

  • Speaker at the Paul-AndrĂ© CrĂ©peau Center for Private and Comparative Law, ș«čúÂăÎè, MontrĂ©al, September 2019. Subject: « La pensĂ©e de Paul-AndrĂ© CrĂ©peau », published with Sylvio Normand in (2019) 60 Cahiers de Droit 3-93
  • Speaker at the JournĂ©es Jean-Louis Baudouin,  MontrĂ©al, March 2012, subject: "L’imprĂ©vision dans la rĂ©forme du Code civil et aujourd’hui", published in MĂ©langes Jean-Louis Baudouin, Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2012, p. 371-391.
  • Rapporteur at the Association Henri Capitant Spain-Belgium-QuĂ©bec colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010, subject: "La clause pĂ©nale au QuĂ©bec : quelques lignes riches en histoire".
  • Rapporteur,  with GeneviĂšve Saumier, for the world congress of comparative law of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Washington D.C., United States, July 2010, subject: "Le droit quĂ©bĂ©cois sur la protection des consommateurs dans les relations internationales", published in D. C. Fernando Arroyo, ed., Consumer Protection in International Private Relations / La protection des consommateurs dans les relations privĂ©es internationales, Asuncion, Paraguay, 2010, 121.
  • Speaker at the colloquium of the QuĂ©bec Society of Comparative Law, MontrĂ©al, April 2009; subject : "Controverse sur le domaine de la responsabilitĂ© contractuelle, source de rĂ©flexion sur la transposition du modĂšle français au QuĂ©bec", published in MĂ©langes Adrian Popovici, Éditions ThĂ©mis, 2010, p. 599-630.
  • Speaker at the colloquium of the Chaire Jean-Louis Baudouin and the QuĂ©bec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association for the 15th anniversary of the QuĂ©bec Civil Code, MontrĂ©al, April 2009, and QuĂ©bec City, October 2009; subject: "Les ramifications de l’interdiction d’opter. Tracer la frontiĂšre entre contrats et ‘dĂ©lits’", published in (2010) Canadian Bar Review p. 357-383
  • Speaker at the QuĂ©bec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, MontrĂ©al, December 2008; subject: "La responsabilitĂ© du fabricant. La tour de Pise penche toujours du mĂȘme cĂŽtĂ©".
  • Speaker at a conference of the Groupe de recherche en droit international et comparĂ© de la consommation (GREDICC), UQAM, MontrĂ©al, April 2008; subject : « RĂ©flexions sur une rĂ©forme des garanties lĂ©gales des produits de consommation»,  in T. Bourgoignie, dir., Propos autour de l’effectivitĂ© du droit de la consommation, Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2008,  p. 105-121.
  • Speaker at a seminar of the judges of the Court of QuĂ©bec, St-Jean-de-Matha, September 2006; subject : « Implications d’une violation de la Charte matiĂšre contractuelle».
  • Speaker at the conference of the QuĂ©bec Society of Comparative Law and the Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Montreal, April 2005; subject: «Les multiples facettes de l’intervention du juge dans le contrat».
  • Contribution to the 2004 virtual congress of the Institut international de droit d’expression et d’inspiration françaises (IDEF) on the theme Le code civil français. Droit des obligations face Ă  la mondialisation, May 2004; subject: "Deux lacunes de la justice contractuelle dans le Code civil au QuĂ©bec"
  • Speaker at the Quebec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, MontrĂ©al, February 2003; subject: "L’équitĂ© dans les contrats en droit civil quĂ©bĂ©cois depuis la rĂ©forme du Code civil".
  • Speaker at the annual conference of the Quebec Superior Court judges (for the appeal district of Montreal), Montreal, May 2001; subject: "Le prolongement de la rĂ©forme du Code civil Ă  la Cour supĂ©rieure".
  • Speaker at a session for continuing education of the Quebec Superior Court judges, Montreal, February 2001; subject: "Libres propos sur la jurisprudence comme source de droit civil".
  • Speaker at the Meredith Lectures, Montreal, March 1999; subject : "La modernitĂ© du droit commun des contrats dans le Code civil du QuĂ©bec : quelle modernitĂ©? ", published (2000) Revue internationale de droit comparĂ©, 49-76, and Faculty of Law, ș«čúÂăÎè, Meredith Lectures 1999. La pertinence renouvelĂ©e du droit des obligations : Back to Basics, Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 2000.
