Bibliography on Shakespeare and the Law [.pdf]: Compiled by Pierre-Olivier Savoie, Fall 2003
Shakespeare and the Law
For Fall 2003 Shakespeare Moot
Compiled by Pierre-Olivier Savoie
Anderson, Linda. A Kind of Wild Justice: Revenge in Shakespeareâs Comedies, (Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware Press, 1987).
Andrews, Mark Edwin. Law versus Equity in The Merchant of Venice, (Boulder, Co.: University of Colorado Press, 1972). PR 2825 A72 1965 [Regular Loan] Nahum Gelber Law.
Aristodemou, Maria. Law and Literature: Journeys from Her [sic] to Eternity, (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000).
Andrew, Edward. Shylock's Rights: A Grammar of Lockian Claims, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988). B1297 A64 1988 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Barton, Anne. ââWrying But a Little': Marriage, Law, and Sexuality in the Plays of Shakespeare,â in Essays, Mainly Shakespearean, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). PR2976 B34 1994 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Bates, Catherine. âLove and Courtshipâ in Alexander Leggat, ed., Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 102-22. PR2981 C36 2002 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Boris, Edna Zwick. Shakespeare's English Kings, the People, and the Law: A Study in the Relationship between the Tudor Constitution and the English History Plays, (Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1978). PR 2982 B6 1978 [Regular Loan] Nahum Gelber Law.
Burt, Richard. Unspeakable Shaxxxspeares, (New-York: Saint-Martinâs Press, 1998). âThe Love That Dare Not Speak Shakespeareâs Name : New Shakesqueer Cinemaâ 29-76.
Carroll, William. ââThe Form of Lawâ: Ritual and Succession in Richard IIIâ in Linda Woodbridge & Edward Berry, eds., True Rites and Maimed Rites: Ritual and Anti-Ritual in Shakespeare and His Age, (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1992), 203-19. PR3069 R55 T78 1992 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Cerasano, S. P. âHalf a Dozen Dangerous Wordsâ in Gloriana's Face: Women, Public and Private, in the English Renaissance, (Hertfordshire: Harvester, 1992), 167-83. HQ1149 G7 G56 1992 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Charney, Maurice. Shakespeare on Love and Lust, (New-York: Columbia University Press, 2000). PR 3069 L6 C48 2000.
Chedgzoy, Kate. Shakespeareâs queer children: Sexual politics and contemporary culture, (New-York: Manchester University Press, 1995).
Clarkson, Paul S. & Warren, Clyde T. The Law of Property in Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Drama, Reprint Ed. (New-York: Gordian Press, 1968). PR658 P7 C5 1968 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Creaser, John. âForms of confusionâ in Alexander Leggatt, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy, (New-York: Cambridge University Press, 2002) 81-101 PR 2981 C36 2002 McLennan.
Crewe, Jonathan. âIn the Field of Dreams: Transvestism in Twelfth Night and The Crying Gameâ Stephen Orgel & Sean Keilen, eds. Shakespeare and Gender, (New-York: Garland Publishing, Inc.: 1999) 183-203. PR3069 S45 S52 1999 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Danby, John F. Shakespeareâs Doctrine of Nature: A Study of âKing Learâ (London, 1949). PR2819 D33 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Davis, Cushman K. The Law in Shakespeare, 2nd ed. (St. Paul, Minn.: 1884). PR3028 D3 1884 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
DiGangi, Mario. âQueering the Shakespearean Familyâ in Stephen Orgel & Sean Keilen, eds. Shakespeare and Gender, (New-York: Garland Publishing, Inc.: 1999) 67-88. PR3069 S45 S52 1999 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Dollimore, Jonathan. Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault, (Oxford: Clarendon, 1991). HQ71 D49 1991 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Elton, William R. Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida and the Inns of Court Revels (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000). PR2836 E48 2000 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Gless, Daryl J. Measure for Measure, the Law, and the Convent, (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1979). PR2824 G5 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Goldberg, Jonathan. ââPlay the Sodomits, or Worseâ: The Elizabethan Theater: Desiring Halâ in Sodometries: Renaissance Texts, Modern Sexualities, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992) 145-178. PR 428 H66G6 1992 McLennan.
