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G. Sydow-Plum, Z. S. Haidar, Y. Merhi, M. Tabrizian (2008), "Modulating the Release Kinetics of Paclitaxel from Membrane-Covered Stents Using Different Loading Strategies", Materials, 1 25-43.
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F. Azari, H. Vali, J-L. Guerquin-Kern, T-D Wu, A. Croisy, S. K. Sears, M. Tabrizian, M. D. McKee (2008), "Intracellular precipitation of hydroxyapatite mineral and implications for pathologic calcification", J. Stuctural Biology, 162:468-479.
M. Herrmann, T. Veres, M. Tabrizian (2008), "Quantification of Low-Picomolar Concentrations of TNF-? in Serum Using the Dual-Network, Microfluidic ELISA Platform", Anal. Chem., 80(13):5160-7.
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Z. S. Haidar, R. C. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian (2008), "Core-shell hybrid nanoparticles through layer-by-layer assembly of alginate and chitosan on liposomes for protein delivery: Characterization and release kinetics", Biomaterials, 29(9):1207-15.
K. Douglas, C. Piccirillo, M. Tabrizian (2008), "Cell-Line Dependent Internalization Pathways and Intracellular Trafficking Determine Transfection Efficiency of Nanoparticle Vectors", European Journal of Pharmaceutics, 68:676-687.
A. L. Hillberg, M. Tabrizian (2008), "Biomolecule imprinting: Developments in mimicking dynamic natural recognition systems", ITBM-RBM 29:89-104.
L. Marcotte, M. Tabrizian (2008), "Sensing surfaces: Challenges in studying the cell adhesion process and the cell adhesion forces on biomaterials", ITBM-RBM 29:77-88.
Z. Haidar, R. Hamdy, M. Tabrizian, "A novel OP-1 delivery system for the potential acceleration of regenerate formation and consolidation in distraction osteogenesis", International Conference on Osteoporosis and Bone Research/IBMS 2008, Beijing, China and published in Bone 43 (2008) S38-S75: A36.