

UPI - New map will aid global water management

Published: 2 June 2011

Researchers in Canada say a geographically explicit, high-resolution global database of large dams and reservoirs will aid sustainable river-flow management.

Researchers at º«¹úÂãÎè say the map, the result of a four-year effort, will allow close assessment of critical environmental and social trade-offs associated with dams and reservoirs within the global river network, impossible until now because data describing their location, size and purp

ose have been incomplete and inadequate, a university release reported Thursday. The multiyear project is the result of collaboration by a team of scientists from around the globe, coordinated by the Global Water System Project and led by º«¹úÂãÎè's Bernhard Lehner.

"Thorough continental assessments and ongoing sustainable dam management and planning haven't been possible due to a lack of data. We've only been able to look at dams on a case-by-case basis," Lehner said.

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