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Tanzer M, Karabasz D, Cohen R, Krygier JJ, Bobyn JD: Bone augmentation around and within porous implants by local bisphosphonate elution. Clin Orthop 441:30-9, 2005.

Bobyn JD, Tanzer M, Glassman AH. Stress related bone resorption. In: Joint Replacements and Bone Resorption: Pathology, Biomaterials, and Clinical Practice (Shanbhag AS, Rubash HE, Jacobs JJ, eds). Marcel Dekker, NY, 2005.


Chang TMS (2005). Therapeutic applications of polymeric artificial cells. Nature Review: Drug Discovery 4: 221-235

Chang TMS (2005) Methods for microencapsulation of enzymes and cells. Methods in Biotechnology 17:289-306

Chang TMS (2005) Red Blood Cell Substitutes: Past, Present and Future pp 22-33. In Artificial Oxygen Carriers, ed. K.Kobayashi, E. Tsuchida, H. Horinouchi. Spring-Verlag

Chang TMS (2005) The role of artificial cells in cell and organ transplantation in regenerative medicine Panminerva Medica 47: 1-9

Man-Yan Wang, Yao-Ting Yu, T.M.S.Chang (2005) New method for preparing more stable microcapsules for the entrapment of genetically engineered cells. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes & Biotechnology 33: 257-269

Liu ZC & T.M.S.Chang (2005) Transplantation of bioencapsulated bone marrow stem cells improves hepatic regeneration and survival of 90% hepatectomized rats: a preliminary report. , international journalArtificial Cells, Blood Substitutes & Biotechnology 33(4): 405-410

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Chen JT, Collins DL, Freedman MS, Atkins HL and Arnold DL. Local magnetization transfer ratio signal inhomogeneity is related to subsequent change in MTR in lesions and normal-appearing white-matter of multiple sclerosis patients. Neuroimage 2005;25:1272-1278

Mercier L, Lango T, Lindseth F, Collins DL. A review of calibration techniques for freehand 3-D ultrasound systems. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2005 Apr;31(4):449-71.

Duchesne S, Caroli A, Geroldi C, Frisoni GB, Collins DL: Predicting Clinical Variable from MRI Features: Application to MMSE in MCI. MICCAI 2005: 392-399

Toews M, Collins DL, Arbel T: Maximum a Posteriori Local Histogram Estimation for Image Registration. MICCAI (2) 2005: 163-170

Chakravarty MM, Sadikot AF, Germann J, Bertrand JG, Collins DL: Anatomical and Electrophysiological Validation of an Atlas for Neurosurgical Planning. MICCAI (2) 2005: 394-401


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Hampel H, Burger K, Pruessner JC, Zinkowski R, DeBernardis J, Kerkman D, Leinsinger G, Evans AC, Davies P, Moeller HJ, Teipel SJ (2005) Correlation of cerebrospinal fluid levels of tau protein phosphorylated at threonine 231 with rates of hippocampal atrophy in Alzheimer disease, Arch Neurol 62(5):770-3

Zijdenbos AP, Lerch JP, Bedell BJ, Evans AC (2005) Brain imaging in drug R&D, Biomarkers 10(1): 58-68

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Ladak HM, Funnell WRJ, Decraemer WF & Dirckx JJJ (2005): Measuring and modelling of the response of the cat eardrum to large static pressures. Can. Acoustics 33(3): 74-75

Funnell WRJ, Siah TH, McKee MD, Daniel SJ & Decraemer WF (2005): On the coupling between the incus and the stapes in the cat. JARO 6(1): 9-18

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Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2005): Issues in modelling the mechanics of the middle ear. Proc. 20th Can. Congress Applied Mechanics, 122-123 (invited)


Lee W & Galiana HL, An internally switched model of ocular tracking with prediction, IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehab. Eng., Vol 13(2): 186-193, June 2005 (invited paper).

Chan W & Galiana HL, Integrator function in the oculomotor system is context-dependent, J. Neurophysiol. 93: 3709-3717, 2005.

Motto AL, Galiana HL, Brown KA & Kearney RE, Automated phase analysis of thoracic and abdominal breathing movements in infants, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 52: 614-621, 2005.

Kukreja S, Galiana HL, & Kearney RE, A Least-Squares Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Switched Hammerstein Systems with applications to the VOR , IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 52: 431-444, 2005.