  • Speaker at the symposium on The Reform of the Civil Code Five Years Later, Montreal, November 1998; subject : "ÉquitĂ© et sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© dans les sanctions de l’exĂ©cution du contrat", published in (1999) 78 Canadian Bar Review 220-248.
  • Rapporteur for the world congress of comparative law of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Bristol, Great Britain, July 1998, subject: "Le droit comparĂ© dans la rĂ©forme du Code civil du QuĂ©bec et sa premiĂšre interprĂ©tation", published in Contemporary Law 1998 Droit contemporain, Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 1999, 69-89.
  • Speaker at the symposium on Commercial leases in 1997, Montreal, February 1997; subject: "Points saillants de la rĂ©forme du Code civil en matiĂšre de louage commercial".
  • Speaker at The Law and You Conference, Montreal, October 1996; subject: "Penal Clauses : Compensation Device or Penalty device".
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du QuĂ©bec, Quebec City, May 1996; subject: "Les clauses abusives", published in (1996) 75 Canadian Bar Review 503-522.
  • Speaker at the annual symposium of the Barreau du QuĂ©bec on Recent Developments in Commercial Law, Montreal, December 1995; subject: "Garantie des vices, responsabilitĂ© du fabricant, recours du vendeur impayĂ© et autres points d’interrogation", published in Barreau du QuĂ©bec, RĂ©cents dĂ©veloppements en droit commercial (1995), Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 1996, 21-50.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du QuĂ©bec, Montreal, June 1995; subject: "MisĂšres et consolations de la victime d’une faute contractuelle".
  • Speaker at the Fifth International Conference on Consumer Law, Toronto, May 1995; subject: "International marketing, product safety and trade liberalization".
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Department of Justice Canada on current issues in Quebec private law, Ottawa and Montreal, February 1995; subject: "Contrat d’adhĂ©sion, clause abusive, clause pĂ©nale abusive et autres sujets d’inquiĂ©tude".
  • Speaker at seminars for the justices of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, February to May 1994; subject: "General policies of the reform of the Civil Code in the area of obligations, contracts, civil liability and special contracts".
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Department of Justice Canada on the Civil Code of QuĂ©bec, Ottawa and Montreal, February 1994; subject: “Le nouveau droit des obligations”.
  • Speaker at The Law and You Conference, Montreal, November 1993; subject: "Default and Enforcement of Contract under the Civil Code of QuĂ©bec".
  • Speaker at sessions of continuing education for the judiciary, Montreal and Quebec City, September 1993; subject: "The law of sale in the Civil Code of QuĂ©bec".
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec City, August 1993; subject: "The Law of Contract under the New Civil Code".
  • Speaker at a seminar for the judiciary and the Faculty of Law, UniversitĂ© Laval, Quebec City, May 1993; subject: "Le pouvoir du tribunal de rĂ©duire les obligations contractuelles".
  • Speaker at a session for continuing education of the justices of the Court of Quebec, Montreal, June 1993; subject: "L'intervention des tribunaux dans les contrats".
  • Speaker at the joint symposium of the Association Henri Capitant and the QuĂ©bec Society of Comparative Law, Montreal, November 1992; subject: “L'influence de la doctrine française sur le droit quĂ©bĂ©cois”, published in Droit quĂ©bĂ©cois et droit français : communautĂ©, autonomie, concordance, Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 1993, 91-117.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du QuĂ©bec, Quebec City, June 1992; subject: "Les sanctions du contrat dans le Code civil du Bas-Canada et le Code civil du QuĂ©bec", published in CongrĂšs annuel du Barreau du QuĂ©bec 1992, Montreal, Barreau du QuĂ©bec, 1027-1042.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du QuĂ©bec, La Malbaie, June 1990; subject: "L'abus de droit contractuel"; published in CongrĂšs annuel du Barreau du QuĂ©bec 1990, Montreal, Barreau du QuĂ©bec, 1990, 127 145.
  • Speaker at the Meredith Lectures, Montreal, October 1989; subject: "Les rĂšgles impĂ©ratives dans le louage commercial", published in Meredith Lectures, 1989. Current Problems in Real Estate, Cowansville (Quebec), Éditions Yvon Blais, 1990, 177-196.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Association des professeurs de droit du QuĂ©bec, April 1989, Lac Beauport; subject: "La rĂ©forme du droit des contrats".
