2011 publications

Joan Bartlett

Journal articles

Bartlett, J.C., Ishimura, Y., & Kloda, L.A. (2011). Why choose this one? Factors in scientists’ selection of bioinformatics resources. Information Research, 16(1), paper 463.

Dufour, C., Bartlett, J.C., & Toms, E.G. (2011). Understanding how webcasts are used as sources of information. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(2), 343-362. Doi: 10.1002/asi.21445

Ishimura, Y., & Bartlett, J.C. (2011). Information literacy in LIS schools: Emerging perspectives for future education. Education for Information, 27(2009), 197-216. Doi: 10.3233/EFI-2009-0883.

Jamshid Beheshti

Journal articles

Large, A., & Beheshti, J. (2011). Bonded design: Designing web portals for children in intergenerational teams. Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal, 5(2), 165-176.

Conference proceedings

Beheshti, J. & Large, A. (2011). An interface for opportunistic discovery of information for young people. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, Orlando, July 2011. J.L. Jacko (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6764, 541-548.

Large, A. & Beheshti, J. (2011). A comparison of children’s and adults’ retrieval performances and affective reactions when using a conventional interface and an information visualization interface. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, Orlando, July 2011. In J.L. Jacko (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6764, 590-598.


Beheshti, J. (2011). [Review of the book I found it on the Internet: Coming of age online by F.J. Harris]. Feliciter, 57(5), 208.

France Bouthillier

Conference proceedings

Tang, D., Bouthillier, F., Pluye, P., Grad, R., & C. Repchinsky. 2011. Understanding Pharmacists’ Feedback Comments from the Perspective of a Health Information Provider (Paper). Exploring Interactions of People, Places and Information: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. University of New Brunswick/St. Thomas University, Fredericton, N.B. Canada. June 2-4.

Tang, D., Bouthillier, F., Pluye, P., Grad, R., & C. Repchinsky 2011.The Development of a User Feedback Management Process: A Participatory Action Research Project (Poster). Exploring Interactions of People, Places and Information: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. University of New Brunswick/St. Thomas University, Fredericton, N.B. Canada. June 2-4.

Tang, D., Bouthillier, F., Pluye, P., Grad, R., & C. Repchinsky 2011. Customer Feedback Management: Developing an Organizational Process of Information Use (Poster). Bridging the Gulf: Communication and Information in Society, Technology, and Work. 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. New Orleans, Louisiana. October 9-12.

Ju, B., Belkin, N., Bertot, J. & F. Bouthillier. 2011. Staying Competitive in Research and Scholarship for the 21st Century: Fostering External Grants toward LIS Programs (Panel). Competitiveness & Innovation: Annual Conference of the Association of the Library and Information Science Educators. San Diego, California, January 4-7.


Bouthillier, F. (2011). Journal Les Affaires/CEDROM SNI – Webinar on Competitive Intelligence -Maîtrise de l’information stratégique (2011). 

Kimiz Dalkir


Dalkir, K. (March 2011). Knowledge management theory and practice. Second Edition. Boston, MA: MIT Press.

Book chapters

Dalkir, K., & McIntyre, S. (2011). Measuring intangible assets: Assessing the impact of knowledge management in the S&T fight against terrorism. In V. Bélén (Ed.), Identifying,measuring, and valuing knowledge-based intangible assets: New perspectives (pp. 156-176). IGI Global Publishing.

Dalkir, K. (2011), Measuring the impact of social media: Connection, communication and collaboration. In J.P. Girard & J. L. Girard (Eds.), Social knowledge: Using social media to know what you know (pp. 24-36). IGI Global Publishing.

Journal articles

Dalkir, K., & Mondou, E. (2011). An organizational learning odyssey: Case study of an international aid agency. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 10(9), 93-106.

Catherine Guastavino

Book chapters

Absar, R. & Guastavino, C. (2011). Non-speech sound design for a hierarchical information system. In M. Kuroso (Ed.), Human Centered Design, HCI 2011, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6776, pp. 461-470.