Motto A L, Galiana H L, Brown K A and Kearney R E (2005). Automated Phase Estimation of Thoracic and Abdominal Respiratory Signals in Infants. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52: 614-621.

Khachani M & Galiana HL, Towards biomimetic control of a three-link robotic arm in two dimensions, Proc. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Shanghai, China, Sept. 1-4, 2005 (4 pages)

Semienchuk SM, Motto AL, Galiana HL, Brown KA & Kearney RE, A portable, PC-based monitor for automated, on-line cardiorespiratory state classification, Proc. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Shanghai, Sept. 1-4, 2005. (4 pages)

Motto AL, Galiana HL, Brown KA & Kearney RE, On stochastic representation of residual time series from observed respiratory movments, 18th Annual Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 1-4 2005 (4 pages)


Delamarche E, Juncker D, and Schmid H, Microfluidics for Processing Surfaces and Miniaturizing Biological Assays, Advanced Materials, 17, 2911 - 2933, 2005.

Juncker D, Schmid H, and Delamarche E, Multipurpose Microfluidic Probe, Nature Materials 4, 622-628, 2005.

Oberti S, Stemmer A, Juncker D, Dürig U, and Schmid H, Microsqueeze Force Sensor Useful as Contact-Free Profilometer and Viscometer, Applied Physics Letters 86, 063508, 2005.

Umbrecht F, Wendlandt M, Juncker D, and Hierold C, A Wireless Implantable Passive Strain Sensor System, IEEE Sensors 2005 Conference, Irvine, CA, pp. 20-23.

Juncker D, Schmid H, and Delamarche E, Microfluidic Probe with Hydrodynamic Flow Confinement, microTAS, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Boston, MA, pp. 1048-1050.

Juncker D, Schmid H, and Delamarche E, Programming of Capillary Effects for Liquid Confinement and Automatic Flow Control in Microfluidic Probes, microTAS, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Boston, pp. 596-598.

Zimmermann M, Bentley S, Juncker D, Schmid H, Hunziker P, and Delamarche E, Locally Controlling the Environment of a Microfluidic Chip and Controlling Its Flow Rates, microTAS, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Boston, pp. 578-580.


Kukreja SL, Galiana HL, Kearney RE (2005) A Least-Squares Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Switched Hammerstein Systems. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 52:431:444.

Motto A L, Galiana H L, Brown K A and Kearney R E (2005). Automated Phase Estimation of Thoracic and Abdominal Respiratory Signals in Infants IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52: 614-621.

Galiana L, Fung J and Kearney R (2005). Identification of intrinsic and reflex ankle stiffness components in stroke patients. Exp Brain Res 165:422-434

Waterbury RG, Punwani K, Bergeron JJMB and Kearney RE. Electron Microscopy Design and Automated Control of the Proteomic Organellar Preparation Robot. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 10:246-253.

Yanofsky CM, Bell AW, Lesimple S, Morales F, Lam TT, Blakney GT, Marshall AG, Carrillo B, Lekpor K, Boismenu D, and Kearney RE. (2005) Multicomponent internal recalibration of an LC-FTICR-MS analysis of a partially characterized complex peptide mixture. Analytical Chemistry 77: 7246:7264

Carrillo B, Lekpor K, Yanofsky C, Bell A, Boismenu D, and Kearney RE, (2005) Optimizing peptide identification in liquid chromatography coupled tandem mass spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 16:1816-26

Liu J, Carrillo B, Yanofsky CM, Beaudrie CEH, Morales F, Kearney RE (2005) Boosting speed of MS/MS Peptide Sequencing via Database Search by Spectral Profile Comparison. Online Journal of Bioinformatics 6:174:183.

Seliskar DP, Waterbury R, Kearney RE (2005) Proportional Microvolume Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor Array. In: 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, 4 pages.

Semienchuk S, Motto A, Galiana HL, Brown K, Kearney RE (2005) A Portable, PC-Based Monitor for Automated, On-line Cardiorespiratory State Classification. In: 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, 4 pages.

Warrick PA, Precup D, Hamilton E, Kearney RE (2005) Fetal Heart Rate Deceleration Detection from the Discrete Cosine Transform Spectrum. In: 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, 4 pages.


Samuel Clarke, Daniel M. Bahcheli, Zhijun Zhang, Annette Hollmann, and Jay L. Nadeau, Quantum dots as phototoxic drugs and sensors of specific metabolic processes in living cells, Proc. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Shanghai, 4 pages.

