If China is to achieve its target of 95% grain self-sufficiency by 2030 it will need to restrict the conversion of arable land to other uses say researchers from º«¹úÂãÎè. This may prove challenging...
“Rescuers scoured a lava- and ash-ravaged landscape in Guatemala for a third straight day on Wednesday in search of survivors and victims of Fuego volcano’s calamitous eruption, which has killed at...
Male guppies exposed to predators in the wild or in captivity have heavier brains than those living in relatively predator-free conditions, according to new research published in the journal...
The 2018 G7 Summit will take place from June 8-9 in the Charlevoix, Quebec. The º«¹úÂãÎè experts who can comment on various issues related to the G7 meeting are:...
The level of sex hormones such as testosterone in a man's body could influence his religiosity. A new study by Aniruddha Das of º«¹úÂãÎè in the Springer journal Adaptive Human Behavior and...
It's not every day that one receives a call from a researcher asking if they want to participate in a study on aging for the next 20 years of their lives. That's what 50,000 Canadians aged 45 to 85...
You are what you eat. Or so the saying goes. Science now tells us that we are what the bacteria living in our intestinal tract eat and this could have an influence on how well we age. Building on...