Journal articles

Giordano, B., Guastavino, C., Murphy, E., Ogg, M., Smith, B.K., & McAdams, S. (2011). Comparison of dissimilarity estimation methods. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46, 1-33.

Murphy, E., Lagrange, M., Scavone, G., Depalle, P., & Guastavino, C. (2011). Perceptual evaluation of rolling sound synthesis. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 97(5), 840-851.

Pras, A., & Guastavino, C. (2011). The role of music producers and sound engineers in the current recording context, as perceived by young professionals. Musicae Scientiae, 15, 73-95.

Conference proceedings

Botteldooren, D., Lavandier, C., Preis, A., Dubois, D. Aspuru, I., Guastavino, C., Brown, L., Nilsson, M., & Andringa, T. (2011). Understanding urban and natural soundscapes. Proceeding of Forum Acusticum 2011, June 27-July 1, Aalborg, Denmark. (6 pages)

Boutard, G., & Guastavino, C. (2011). Informer les archives des musiques électroacoustiques et mixtes par les processus de création. Proceedings of Tracking the Creative Process in Music, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 2011, Lille, France. (2 pages)

Cance, C., Guastavino, C., & Dubois, D. (2011). Languages and conceptualizations of soundscapes: A cross-linguistic analysis. Proceedings of the the 162nd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Oct. 31- Nov. 4, San Diego, CA, USA. Abstract published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4), 2495,

Dorey, J., & Guastavino, C. (2011). Moving forward: Conceptualizing comfort in information sources for enthusiast cyclists. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48, 1-9. doi: 10.1002/meet.2011.14504801187

Guastavino, C., & Pijanowski, B. (2011). Soundscape ecology: A worldwide network. Invited paper at the 162nd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Oct. 31- Nov. 4, San Diego, CA, USA. Abstract published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(4), 2531, .

Hockman, J., Weigl, D., Guastavino, C., & Fujinaga, I. (2011). Discrimination between Phonograph Playback Systems. Proceedings of the 131st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES 2011), October 20-23, New York, NY: USA. (6 pages)

Langlois, J., Verron, C., Gauthier, P-A., & Guastavino, C. (2011). Perceptual evaluation of interior aircraft sound models. 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) (pp. 77–80). Presented at the 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), IEEE. doi:10.1109/ASPAA.2011.6082339

Pras, A., & Guastavino, C. (2011). Diriger l’écoute afin d’enregistrer la meilleure performance musicale possible. Proceedings of Tracking the Creative Process in Music, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1 2011, Lille, France. (2 pages)

Pras, A., & Guastavino, C. (2011). The impact of producers' comments and musicians' self-evaluation on performance during recording sessions. Proceedings of the 131st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (AES 2011), October 20-23, New York, NY: USA. (8 pages)

Verron, C., Langlois, J., Gauthier, P-A., & Guastavino, C. (2011). Binaural analysis/synthesis of interior aircraft sounds. 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) (pp. 177–180). Presented at the 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), IEEE. doi:10.1109/ASPAA.2011.6082313

Weigl, D. M., & Guastavino, C. (2011). User studies in the Music Information Retrieval literature. In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2011), Oct 24-28, Miami, FL, USA. (6 pages)


Guastavino, C. (2011). [Review of the book The tuning of place: Sociable spaces and pervasive digital media by R. Coyne]. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(4), 805-806.

Carolyn Hank

Journal articles

Hank, C., Ray, J., & Watkinson, A. (2011). Next steps in research, education, and practice in digital curation and publishing: A workshop report from the Fourth Bloomsbury Conference on E-Publishing and E-Publication. D-Lib Magazine, 17(3/4). doi: 10.1045/march2011-hank.

Conference proceedings

Finlay, C., Johnson, M., Malic,V., Hank, C., Liu, X., Ni, C., & Sugimoto, C. (2011). Exploring connections in the biblioblogosphere. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1). Silver Spring, MD: American Society for Information Science and Technology. doi: 10.1002/meet.2011.14504801331.


