GLOBAL NEWS | students take on Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for daycare centre
Roderick Mackinnon and Thomas Prévost have just set off on a seven-day hike up Mount Kilimanjaro on Wednesday. The adventure, however, started four months ago when the management students were accepted into the Global Impact Program fellowship. “We basically worked as social impact consultants with various NGOs, NPOs and social enterprises in South Africa, mainly around Johannesburg,” explained Mackinnon from his hotel room in Tanzania.
At the time, the 22-year-olds figured that since they would be in Africa anyway, why not try and climb the continent’s highest peak? But then, as their fellowships got underway, their focus began to shift. “Throughout the summer, as we were working really closely with early childhood development centres, the idea kind of came to us: Why don’t we hike for a cause?” Mackinnon said.