Greene, Jody. ââYou Must Eat Menâ: The Sodomitic Economy of Renaissance Patronageâ Stephen Orgel & Sean Keilen, eds. Shakespeare and Gender, (New-York: Garland Publishing, Inc.: 1999) 229-264. PR3069 S45 S52 1999 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Greer, Germaine. âLove and the Lawâ in Frances McNeely Leonard, ed., Politics, Power, and Shakespeare, (Arlington: Texas Humanities Resource Center, 1981), 29-45.
Hamilton, Donna. Shakespeare and the Politics of Protestant England, (Hemel Hempstead, 1992). PR3017 H36 1992 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Hammond, Paul. Figuring Sex Between Men from Shakespeare to Rochester, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002).
Hattaway, Michael. âMale sexuality and misogynyâ in Alexander, Catherine M.S. & Stanley Wells, Shakespeare and Sexuality, (New-York: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 92-115.
* Hawley, William M. Shakespearean Tragedy and the Common Law: The Art of Punishment. New York: Lang, 1998. PR2983 H39 1998 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Hodgon, Barbara. âSexual disguise and the theatre of genderâ in Alexander Leggatt, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy, (New-York: Cambridge University Press, 2002) 179-198. PR 2981 C36 2002 McLennan.
* Hopkins, Lisa. The Shakespearean Marriage: Merry Wives and Heavy Husbands, (New-York: Saint-Martinâs Press, 1998).
* Hutson, Lorna. âNot the Kingâs Two Bodies: Reading the âBody Politicâ in Shakespeareâs Henry IV, Parts I and 2â in Victoria Kahn & Lorna Hutson, eds., Rhetoric and Law in Early Modern Europe, (New-Have, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2001) 166.
---. âOn Not Being Deceived: Rhetoric and the Body in Twelfth Nightâ Stephen Orgel & Sean Keilen, eds. Shakespeare and Gender, (New-York: Garland Publishing, Inc.: 1999) 148-182. PR3069 S45 S52 1999 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
* von Ihering, Rudolf. The Struggle for Law, trans. J.J. Lalor, 2nd ed. (Chicago: 1915). Comment: pp. 86-8 discuss the trial of Shylock v. Antonio where Ihering argues justice was not done to Shylock. K 230 J5 K313 1997 [Regular Loan] Nahum Gelber Law.
Jones, Ann. âRevenge Comedy: Writing, Law, and the Punishing Heroine in Twelfth Nightâ in Gillian Murray Kendall, ed., Shakespearean Power and Punishment: A Volume of Essays, (Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson UP; London: Associated UPs, 1998) 23-38. PR3017 S575 1998 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Jordan, Constance. Shakespeare's Monarchies: Ruler and Subject in the Romances, (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1997). PR2981.5 J67 1997 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Keeton, George W. Shakespeare and his Legal Problems. (London, 1930). PR 3028 K4 1987 [Regular Loan] Nahum Gelber Law.
Kennedy, David. âLawâs Literatureâ in Marjorie Garber, Paul B. Franklin & Rebecca L. Walkowitz, eds., Field Work: Sites in Literary and Cultural Studies. (New York: Routledge, 1996) 207-13. PN81 F48 1996 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Kernan, Alvin B. Shakespeare, the King's Playwright: Theater in the Stuart Court, 1603-13, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995). PR3095 K47 1995 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Kinney, Arthur F. âLexias of the Familyâ in Chapter 2 of Lies Like Truth: Shakespeare, Macbeth and the Cultural Moment, (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2001) 163- 173. PR2823 K56 2001 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Korda, Natasha. ââJudicious Oeilladesâ: Supervising Marital Property in The Merry Wives of Windsorâ in Jean E. Howard & Scott Cutler Shershow, eds., Marxist Shakespeares, (London: Routledge, 2001), 82-103. PR3024 M39 2001 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Kornstein, Daniel J. Kill All the Lawyers: Shakespeare's Legal Appeal, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994). PR3028 K67 1994 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
* Kubiak, Anthony. Stages of Terror: Terrorism, Ideology, and Coercion as Theatre History, (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991). PN1650 T47 K8 1991 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Leggatt, Alexander. âComedy and sexâ in Alexander Leggatt, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy, (New-York: Cambridge University Press, 2002) 139-155. PR 2981 C36 2002 McLennan.