Jay L Nadeau, Samuel J Clarke, Rafael K Khatchadourian, Daniel M Bahcheli, Diana Suffern, Stephen E Bradforth, Mechanisms of quantum dot interactions with biological cells, Photonics North, Toronto, 2005, Proc. SPIE 5969: 9-21

Kloepfer JA, Bradforth S, Nadeau JL, Photo-physical properties of biologically compatible CdSe quantum dot structures, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109: 9996-10003 (2005)

Kloepfer JA, Mielke RE, Nadeau JL, Uptake of CdSe and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots into bacteria via purine dependent mechanisms, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(5):2548-57 (2005)


Levesque I, Sled JG, Narayanan S, Santos AC, Brass SD, Francis SJ, Arnold DL, Pike GB. The role of edema and demyelination in chronic T1 black holes: a quantitative magnetization transfer study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21;21(2):103-110, January 2005.

Stefanovic B, Pike GB. Venous Refocusing for Volume Estimation: VERVE Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53:339-347, February 2005.

Bagshaw AP, Hawco C, Bénar CG, Kobayashi E, Aghakhani Y, Dubeau F, Pike GB, Gotman J. Analysis of the EEG-fMRI response to prolonged bursts of interictal epileptiform activity. NeuroImage 24(4): 1099-1112, March 2005.

Thierry B, Faghihi S, Torab L, Pike GB, Tabrizian M. Magnetic Resonance Signal-Enhancing Self-Assembled Coating for Endovascular Devices. Advanced Materials 17, 826-830, March 2005.

Gracco V, Tremblay P, Pike GB. Imaging Speech Production Using fMRI, NeuroImage 26, 294-301, March 2005.

Campbell JSW, Siddiqi K, Rymar VV, Sadikot AF, Pike GB. Flow-based fibre tracking with diffusion tensor and q-ball data: validation and comparison to principal diffusion direction techniques. NeuroImage Oct. 1;27(4):725-36.

Stefanovic B, Warnking JM, Kobayashi E, Bagshaw AP, Hawco C, Dubeau F, Gotman J, Pike GB. Hemodynamic and Metabolic Responses to Activation, Deactivation and Epileptic Discharges. NeuroImage 28, 205-215, July 2005

Savadjiev P, Campbell JSW, Pike GB, Siddiqi K. 3D Curve Inference for Diffusion MRI Regularization. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2005, Palm Springs, CA, October 26-29, 2005., pp. 123-130


Hongmei Chen, Wei Ouyang, Bisi Lawuyi, Christopher Martoni and Satya Prakash (2005). Reaction of chitosan with genipin and its fluorogenic attributes for potential microcapsule membrane characterization Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 15;75(4):917-27.

Hongmei Chen, Wei Ouyang, Mitchell Jones, Tasima Haque, Bisi Lawuyi and Satya Prakash (2005). In-vitro analysis of APA microcapsules for oral delivery of live bacterial cells. Journal of Microencapsulation 22(5):539-47.

Satya Prakash and Jasmine Bhathena (2005). Live bacterial cells as orally delivered therapeutics. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy (2005) 5(10), 1281-1301.

Tasima Haque, Hongmei Chen, Wei Ouyang, Christopher Martoni, Bisi Lawuyi, Alexandra Urbanska, and Satya Prakash (2005). Investigation of a new microcapsule membrane combining alginate, chitosan, polyethylene glycol and poly-l-lysine for cell transplantation applications, International Journal of Artificial Organs 28(6):631-617.

Tasima Haque, Hongmei Chen, Wei Ouyang, Christopher Martoni, Bisi Lawuyi, Aleksandra Malgorzata Urbanska, and Satya Prakash (2005). Superior cell delivery features of poly-ethylene glycol incorporated alginate, chitosan and poly-l-lysine microcapsules, Molecular Pharmaceutics 2(1): 29-36.

Ritu Aneja, Gunjan Upadhyaya, Satya Prakash, Sujata K. Dass and Ramesh Chandra (2005). Ameliorating effect of phytoestrogens on ccl4-induced oxidative stress in the livers of male wistar rats. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitute and Biotechnology 33(2):201-213.

Metz, Terrence; Jones, Mitchell L.; Chen, Hongmei; Halim, Trisnawati; Mirzaei, Maryam; Haque, Tasima; Amre, Devendra; Das, Sujata K.; Prakash, Satya (2005). A New Method for Targeted Drug Delivery Using Polymeric Microcapsules: Implications for Treatment of Crohn's Disease. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 43(1): 77-86.