Hank, C. (2011). Scholars and their blogs: Characteristics, preferences, and perceptions impacting digital preservation (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database (UMI No. 3456270).

Andrew Large

Journal articles

Large, A. & Beheshti, J. (2011). Designing web portals for children in intergenerational teams. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 5(2), 165-176.

Conference proceedings

Beheshti, J. & Large, A. (2011). An interface for opportunistic discovery of information for young people, Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, Orlando, July 2011. In J.L. Jacko (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6764, 541-548.

Khashman, N. & Large, A. (2011). Measuring cultural markers in Arabic government websites using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, Orlando, July 2011. Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Khashman, N., & Large, A. (2011). Exploring the impact of culture on the design of Arabic government websites. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2-4 June 2011.

Large, A., & Beheshti, J. (2011). A comparison of children’s and adults’ retrieval performances and affective reactions when using a conventional interface and an information visualization interface. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, Orlando, July 2011. In J.L. Jacko (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6764, 590-598.

Saleh, N., & Large, A. (2011). Collaborative information behavior in undergraduate group projects: A study of engineering students. Annual Meeting, American Society for Information Science and Technology, New Orleans, Louisiana. ASIS&T 2011 Proceedings of the 74th Annual Meeting, v. 48 (10 pages).

Peter McNally

Book chapters

McNally, Peter J. (2011). Chemistry at . In R. Gaudreault et al. (Eds.), Scientific Papers and Reminiscences: Cascades Festschrift in Honour of Professor Emeritus M.A. (Tony) Whitehead, Including Richard Hart Symposium, ,2010 (pp. 67-72). Kingsey Falls, QC: Cascades Inc.

McNally, Peter J. (2011). Osler and Francis: Creating the Bibliotheca Osleriana. In W. Feindel (Ed.), Sir William Osler: the Man and His Books (pp. p. 25-51). Montreal, QC: Osler Library, . (With G. Brown and N. Savard).

Journal articles

McNally, Peter J. (2011). Western Canadiana at : the Lande and Arkin Collections. Fontanus: from the Collections of , Vol. XII (2010), 105-121.


McNally, Peter J. et al. (Eds.) (2011). Fontanus: from the Collections of . Vol. XII (2010).

McNally, Peter J. (2011). 1801-1855, James and a Vision of Learning. Reporter, Special Issue Celebrating ’s 190th Anniversary, 44(4), (October 14, 2011), 2-3.

McNally, Peter J. (2011). 1856-1882, Dawson Takes it to a Higher Level.” Reporter, Special Issue Celebrating ’s 190th Anniversary, 44(4), (October 14, 2011), 4-5.

McNally, Peter J. (2011). 1980-2002, Surviving Challenging Times and Emerging Stronger. Reporter, Special Issue Celebrating ’s 190th Anniversary, 44(4), (October 14, 2011), 16-17.

Elaine Ménard

Journal articles

Ménard, Elaine (2011). Chicken or egg theory: Do we truly know how they search? The Indexer, 29(4), 150-156.

Ménard, Elaine (2011). Bibliothèques et accès à l’information multilingue: pour en finir avec Babel. Documentation et bibliothèques, 57(4), 205-11.

Ménard, Elaine (2011). Study on search behaviours of image users: A case study of museum objects. Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 6(1).

Eun Park

Book chapter

Zou, Q., & Park, E.G. (2011). Understanding trust in virtual communities: Revisited. In M. Quickly (Ed.), ICT Ethics and security in the 21st Century: New developments and applications (pp. 1-26). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Journal articles

Park, E. G., & Richard, M. (2011). Metadata assessment in E-theses and dissertations of Canadian Institutional Repositories. The Electronic Library, 29 (3), 394-407.

Wright, T., Park, E., & Cole, C. (2011). Collaboration tools in virtual educational communities: A case of the Paulo Freire Project for Critical Pedagogy. The New Educational Review, 24 (2), 271-280.

Zou, Q., & Park, E.G. (2011). Modeling ancient Chinese time ontology. Journal of Information Science, 37(3): 332-341.

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