* Levin, Joel. âLear's Final Argument or More Sinned against than Sinning: Pride, Law, and Justice among the Ancientsâ in Roberta Kevelson, ed., The Eyes of Justice: Seventh Round Table on Law and Semiotics (New York: Lang, 1994) 203-16. K 213 R68 1993 [Regular Loan] Nahum Gelber Law.
Marowitz, Charles. Recycling Shakespeare. New York: Applause, 1991. PR2965 M35 1991 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
MacKinnon, F.V. The Timeless Shakespeare (The Natural Law in Shakespeare), (Gloucester, Ont.: The Times of Gloucester Press, 1984). PR2976 M27 1985 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Marotti, Arthur F. âShakespeareâs Sonnets as Literary Propertyâ in E.D. Harvey and K.E. Maus, eds., Soliciting Interpretation: Literary Theory and Seventeenth-Century English Poetr, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990).
* McEachern, Claire. The Poetics of English Nationhood, 1590-1612, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). PR428 P6 M34 1996 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Meader, William G. Courtship in Shakespeare, (New-York: Octagon Books, 1971). Chapter 5, Spousals, pp. 165-203.
* Mehl, Dieter. âCorruption, Retribution and Justice in Measure for Measure and The Revengerâs Tragedyâ in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: Essays in Comparison. Ed. E.A.J. Honigmann. (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986). PR2976 S335 1986 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Merchant, W. Moelwyn. « Lawyer and Actor : Process of Law in Elizabethan Drama » English Studies Today. 3d series. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1964).
* Meron, Theodor, Bloody constraint : war and chivalry in Shakespeare, (New-York, Oxford University Press, 1998). PR3069 M5 M47 1998 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Miller, Anthony. âMatters of Stateâ in Alexander Leggat, ed., Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002) 198-214. PR2981 C36 2002 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
* Myrsiades, Kostas, and Linda Myrsiades, eds. Un-Disciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture, (New York: Lang, 1999). NAHUM GELBER: PR 408 L38 U53 2000
Nowotty, W.M.T. âJustice and Love in Othelloâ in L.F. Dean, ed., Casebook on Othello (New-York: Crowell, 1961
* Parker, M.D.H. The Slave of Life: A Study of Shakespeare and the Idea of Justice (1955).
Parker, Patricia. âOthello and Hamlet: Spying, Discovery, and Secret Faultsâ Shakespeare from the Margins: Language, Culture, Context, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996) 229-72. PR2997 P8 P37 1996 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Pequigney, Joseph. Such is my love: A Study of Shakespearean Sonnets, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1985. PR 2848 P 46 1985 McLennan.
---. âThe Two Antonios and Same-Sex Love in Twelfth Night and The Merchant of Veniceâ in Deborah E. Barker & Ivo Kamps, Shakespeare and Gender: A History (New-York: Verso, 1995), 178-195. PR 3069 S45 S53 1995 McLennan
Phelps, Charles E. Falstaff and Equity : An Interpretation, (New-York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1901).
* Phillips, Owen Hood. Shakespeare and the Lawyers, (London: Methuen, 1972). NAHUM GELBER PR 3028 P65 1972.
Politi, Jina. Shakespeare and the Law, (Athens: Papazisis, 1979).
* Posner, Richard. Law and Literature, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998). K 290 P67 1988 [Regular Loan] Nahum Gelber Law.
Radel, Nicholas F. âQueer Romeo and Juliet: Teaching Early Modern âSexualityâ in Shakespeareâs âHeterosexualâ Tragedyâ Maurice Hunt, ed., Approaches to Teaching Shakespeareâs Romeo and Juliet, (New-York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2001) 91-97. MCL PR 2831 A89 2001
Ranald, Margaret Loftus. Shakespeare and his Social Context, (New-York, 1987).
Reed, Robert R. Jr. Crime and Godâs Judgment in Shakespeare, (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1984).
Reese, M.M. The Cease of Majesty, (London: Edward Arnold, 1961).
