Principal(PI) and Co-Investigators (CIs) |
Grant/Contract Description |
Amount |
End date |
PI: B. Fung |
Basic Infrastructure for Data Mining in Cybersecurity and Privacy |
$11992 | 2022 |
PI: B. Fung |
Joint Embedding of Sequential Data and Knowledge Graphs with application to Predictive Analytics in Healthcare |
$31761 ($82215 total) |
2020 |
PI: B. Fung |
Real Time Impact Signalling and Collective Goods |
$30000 ($585825 total) |
2020 |
Co PI C. Guastavino (and 5 others) |
Soutien aux équipes de recherche. Approches analytiques, perceptives et technologiques de l'orchestration musicale et sa pédagogie. |
$356,000 | 2021 |
PI: C. Guastavino |
William Dawson Award |
$125,000 | 2022 |
PI: Shaheen Shariff; Co-I: Jamshid Beheshti, and others |
SSHRC Partnership Grant Letter of Intent: Defining the Policy Lines: Examining the Role of News and Social Media, Popular Culture and the Justice System in Reducing and Mobilizing Change, or Sustaining Sexual Violence and "Rape Culture" in Universities. |
$100,000 |
2023 |
PI: J. Beheshti |
SSHRC: Towards a Model of Metaliteracy for Academic and Everyday-Life Information Seeking and Use | $64,985 | 2018 |
PI: J. Beheshti, J. Bartlett |
SSHRC: Metaliteracy for Well-being: Design criteria for information systems |
$216,905 |
2018 |
PI: B Fung |
Canada Research Chairs Program (supported by NSERC); Digging into big, sensitive, and malicious data |
$500,000 |
2020 |
PI: Farkhund Iqbal, Zayed University, UAE and CI: Benjamin Fung |
Zayed University (United Arab Emirates) Research Incentive Fund; Privacy-Preserving Data Mining for Cybercrime Investigation & Detection |
$30,156 |
2017 |
PI: B.Fung |
Zayed University (United Arab Emirates) Research Incentive Fund; Privacy-Preserving Data Mining for Cybercrime Investigation & Detection |
$16,000 |
2017 |
PI: C. Guastavino |
NSERC. Engage Plus grant. Finalization and validation of a virtual acoustic model. |
$28,125 | 2017 |
PI: C. Guastavino |
SSHRC. Insight Development Grant. Sounds in the city: Applying the soundscape approach to urban noise management |
$56,056 |
2018 |
PI: B. Holtzman C. Guastavino (Collaborator) |
Columbia University. 2016 Research Initiatives in Science & Engineering (RISE). Listening to the physics of earthquakes. |
$212,000 | 2018 |
PI: K. Moffatt |
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2)Inclusive Social Computing |
$500,000 |
2021 |
PI: E. Menard |
SSHRC:DOLMEN: Données Ouvertes Liées - Musées et Environnement Numérique |
$193,143 |
2019 |
PI: M. Wanderley, CIOs: Catherine Guastavino and 8 others |
CFI – NIF. Live Expression “in situ”: Musical and Audiovisual Performance and Reception |
$10,916,808 (Total) |
2019 |
PI: Ben Holzman, Columbia University, collaborators: Catherine Guastavino and 3 others |
Columbia University. 2016 Research Initiatives in Science & Engineering (RISE); Listening to the physics of earthquakes |
$212,000 |
2018 |
Co-PIs: Karyn Moffatt and Cosmin Munteanu; CIs: David Kauffman and Ronald Baecker |
Promoting Social Connectedness Through Collaborating on Digital Storytelling and Knowledge Creation and Sharing; Aging Gracefully across Environments using Technology to Support Wellness, Engagement and Long Life (NCE) |
$114,467 (); $377,651 (total) |
2017 |
PI: E. Park | SSHRC: InterPARES TRUST: Trust and digital records in a networked society | $14,500 | 2018 |
PI: J. Bartlett | SSHRC: Towards a model of meta-literacy for academic and everyday-life information seeking and use | $64,985 | 2018 |
PI: C-A Julien |
NSERC:Improving Retrieval of Unstructured Information using existing Information Structures |
$120,000 | 2019 |
PI: I. Frissen |
Mitacs Accelerate. Cocktail party in a box |
$15,000 | 2017 |
CI: F. Bouthillier
(PI: P. Pluye, Family Medicine ( U.) |
CIHR grant. Title: Assessing and improving the use of online information about child development, health and well-being: Outcomes for low education low income parents and their children. |
$302,174 | 2020 |
PI: K. Dalkir (CI D. Oliviera) |
Seed Grant for Interdisciplinary Research grant from the Centre for Social and Cultural Data Science (CSCDS). The project is entitled: “Natural Language Processing and the Production of Taxonomies for Knowledge Navigation” |
$2000 | 2018 |