Axis “Mobility, urban planning, and environment”

Kevin Manaugh

Regular member


Assistant Professor,Department of Geography ()

Assistant Professor, Bieler School of Environment ()

Research interests

Transport (History, Planning, Justice implications) Urban Sustainability

Contact information

Burnside Hall
805 Sherbrooke West
Montréal, QC H3A 0B9, Canada
Office: 424A
Phone: (514) 709-7853

Recent publications

  • Rodrigue, L., Soliz, A., Manaugh, K., El-Geneidy, A. (2023) Situating divergent perceptions of a rapid-cycling network in Montréal, Canada. Active Travel Studies
  • Ferster, C. Laberee, K., Nelson, T., Manaugh, K., Winters, M. (2023) Developing a national dataset of bicycle infrastructure for Canada using open data sources. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
  • Breau, S., Wylie, M., Manaugh, K., Carr, Samantha (2023) Inclusive growth, public transit infrastructure investments and neighbourhood trajectories of inequality in Montreal. Environment and Planning A
  • Zhao, Q., Manaugh, K. (2023) Introducing a Framework for Cycling Investment Prioritization Transportation Research Record
  • Hickson, S. Badami, M., DeWeese, J., Manaugh, K., El-Geneidy, A. (2023). Who is buying SUVs and Light Trucks in Montreal? A Factor and Cluster Analysis. Transportation Research Record
  • Rodrigue, L., Daley, J., Ravensberger, L., Manaugh, K., Wasfi, R., Butler, G., El-Geneidy, A. (2022) Factors influencing subjective walkability: Results from built environment audit data. Journal of Transport and Land Use 15 (1), 709-727
  • Winters, M., Beairsto, J., Ferster, C., Labaree, K., Manaugh, K., Nelson, T. (2022) The Canadian Bikeway Comfort and Safety metrics (Can-BICS): national measures of the bicycling environment for use in research and policy. Health reports 33 (10), 3-13

Selected publications

Colinas, J.Manaugh, K.and Bush, P.The socio-environmental impacts of public urban fruit trees: A Montreal case study,Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 2018.

Furneaux, A. and Manaugh, K.Eyes on the Alley: Children’s Appropriation of Alley Space in Riverdale, Toronto,Children’s Geographies, 2018.

Linovski, O., Baker, D. and Manaugh, K."Equity in practice? Evaluations of equity in planning for bus rapid transit",Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. CXIII, 2018, p.75-87.

Battista, G. and Manaugh, K."Stores and Mores: Toward Socializing Walkability",Journal of Transport Geography,vol. LCVII, 2018, p. 53-60.

Battista, G. and Manaugh, K."My Way or the Highway? Framing transportation planners' attitudes in negotiating professional expertise and public insight",Transportation,2017.

Battista, G. and Manaugh, K."Illuminating Spaces in the Classroom with Qualitative GIS",Journal of Geography in Higher Education,2017.

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