* Rockwood, Bruce L. âShylock the Stranger: Looking Around for Justice or, More than Meets the Eyeâ in Roberta Kevelson, ed., The Eyes of Justice: Seventh Roundtable on Law and Semiotics, (New-York: Peter Lang, 1993), 251. NAHUM GELBER K 213 R68 1993.
Ryan, Kiernan. âMeasure for Measure: Marxism before Marxâ in Jean E. Howard and Scott Cutler Shershow, eds., Marxist Shakespeares, (London: Routledge, 2001), 227-44. PR3024 M39 2001 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Sahel, Pierre. âLes prisons politiques chez Marlowe et Shakespeareâ dans Marie-ThĂ©rĂšse Jones-Davies, ed., SociĂ©tĂ© française Shakespeare: Actes du congrĂšs 1980, (Paris, Touzot, 1981), 99. PR2977 S6 1980 McLennan
Schochet, Gordon J., Patricia E. Tatspaugh, & Carol Brobeck, eds. Law, Literature, and the Settlement of Regimes, (Washington: Folger, 1990).
* Schoeck, Richard J. âShakespeare and the Law: An Overviewâ in W.R. Elton & John M. Mucciolo, eds., The Shakespearean International Yearbook: Where are we now in Shakespearean Studies, (Brookfield, USA: Ashgate, 1999), 219. PR2970 W43 1999 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg.
Seed, Patricia. ââThis Islandâs Mineâ: Caliban and Native Sovereigntyâ in Peter Hulme & William H. Sherman, eds., The Tempest and Its Travels, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000), 202-11. PR2833 T463 2000 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Shell, Marc. The End of Kinship: âMeasure for Measureâ, Incest and the Ideal of Universal Sibling-hood (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988).
Shuger, Deborah. Political Theologies in Shakespeare's England: The Sacred and the State in Measure for Measure, (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001). PR2824 S54 2001 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Sibony, Daniel. « La guerre et l'évitement de la loi dans Jules Caesar et dans Macbeth » dans Marie-ThérÚse Jones-Davies, ed., Shakespeare et la guerre: Societe francaise Shakespeare, Actes du congrÚs 1989, Paris, Belles lettres, 1990, 129-38. [On order] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Sokol, B. J., and Mary Sokol. Shakespeare's Legal Language: A Dictionary, (London: Athlone, 2000). PR3028 S65 2000 [In Library Use] Humanities & Social Sciences Reference (McLennan Bldg, Main floor)
* Spriet, Pierre. âJustice et violence dans les dĂ©nouements tragiques de Shakespeareâ dans Marie-ThĂ©rĂšse Jones-Davies, ed., SociĂ©tĂ© française Shakespeare: Actes du congrĂšs 1980.. Paris: Touzot, 1981, 71. PR2977 S6 1980 McLennan
* Strier, Richard. âFaithful Servants: Shakespeareâs Praise of Disobedience,â in Heather Dubrow and Richard Strier, eds., The Historical Renaissance (Chicago, University of Chaicago Press, 1988).
Suhamy, Henri. âLe droit, lâĂ©quitĂ©, la charitĂ©: Autour de quelques situations judiciaires dans Shakespeareâ dans Marie-ThĂ©rĂšse Jones-Davies, ed., SociĂ©tĂ© française Shakespeare: Actes du congrĂšs 1980. Paris: Touzot, 1981, 23. PR2977 S6 1980 McLennan.
Tennenhouse, Leonard. âFamily Rites: Patriarchal Strategies in Shakespearean Romanceâ in Kiernan Ryan, ed., Shakespeare: The Last Plays, (New-York: Longman, 1999) 43-61. MCL PR 2981.5 S48 1999.
* Tiefenbrun, Susan. Law and the Arts (Westport: Greenwood, 1999).
Thayer, C.G. Shakespearean Politics: Government and Misgovernment in the Great Histories (Athens, Ohio: Ohio, University Press, 1983).
* Time, Victoria M. Shakespeare's Criminals: Criminology, Fiction, and Drama (Westport: Greenwood, 1999).
Tovey, Barbara. âWisdom and the Law: Thoughts on the Political Philosophy of Measure for Measureâ in Joseph Alulis & Vickie Sullivan, eds., Shakespeare's Political Pageant: Essays in Literature and Politics, (Lanham: Rowman, 1996), 61-75. PR3017 S58 1996 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Van Laan, Thomas F. Role Playing in Shakespeare, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1978). PR 3069 R59V36 McLennan.
