The SIS-JOBS list is a moderated mailing list for information professional job postings, designed to assist employers to recruit graduates from the º«¹úÂãÎè School of Information Studies. This is a free service provided by School for employers, SIS students, and SIS graduates.
Post a job
To post a job, simply email your job posting with the job title and organization name in the subject line to:
SIS-JOBS [at] lists.mcgill.ca.
Guidelines & tips for posting a job
We welcome positions for information professionals, e.g., positions related to libraries, archives, records management, information management, knowledge management, information architecture, cultural heritage information, data curation, data analysis, metadata, taxonomy, ontology, user experience, and other jobs related to the field of information studies/science. Have any questions? Please contact us.
Include details of the position in the body of the email, including title, organization, location, and closing date, if applicable. The size of a message sent to the list is limited to a maximum of 4MB. Users are encouraged to send links (URLs) to documents on the Web.
Job postings are reviewed by a staff member prior to dissemination on the email list. Please allow 3-5 working days for the message to be processed. Contact us with any questions.
For questions or assistance sending job postings to the School--or to post a student job--contact the Schools' HR and Operations team supervisorhr-ops.asc5 [at] mcgill.ca; coordinatorhr-ops.asc5 [at] mcgill.ca">here.
- Send an email with a blank subject line to LISTSERV [at] lists.mcgill.ca
- In the message body, type: subscribe SIS-JOBS
- Ensure that there is no additional text (e.g. email signature) in your message body prior to sending
- Send an email with a blank subject line to LISTSERV [at] lists.mcgill.ca
- In the message body, type: signoff SIS-JOBS
- Ensure that there is no additional text (e.g. email signature) in your message body prior to sending
View past postings
- View past postings at the page.