
APTN NATIONAL | Montreal Pride makes space for Two-Spirit representation amid influx of online hate

Published: 21 August 2019

Amidst scrutiny from racialized and marginalized groups, Fierté Montreal adopted a new mandate in 2019: to diversity and attempt to Indigenize their festival offerings as part of their bid to host World Pride in 2023. “One of the main priorities was to meet as many different cultural groups I could, and to get to know their needs, and get to know what I could do to help them and to do as many projects as possible this first year,” explained Félicia Tremblay, Fierté’s newly-appointed Director of Diversity and Community Relations.

“Seeing Two-Spirit families, hearing feedback from people who feel less alone because they went to an activity where they felt heard.” Although Tremblay concedes they’re already thinking of ways to up the gamut for next year’s edition of the festival, starting to consciously showcase Two-Spirit identities is an indelible step towards reconciliation.

“Statistically we are growing in numbers in these cities; it’s important that we also take those spaces,” John Sylliboy, a Two-Spirit researcher and doctoral candidate at , explained.

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