Van Watson, William. âShakespeare, Zeffirelli and the Homosexual Gazeâ in Deborah E. Barker & Ivo Kamps, Shakespeare and Gender: A History (New-York: Verso, 1995), 235-262. PR 3069 S45 S53 1995 McLennan
* Ward, Ian. Law and Literature: Possibilities and Perspectives, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
* ---. Shakespeare and the Legal Imagination, (London: Butterworths, 1999). NAHUM GELBER PR 3028 W37 1999
---. âShakespeare and the Moral Law: Liberalism, Community, and the Idea of the Moral Selfâ (2000) 86 Archiv fur Rechtsâund Sozialphilosophie 263-81.
* ---. âShakespeare, the Narrative Community, and the Legal Imaginationâ in Michael Freeman & Andrew D. E. Lewis, eds., Law and Literature, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 117-48. NAHUM GELBER K 296 L37 1999
* Weisberg, Richard. âThen you shall be his surety: Oaths and Mediating Breaches in The Merchant of Veniceâ in Poethics and Other Strategies of Law and Literature, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1992), 94. PN56 L33 W4 1992 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bld
* Wells, Robin Headlam. Shakespeare on Masculinity, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000). PR2992 M28 W45 2000 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Wheeler, Thomas, ed. The Merchant of Venice: Critical Essays, (New York: Garland, 1991). PR2825 W48 1991 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
White, Edward J. Commentaries on the Law in Shakespeare: With Explanations of the Legal Terms Used in the Plays, Poems, and Sonnets and a Consideration of the Criminal Types Presented. Also a Full Discussion of the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, (Littleton: Rothman, 1987). NAHUM GELBER PR 3028 W5 1911
* White, R.S. Natural Law in English Renaissance Literature (Cambridge: University Press, 1996).
Williamson, Marilyn. The Patriarchy of Shakespeareâs Comedies, (Detroit, 1986).
Wilson, Luke. Theaters of Intention: Drama and the Law in Early Modern England, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000). PR658 L38 W55 2000 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
Wilson, Richard. Will Power: Essays on Shakespearean Authority, (London: Harvester, 1993). PR3024 W558 1993 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg
* SZeeveld, W. Gordon. The Temper of Shakespeare's Thought, (New Haven: Yale University Press), 1974.
*Ziolkowski, Theodore. The Mirror of Justice: Literary Reflections of Legal Crises, (Princeton: Princeton University Press), 1997.
Aers, David & Gunther Kress. âThe Politics of Style: Discourses of Law and Authority in Measure for Measureâ (1982) 16 Style 22-37.
Anastaplo, George. âLaw & Literature and Shakespeare: Explorationsâ (2001) Okla. City U.L. Rev. 1
Arnold, Oliver. âThe King of Comedy: The Role of the Ruler and the Rule of Law in Shakespeare's Comedies.â (1998) 31 Genre 1-31.
Barrett, D. S. âPlautus, Mostellaria 630-32 and The Merchant of Veniceâ (1983) 59 Classical Bulletin 60-62.
Bawcutt, N. W. ââHe Who the Sword of Heaven Will Bearâ: The Duke versus Angelo in Measure for Measureâ (1984) 37 Shakespeare Survey 89-97.
Bell, Millicent. âOthello's Jealousyâ (1997) 85.2 Yale Review 120-36.
Bennett, Robert. âThe Law Enforces Itself: Richard Hooker and the Law against Fornication in Measure for Measureâ (1993) 16 Shakespeare and Renaissance Association of West Virginia: Selected Papers 43-51.
Berman, Ronald. âShakespeare and the Lawâ (1967) 18 Shakespeare Quarterly 141.
Bernthal, Craig A. âStaging Justice: James I and the Trial Scenes of Measure for Measureâ (1992) 32 Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 247-69.
Birje-Patil, J. âMarriage Contracts in Shakespeareâs Measure for Measureâ (1964) 5 Shakespeare Survey 106.
Bland, D. S. âShakespeare's Legal Languageâ (1988) 14.4 Verbatim 11-13.
