
2012 publications


Joan Bartlett

Conference proceedings

Bartlett, J.C., Ishimura, Y., & Kloda, L.A. (2012). Scientists’ preferences for bioinformatics tools: The task-based selection of information retrieval systems. In Proceedings of the Information Interaction in Context Conference, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Aug. 21-24, p. 224-233.

Ishimura, Y., & Bartlett, J.C. (2012). Uncovering the research process of international students in North America: Are they different from domestic students? In Proceedings of the Information Seeking in Context Conference, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 4-7.

Jamshid Beheshti


Beheshti, J., & Large, A. (Eds.) (2012). Information behavior of the new generation: Children and teens in the 21st Century. Toronto: Scarecrow Press.

Book chapters

Beheshti, J. (2012). Virtual environments for children and teens. In C. Eichenberg (Ed.), Virtual reality in psychological, medical and pedagogical applications, pp. 271-286. Rijeka, Croatia: Intech.

Beheshti, J., & Large, A. (2012). Systems. In J. Beheshti & A. Large (Eds.), Information behavior of the new generation: Children and teens in the 21st Century, pp. 213-236. Toronto: Scarecrow Press.

Beheshti, J., & Large, A. (2012). The future. In J. Beheshti & A. Large (Eds.), Information behavior of the new generation: Children and teens in the 21st Century, pp. 237-242. Toronto: Scarecrow Press.

Journal articles

Beheshti, J. (2012). Teens, virtual environments, and information literacy. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, 38(3), 54-57.

France Bouthillier

Journal articles

Jin, T., & Bouthillier, F. ( 2012). The integration of intelligence analysis into LIS education. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. 53(2): 130-148.

Julien, C-A., Guastavino, C., & Bouthillier, F. (2012). Capitalizing on information organization and information visualization for a new-generation catalogue. Library Trends, 6(1), 148-161.

Pluye, P., Grad, R., Granikov, V., Theriault, G., Frémont, P., Burnand, B., Mercer, J., Marlow, B., Arroll, B., Luconi, F., Légaré, F., Labrecque, M., Ladouceur, R., Bouthillier, F., Sridhar, S.B., & Moscovici, J. (2012). Feasibility of a knowledge translation CME program: Courriels Cochrane. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 32(2): 134-141.

Conference proceedings

Gainor, R. & F. Bouthillier. 2012. A metrics methodology for competitive intelligence: Identifying input measures. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME 2012), ed. by Tadgh Nagle. Cork, Ireland, September 13-14, p. 400-408.

Kimiz Dalkir

Book chapters

Dalkir, K. (2012). Cross-cultural technology-mediated collaboration: Case study of Oxfam Quebec and Peru. In J. Liebowitz, (Ed.). Knowledge management handbook: Collaboration and social networking. 2nd ed., pp. 47-62. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Conference proceedings

Dalkir, K., & Tessier, D. (2012). The relationship between E-learning and knowledge management: A case study. Proceedings, 2012 E-Learn Conference. World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. AACE. Available online at:

Jimenez-Narvaez, M-L., Segrera, A., Dalkir, K., & Gardoni, M. (2012). ICT-supported design education in remote teams: Case study of the Charette method applied to experiential learning. Proceedings, International Scientific Conference on ICT and Education, Montreal, QC, May 2012. (17 pages)

Jimenez-Narvaez, M-L., Dalkir, K., & Gardoni, M. (2012). Harnessing computing technologies within innovative Quick-Term Project (QTP) development: Case study of innovation at ETS-Montreal. Proceedings, PICMET’12, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, Vancouver, BC, July 2012. (16 pages)

Jimenez-Narvaez, M-L., Dalkir, K., & Gardoni, M. (2012). Managing knowledge needs during new product lifecycle design on Quick-Term Project (QTP) development: Case study of 24 hours of innovation – ETS Montreal. Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Montreal, QC, July 2012. (10 pages)

Catherine Guastavino

Book chapters

Murphy, E., Moussette, C., Verron, C., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Supporting sounds: Design and evaluation of an audio-haptic interface. In C. Magnusson, D. Szymczak, & S. Brewster (Eds.), Haptic and Audio Interaction Design, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 7468, pp. 11–20). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Journal articles

Julien, C-A., Tirilly, P., Leide, J.E., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Constructing a true LCSH Tree of a Science and Engineering collection. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(12), 2405-2418.

