation (walking, cycling, etc.); residential mobility; infrastructure as public space; dwelling; representations and mediations of urban space; infrastructure optimization

Contact information

815, Sherbrooke St. West
Office 407
Montreal (Quebec), Canada H3A 0C2
Phone: (514) 398-5925

nik.luka [at] (> Email)

> Webpage

Selected publications

[2023] Walking beyond the city ? On the importance of recreational mobilities for landscape planning, urban design, and public policy. Mobilities, 18 (5), 789–804. doi : 10.1080/17450101.2023.2242001

[2023] Recreational mobilities in (and beyond) the compact city. Mobilities,18 (5), 691–699. Cowritten with M. Qviström (lead) and D. Normark. doi : 10.1080/17450101.2023.2235088

[2022] Complementing citizen engagement with innovative forms of professional co-production : a renewed case for transdisciplinary charrettes. In H. L. Kong & T. Monforte (eds.), Sustainability, citizen participation, and city governance : multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 163–193). Toronto : University of Toronto Press. Cowritten with B. Aird and N.-M. Lister.

Nik Luka, « Beyond circular thinking: Geographies of Transit-Oriented Development ».International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 43(4), 786-793.Cowritten with M.Qviström (lead) and G. De Block, 2019.

Nik Luka. « Civic coproduction = Counterinstitutions + people. Make participation work by focusing on the possible ».Invited contribution to The Nature of Cities, 2018,Available online only.

Nik Luka « Rethinking the Kulturforum.Research report on Urban Development and Urban Design » (prepared for the School of Urban Planning, ). Cowritten with O. White (lead), 2018.

Nik Luka. "«Midtown» florissant : La Petite-Patrie aux abords du chemin de fer", inMontréal : la cité des cités,Juan-Luis Klein and Richard Shearmur(dir.), Montréal, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2017, p. 169-190.

Nik Luka,Hoi Kong(principal author), J. Cudmore and A. Dumas. "Deliberative democracy and digital urban design in a Canadian city : The case of the Online Design Studio", inDigital democracy in a globalised world,C. Prins, C. Cuijpers, P. L. Lindseth and M. Rosina (dir.). London,Edward Elgar, p. 180-200.

Nik Luka, Pierre-Étienne Gendron, Jaimie Cudmore and Vladimir Mikadze. "Pour un urbanisme des possibles dans le Quartier des spectacles", in Simon Harel, Joël Thibert and Laurent Lussier,Le Quartier des spectacles et ses marges, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2015.

Nik Luka. "Urban Spectacular: A Bold Series of Downtown Plazas Reintroduces Vibrant Urban Life Into Spaces Left Over From Postwar Megaprojects",Canadian Architect, vol. LVIII, n° 2, 2013, p. 18-22.

Daniel Steele and Nik Luka. "Constructing the Ideal Soundscape: A Practical Study on Closing the Gaps Between Soundscape and Urban Designers",Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,2012, vol. CXXXI, n° 4, p. 3475.

Nik Luka. "Finding Opportunities for Urban Sustainability in Cottage Life", in Ann Dale, William T. Duschenko and Pamela Robinson (dir.),Urban Sustainability: Reconnecting Space and Place, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2012, p. 171-210.

Ahmed El-Geneidy, AssumptaCerdá,Raphaël Fischlerand Nik Luka. "Evaluating the Impacts of Transportation Plans Using Accessibility Measures: A Test Case in Montreal",Canadian Journal of Urban Research: Canadian Planning and Policy, vol. XX, n° 1, 2011, p. 81-104.

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