Bolton, W. F. âRicardian Law Reports and Richard IIâ (1988) 20 Shakespeare Studies 53-65.
Boyd, J.O. âShylock Versus Antonio: or Justice Blinfoldedâ (1915) 21 Case and Comment 994.
Bradbrook, M.C. âAuthority, Truth and Justice in Measure for Measureâ (1961) 18 Review of English Studies 385.
Breight, Curt. ââTreason doth Never prosperâ: The Tempest and the Discourse of Treasonâ (1990) 41 Shakespeare Quarterly 1.
Bruneau, Sydney. âShakespeareâs Lawâ (1971) 17 ș«čúÂăÎè L.J. 792.
Buckley, G. T. "Was Edmund Guilty of Capital Treason?" (1972) 23 Shakespeare Quarterly 87-94.
Cacicedo, Alberto. ââShe Is Fast My Wifeâ: Sex, Marriage, and Ducal Authority in Measure for Measureâ (1995) 23 Shakespeare Studies 187-209.
Cimitile, Anna. âThe (Un)fixity of the Law: Modalities of Stasis in The Merchant of Veniceâ (1997) 1.1-2 Annali dell'Instituto Orientale di Napoli: Sezione Germanistica: Anglistica 27-60.
Cohen, Stephen A. ââThe Quality of Mercyâ: Law, Equity, and Ideology in The Merchant of Veniceâ (1994) 27.4 Mosaic 35-54.
Cohen, Walter. âThe Merchant of Venice and the Possibilities of Historical Criticismâ (1982) ELH 49.
Collins, Kris. âWhite-Washing the Black-a-Moor: Othello, Negro Minstrelsy, and Parodies of Blacknessâ (1996) 19.1 Journal of American Culture 87-101.
Coolidge, John S. âLaw and Love in The Merchant of Veniceâ (1976) 27 Shakespeare Quarterly 243-63.
Cowen, Ezek. âShylock v. Antonioâ (1872) 5 Albany Law Journal 193.
Denvir, John, âWilliam Shakespeare and the Jurisprudence of Comedyâ (1987) 39 Stan. L. Rev. 825.
Detmer-Goebel, Emily. âThe Need for Lavinia's Voice: Titus Andronicus and the Telling of Rapeâ (2001) 29 Shakespeare Studies 75-92.
Dickinson, J. âRenaissance Equity and Measure for Measureâ (1962) 13 Shakespeare Quarterly 287.
Dunkel, Wilbur. âLaw and Equity in Measure for Measureâ (1962) 13 Shakespeare Quarterly 275.
Echeruo, M. J. C. âTanistry, the âDue of Birthâ and Macbethâs Sinâ (1972) 23 Shakespeare Quarterly 444-50.
Eden, Kathy. âEquity and the Origins of Renaissance Historicism: The Case for Erasmusâ (1993) 5 Yale J. L. & Hum. 137-145.
Elton, W.R. âNicomachean Ethics in Troilus and Cressidaâ (April 1997) Journal of the History of Ideas.
Epstein, Paul. âLaw and Subjective Freedom in The Merchant of Veniceâ (1993) 7 Dionysius 49-72.
Frison, DaniÚle. « Loi et droit dans Le marchand de Venise » (2000) 57 Cahiers élisabethains 49-60.
Fuller, R.F. âShakespeare as a Lawyerâ (1863) 9 Upper Canada Law Journal 91.
Gohn, Jack BenoĂźt. âRichard II: Shakespeareâs Legal Brief on the Royal Prerogative and the Succession to the Throneâ (1982) 70 Georgetown L.J. 943.
* Green, Janet M. âEarthly Doom and Heavenly Thunder: Judgment in King Learâ (1995) 23 University of Dayton Review 63-73.
* Greenstein, Michael. âBreaking the Mosaic Code: Jewish Literature vs. the Lawâ (1994) 27.3 Mosaic 87-106.
Gurr, Andrew. âMeasure for Measure's Hoods and Masks: The Duke, Isabella, and Libertyâ (1997) 27 English Literary Renaissance 89-105.
Halio, Jay L. âPortia: Shakespeare's Matlock?â (1993) 5.1 Cardozo Stud. in Law & Lit. 57-64.