Guastavino, C., & Boutard, G. (2012). Preservation d’artefacts culturels numériques – Introduction. Les cahiers du numériques, 8(4), 9-12.

Boutard, G., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Following gesture-following: Grounding the documentation of a multi-agent music creation process. Computer Music Journal, 36(4), 59-80.

Boutard, G., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Archiving electroacoustic and mixed music: Significant knowledge involved in the creative process of works with spatialisation. Journal of Documentation, 68(6), 749-771.

Frissen, I., Ziat, M., Campion, G., Hayward, V., & Guastavino, C. (2012). The effect of voluntary movements on auditory-haptic and haptic-haptic temporal order judgments. Acta Psychologica, 141, 140-148.

Julien, C-A., Guastavino, C., & Bouthillier, F. (2012). Capitalizing on information organization and information visualization for a new-generation catalogue. Library Trends, 6(1), 148-161.

Conference proceedings

Romblom, D., Guastavino, C., & King, R. (2012). A comparison of recording, rendering and reproduction techniques for multichannel spatial audio. Proceedings of the 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES 2012), October 26-29, San Francisco, CA: USA. (4 pages)

Julien, C-A., Tirilly, P., Leide, J.E., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Using the LCSH hierarchy to browse a collection. 12th International ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization) conference, Mysore, India, August 6-9. (10 pages)

Gómez, E., Guastavino, C., Gómez, F., & Bonada, J. (2012). Analyzing melodic similarity judgments in Flamenco a Cappella singing. Proceedings of the joint 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), July 23-28, Thessaloniki, Greece. (1-page précis published)

Saitis, C., Guastavino, C., Giordano, B. L., Fritz, C., & Scavone, G. (2012). Investigating consistency in verbal descriptions of violin preference by experienced players. Proceedings of the joint 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), July 23-28, Thessaloniki, Greece. (poster, precis published in proceedings)

Frissen, I., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Effects of whole-body vibrations on auditory localization. Proceedings of Acoustics 2012, joint meeting of the 2012 IOA annual meeting and the 11th Congrès Français d’Acoustique , April 23-27, Nantes, France. (6 pages)

Steele, D., Luka, N., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Closing the gaps between soundscape and urban designers. Proceedings of Acoustics 2012, joint meeting of the 2012 IOA annual meeting and the 11th Congrès Français d’Acoustique , April 23-27, Nantes, France. (6 pages)

Boutard, G., Guastavino, C., & Turner, J. M. (2012). Digital sound processing preservation: Impact on digital archives. Proceedings of the 2012 iConference, Feb. 9-12, Toronto. (6 pages)

Carolyn Hank

Book chapters

Hank, C. (2012). Blogging your academic self: The what, the why and the how long? In D.R. Neal (Ed.), Social media for academics: A practical guide (pp. 3-19). Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing.

Conference proceedings

Abreu, A., Acker, A., & Hank, C. (2012). New directions for 21st century digital collections. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49(1). Silver Spring, MD: ASIS&T. With L.S. Connaway, G. Marchionini, and C. Hank (panelists) (Three pages)

Hank, C., & Sugimoto, C.R. (2012). Bibliobloggers’ preservation perceptions, preferences, and practices. In iPRES 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 294-295). Toronto: Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.

Nordland, L.P., & Hank, C. (2012). Defining digital curation through an interactive, informal Critical Delphi approach. In iPRES 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (pp. 324-326). Toronto: Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.

Kozinski, E., & Hank, C. (2012). Removing records documenting acts of violence and atrocities from the archive. In Proceedings of the 2012 iConference, Toronto, ON (pp. 58-59). New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/2132176.2132287.