Tasima Haque, Hongmei Chen, Wei Ouyang, Christopher Martoni, Bisi L awuyi, Aleksandra Malgorzata Urbanska, and Satya Prakash (2005). Alginate-chitosan microcapsules: in-vitro analysis for liver cell encapsulation and therapy. Biotechnology Letters 27(5):317-322.

Ritu Jain, Manisha Tiwari, Gunjhan Upadhyaya, Satya Prakash and Ramesh Chandra (2005).The use of Riboflavin and Metalloporphyrins in cytochrome P-450 in Wistar Rats. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitute and Biotechnology 33(3):271-278 (listed incorrectly in PubMed).

Prakash S and Jones ML (2005). Artificial Cell Therapy: New Strategies for the Therapeutic Delivery of Live Bacteria. Journal of Biomedicine Biotechnology 2005(1):44-56.

Mitch Lawrence Jones, Hongmei Chen, Wei Ouyang, Terrence Metz, and Satya Prakash (2005). Deconjugation of Bile Acids with Immobilized Genetically engineered Lactobacillus plantarum 80 (pCBH1). Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 2(1): 1-8.


Dziong D, Bagnaninchi P, Kearney RE, Tabrizian M (June 2005), Highly Responsive System for On-line in vitro Assessment of Tissue Growth within Micro-Porous Polymer Scaffolds, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 1043-46

Carrigan SD, Scott G, Tabrizian M (2005), Reducing non-specific adhesion on cross-linked hydrogel platforms for real-time immunoassay in serum, Langmuir 21(26):12320-6.

Gravel M, Gross T, Vago R, Tabrizian M (2005) Responses of mesenchymal stem cell to chitosan-coralline composites microstructured using coralline as gas forming agent, Biomaterials 27(9):1899-906.

Thierry B, Merhi Y, Silver R, Tabrizian M (2005), Biodegradable Membrane-Covered Stent from Chitosan-Based Polymers, J Biomed Mater Res A 75(3):556-66.

St-Pierre JP, Gauthier M, Lefebvre LP, Tabrizian M (2005), Three-dimensional growth of differentiating MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblastson porous scaffolds, Biomaterials 26(35):7319-28.

Carrigan SD, Scott G, Tabrizian M (2005), Rapid three-dimensional biointerfaces for real-time immunoassay using rhIL-18BPa as a model antigen, Biomaterials 26: 7514-7523.

Faghihi S, Bateni MR, Azari F, Szpunar JA, Vali H, Tabrizian M, (2005), The Role of Crystallographic Texture of Ti-6Al-4V alloy on Cell Attachment and Proliferation, Materials Science Forum 495-97:705-10.

Carrigan SD, Scott G, Tabrizian M (2005), Real-time QCM-D immunoassay through oriented antibody immobilisation using cross-linked hydrogel biointerfaces, Langmuir 21, 5966-5973.

Thierry B, Faghihi S, Torab L, Pike B, Tabrizian M (2005) Magnetic Resonance Signal-Enhancing Self-Assembled Coating for Endovascular Devices, Advanced Materials 17(7): 826-830.

Thierry B, Tkaczyk C, Kujawa P, Winnik FM, Bilodeau L, Tabrizian M (2005), Novel Drug Delivery Platform through combined Prodrug Approach and Self-Assembled Multilayers, JACS 127(6):1626-7.

Poussard L, Burel F, Couvercelle JP, Merhi Y, Tabrizian M, Bunel C (2005), In vitro thrombogenicity investigation of new water dispersible polyurethanes anionomers, J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn 16, 335-351.

Senechal A, Catuognou C, Tabrizian M (2005), Initial Adhesion Stages of Enterococcus faecalis to Medical Grade Polymers: Qualitative Characterization and Quantification using a DNA-based Fluorescence Assay, J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn 16, 115-129.

Douglas K, Tabrizian M (2005), New Approach to the Preparation of Alginate-Chitosan Nanoparticles as Gene Carriers - Part I: Effect of Experimental Parameters on Particle Formation, J. Biomater. Sci. Polymer Edn 16, 43-56.

Plum G, Tabrizian M (2005), Clinical Outcomes of Non Pharmaceutical Stent Coatings, Proceeding of European Society for Vascular Biomaterials p. 83-102.

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