* Halper, Louise. âMeasure for Measure: Law, Prerogative, Submissionâ (2001) 13 Cardozo Stud. in Law & Lit. 221.
Hamill, Monica J. âPoetry, Law, and the Pursuit of Perfection: Portia's Role in The Merchant of Veniceâ (1978) 18 Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 229-43.
Hamilton, Donna. âThe State of Law in Richard IIâ (1983) 34 Shakespeare Quarterly 5-17.
Harding, D. âElizabethan Bethrotals and Measure for Measureâ (1950) 49 JEGP 139.
Hatinen, Peter, âBook Annotation: Bloody Constraint: War and Chivalry in Shakespeare, by Theodor Meronâ (1999) 31 N.Y.U. J. Intâl L. & Pol. 664.
* Henderson, Veronica. âThe School Bus to Wilkie and the Walk to Colonus: Latimer, Antigone and the Role of Mercy in Sentencingâ (2002) 14 W.R.L.S.I. 33.
Hennedy, John F. âLauncelot Gobbo and Shylock's Forced Conversionâ (1973) 15 Texas Studies in Literature and Language 405-10.
* Holmer, Jane Ozark. âMiles Mosseâs The Arraignment and Conviction of Usurie (1595): A New Source for The Merchant of Veniceâ (1993) 21 Shakespeare Studies 11.
Hutson, Lorna. ââOur Old Storehouseâ: Plowden's Commentaries and Political Consciousness in Shakespeareâ (1996) 7 Shakespeare Yearbook 249-73.
Jardine, Lisa. âCultural Confusion and Shakespeare's Learned Heroines: âThese Are Old Paradoxesââ (1987) 38 Shakespeare Quarterly 1-18. [Note: reprinted in Orgel, Shakespeare and Gender PR3069 S45 S52 1999 [Regular Loan] Humanities & Social Sciences McLennan Bldg]
Johnson, Lonnell. âShylock's Daniel: âJustice More than Thou Desir'st.ââ (1991-92) 35 CLA Journal 353-66.
Jordan, William. âApproaches to the Court Scene in the Bond Story: Equity and Mercy or Reason and Natureâ (1982) 33 Shakespeare Quarterly 49-59.
Kantorowicz. The Kingâs Two Bodies, (1957)
Kaplan, M. Lindsay, & Katherine Eggert. ââGood Queen, My Lord, Good Queenâ: Sexual Slander and the Trials of Female Authority in The Winterâs Taleâ (1994) 25 Renaissance Drama 89-118.
* Kasirer, Nicholas. « Chronique de doctrine : Lear et le droit civil » (2000) 46 ș«čúÂăÎè L.J. 293.
Kermode, Frank. âJustice and Mercy in Shakespeareâ (1996) 33 Hous. L. Rev. 1155.
Kerr, Heather. âAaron's Letter and the Acts of Reading: The Text as Evidence in Titus Andronicusâ (1992) 77 AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 1-19.
Klene, Jean. âA fixed figure for the time of scornâ (1975) 24 Shakespeare Quarterly 139.
Klinck, Dennis. âShakespeare's Richard II as Landlord and Wasting Tenantâ (1998) 25 College Literature 21-34.
Knight, W. Nicholas. âEquity and Mercy in English Law and Dramaâ (1972) 6 Comparative Drama 51-67.
---. âLaw and Equity, the Merchant of Venice, and William Lambardeâ (1974) 27 Shakespeare Survey 93-104.
---. âLegal Relationships between Shakespeare's Life and His Works since Schoenbaum's Life Records (1975)â (1976) 2.3 Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association 9-14.
---. âShakespeare before King James: Betrayal and Revelation.â (1988) 62 Iowa State Journal of Research 387-95.
---. âTranslation to Law Language to Stageâ (1981) 8 Shakespeare Translation 9-15.
* Kornstein, Daniel J. âFie Upon Your Law!â (1993) 5.1 Cardozo Stud. in Law & Lit. 35-56.
* Kreps, Barbara. âWhen All Is True: Law, History, and Problems of Knowledge in Henry VIIIâ (1999) 52 Shakespeare Survey 52 166-82.
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