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Association Henri Capitant, Montreal, April 1989; subject: "La rĂ©forme du droit des obligations. Prospective gĂ©nĂ©rale", published in (1989) 30 Cahiers de Droit 557 586.
  • Speaker at a meeting of the Civil Law Group of the Faculty of Law, ș«čúÂăÎè, December 1988; subject: "Les grandes lignes de l'avant projet de loi sur les obligations".
  • Speaker at a meeting of the Civil Law Group of the Faculty of Law, ș«čúÂăÎè, May 1988; subject: "Les dispositions impĂ©ratives sur les clauses contractuelles dans l'avant projet de loi sur les obligations".
  • Speaker at a meeting of the business law section of the Canadian Bar Association, Montreal, November 1986; subject: "L'Évolution de l'injonction mandatoire dans les contrats".
  • Speaker and resource person at a session of continuing education for the members of the RĂ©gie du logement, Montreal, May 1986; subject: "Questions d'actualitĂ© en matiĂšre de louage rĂ©sidentiel".
  • Panelist at the annual convention of the Barreau du QuĂ©bec, Hull, May 1986; subject: "Le nouveau programme de la formation professionnelle: des avocats plus compĂ©tents?"
  • Speaker at a meeting of the comparative law section of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Montreal, May 1985; subject: "The Urban Residential Lease: Comparative Perspectives".
  • Speaker at the Annual Workshop on Commercial and Consumer Law, University of Toronto, October 1984; subject: "The Evolving Relationships between Contract and Tort Law"; published in (1985) 10 Canadian Business Law Journal 306 326.
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, ș«čúÂăÎè, Montreal, October 1983; subject: "Les orientations de la loi et la jurisprudence en matiĂšre de louage rĂ©sidentiel".
  • Speaker at a meeting of the section on torts and delictual liability of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Vancouver, June 1983; subject: "The relations between statutes and delictual liability"; published in (1984) 44 Revue du Barreau 222 232.
  • Speaker at one of the Rencontres scientifiques de la FacultĂ© de droit, UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, Montreal, December 1982; subject: "Le rĂŽle des facultĂ©s de droit dans le dĂ©veloppement du droit civil quĂ©bĂ©cois".
  • Speaker at the annual conference of the Association Henri Capitant, Mexico City, September 1982; subject: "Le droit du logement"; published in (1982) 13 Revue GĂ©nĂ©rale de droit 351-378, and in Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, t. 33, Paris, Economica, 1982, 545 567.
  • Panelist at the annual symposium of the Association quĂ©bĂ©coise de droit comparĂ©, Montreal, May 1982; subject: "L'affaire Wabasso sous les feux du droit comparĂ©"; published in (1982) 27 ș«čúÂăÎè Law Journal 813 833.
  • Speaker at the annual conference of the Association Henri Capitant, Florence, May, 1980; subject: "Les rĂ©actions de la doctrine Ă  la crĂ©ation du droit par les juges"; published in (1980) 21 Cahiers de droit 257 275 and in Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, t. 31, Paris, Economica, 1982, 65 80.
  • Panelist at the Quebec Louisiana symposium of the Association Henri Capitant, Quebec City, October 1978; subject: "Les interrelations du Code civil et du droit de la protection du consommateur. Les vices de consentement"; published in (1979) 10 Revue GĂ©nĂ©rale de Droit 132 142.
  • Speaker at the annual symposium of the Law Faculties of ș«čúÂăÎè and the UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, Montreal, October, 1976; subject: "Les rĂ©cents dĂ©veloppements en matiĂšre de responsabilitĂ© civile du fabricant"; published in (1977) 12 Revue Juridique ThĂ©mis 7 13.
  • Speaker at a meeting of the section on commercial and consumer law of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Quebec City, June, 1976; subject: "Les dĂ©veloppements concernant la lĂ©sion et la responsabilitĂ© du manufacturier en droit quĂ©bĂ©cois".
  • Guest speaker at the annual convention of the Canadian Hospital Association, Ottawa, September, 1975; subject: "La responsabilitĂ© de l'hĂŽpital pour les soins donnĂ©s par ses mĂ©decins".
  • Speaker at a seminar of the Law Faculties of the UniversitĂ© de Montpellier and the University of Heidelberg, May, 1971; subject: "La vente d'Ă©quipement mobilier corporel".
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