MONTREAL GAZETTE | Google chief sees continuous learning as key to overcoming ‘disruption anxiety’
“Disruption anxiety is in every single field,” Sabrina Geremia said Friday during an exchange with Jui Ramaprasad, a professor of information systems at . “Part of the anxiety is rooted in the pace of change. It is moving fast. Right now, your life is the slowest it’s ever going to be.”
Google’s own statistics provide insights into the increasing speed of change. In 1998, the company indexed about 2.5 million Internet sites. Today, Geremia said, that figure stands at about 2 billion. Many Internet-related jobs didn’t even exist 15 years ago, she added.
To maximize their odds of success, existing and future workers need “a mindset of continuous learning coupled with the right skills,” Geremia said. “Always knowing that you have to learn things, and learn new things, all the time.”
Technology and its impact on the jobs of the future have been at the heart of discussions at C2 since Wednesday.