Composition (see Terms of Reference) |
Current membership |
Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning), Chair, ex officio |
Professor Angela Campbell (interim) |
Associate Provost (Graduate Education), and Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (or delegate), ex officio |
Professor Russell Steele (delegate) |
Dean of Students, ex officio |
Professor Anthony Mittermaier (interim) |
Three delegates of Deans from among the large faculties |
Professor Manuel Balán (Political Science, ARTS) - 2026 |
Professor Beth-Ann Cummings (Health Professions Education, FMHS) - 2026 |
Professor Alice Cherestes (Bioresource Engineering, FAES) - 2026 |
One delegate of a Dean from among the small faculties |
Professor Tina Piper (LAW) - 2025 |
One representative of Senate from the administrative and support staff |
Nellie Voudouris (Faculty Adviser, ARTS) - 2025 |
Three representatives of Senate from among the academic staff |
Professor Tamara Western (Biology, SCIENCE) - 2025 |
Professor David Titley-Peloquin (Bioresource Engineering, AES) - 2026 |
Professor Melissa Vollrath (Physiology, FMHS) - 2027 |
One representative of the Alumni Association: |
Susan Czarnocki - 2025 |
Two Undergraduate Students |
Zineb Bakhouche (Arts) |
Seraphina Crema Black (Music) |
One Graduate Student |
One Macdonald Campus Student |
Maya Scully |
Committee Secretary |
Natalie Phillips-Elgar, Associate Director, Student Engagement and Strategic Support (ODPSLL) |
Terms of Reference
The Committee on Enrolment and Student Affairs (“the Committee”) is a Standing Committee of Senate charged with oversight to enrolment and student affairs matters.
Specific Areas of Responsibility
1. The Committee shall review and recommend to Senate:
- policies as they affect course timetabling, student records, and student affairs in general;
- principles regarding sessional dates and specific sessional dates for all faculties and for the Centre for Continuing Education, including the beginning and end of the session, holidays, and examinations.
2. The Committee shall review and recommend to Senate, where appropriate in collaboration with the faculties and Academic Policy Committee:
- policies related to academic integrity;
- policies related to student advising and orientation.
3. The Committee shall review and approve in the name of Senate:
- new awards and changes in the conditions of existing awards made by the University to its students; awards include scholarships, fellowships, prizes, medals, bursaries, loans, and the work-study program;
- the admissions standards and policies of the University.
4. The Committee shall report annually to Senate about:
- policy recommendations;
- actions taken in the name of Senate;
- awards and financial aid provided to students.
5. The Committee shall strike a subcommittee with the Dean of Students as Chair that would make recommendations regarding procedures for review of admissions decisions and, as needed, review the application of such procedures in individual cases. The subcommittee shall report annually to the Committee.
6. The Committee shall meet at least three times during the academic year.
- Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning), Chair
- Associate Provost (Graduate Studies) or delegate
- The Dean of Students or delegate
- Three delegates of Deans from among the large faculties
- One delegate of a Dean from among the small faculties
- One representative of Senate from the administrative and support staff, on the recommendation of Senate Nominating Committee
- Three representatives of Senate from the academic staff on the recommendation of Senate Nominating Committee
- One representative named by the Alumni Association
- Two undergraduate students
- One graduate student
- One student representative of Macdonald Campus
Source: Senate Minute IIB4.2, May 20, 2009
Resource Persons
Individuals identified by the Committee for specific agenda items, possibly including, but not limited to the following:
- The University Registrar and Executive Director of Enrolment Services
- The Director of Admissions
- The Executive Director of Services for Students
- The Executive Director of Residences and Student Housing
- The Director of the Scholarship and Student Aid Office
- The Manager, Scholarships Office
- A staff member from University Advancement (UA) as designated by the Vice-Principal (UA)
- Assistant from the Office of the Deputy Provost, secretary