Charles-Antoine Julien

Journal articles

Julien, C-A., Tirilly, P., Leide, J.E., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Constructing a true LCSH Tree of a Science and Engineering collection. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(12), 2405-2418.

Julien, C-A., Guastavino, C., & Bouthillier, F. (2012). Capitalizing on information organization and information visualization for a new-generation catalogue. Library Trends, 6(1), 148-161.

Conference proceedings

Julien, C-A., Tirilly, P., Leide, J.E., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Exploiting major trends in subject hierarchies for large-scale collection visualization. In P. C. Wong, D. L. Kao, M. C. Hao, C. Chen, R. Kosara, M. A. Livingston, J. Park & I. Roberts (Eds.), Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conf. on Visualization and Data Analysis. San Francisco, CA. January 2012. Available at

Julien, C-A., Tirilly, P., Leide, J.E., & Guastavino, C. (2012). Using the LCSH Hierarchy to browse a collection. In Proceedings of the Annual Conf. of the International Society for Knowledge Organization. Mysore, India, 109-116.

Tirilly, P. & Julien, C-A. (2012). Random walks for subject hierarchy simplification. In Proceedings of the Annual Conf. of the International Society for Knowledge Organization, Mysore, India, 117-123.

Andrew Large


Beheshti, J., & Large, A. (Eds.) (2012). Information behavior of the new generation: Children and teens in the 21st Century. Toronto: Scarecrow Press.

Book chapters

Beheshti, J., & Large, A. (2012). Systems. In J. Beheshti & A. Large (Eds.), Information behavior of the new generation: Children and teens in the 21st Century, pp. 213-236. Toronto: Scarecrow Press.

Beheshti, J., & Large, A. (2012). The future. In J. Beheshti & A. Large (Eds.), Information behavior of the new generation: Children and teens in the 21st Century, pp. 237-242. Toronto: Scarecrow Press.

Peter McNally

Journal articles

McNally, P., (Spring, 2012). A Life with books and libraries: Past, present and future. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 50(1), 63-70.

Elaine MĂ©nard

Book chapters

MĂ©nard, E. (2012). Multilingual taxonomy development for ordinary images: Issues and challenges. In D. Rasmussen Neal (Ed.), .Indexing and Retrieval of Non-Text Information (pp. 40-58). MĂĽnchen: De Gruyter Saur.

Ménard, E. (2012). Formulation de requêtes pour le repérage d’images: Une étude comparative de quatre groupes linguistiques. In W. Mustafa El Hadi (Ed.), L’organisation des connaissances, dynamisme et stabilité (pp. 279-89). Traité des sciences et techniques de l’information, Paris: Hermès-Lavoisier. Collection: Structuration de l’information.

Journal articles

Ménard, E. (2012). The “making of” a bilingual taxonomy for retrieval of ordinary images. Library Hi Tech, 30(4), 643-654.

MĂ©nard, E. (2012). MĂ©thodes et dĂ©fis du repĂ©rage d’images sur le Web: Jean et John cherchent-ils de la mĂŞme manière? Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 7(1).Ěý

MĂ©nard, E., & Smithglass, M. (2012). Digital image description: A review of best practices in cultural institutions. Library Hi Tech, 30(1), 291-309.

Karyn Moffatt

Book chapters

Moffatt, K., David, J., & Baecker, R. (2012). Connecting grandparents and grandchildren. In C. Neustaedter, S. Harrison, & A. Sellen (Eds.), Connecting families: The impact of new communication technologies on domestic life (pp. 173-193). London: Springer.

Journal article

Baecker, R. M., Moffatt, K., & Massimi, M. (2012). Technologies for aging gracefully. ACM Interactions, 19(3), 32–36.

Conference proceedings

Demmans Epp, C., Djordjevic, J., Wu, S., Moffatt, K., & Baecker, R.M. (2012). Towards providing just-in-time vocabulary support for assistive and augmentative communication. In IUI'12: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 33–36.

Eun Park

Journal articles

Park, E.G., & Oh, S. (2012). Examining attributes of open standard file formats for long-term preservation and open access. Information Technology and Libraries, 31(4), 44-65.


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