
THE CONVERSATION: America looks hopeless – a lot like the ‘mother country’ once did

Published: 23 July 2018

(Opinion by JM Opal, Associate Professor of History, º«¹úÂãÎè) A decade ago, as the scale of the disaster in Iraq began to sink in, American historians often compared the United States to...

McIntyre Update

Published: 20 July 2018


Expert: Order for 60 Airbus A220 jets

Published: 17 July 2018

“A new U.S. airline start-up announced its plans Tuesday to buy 60 Airbus A220-300 aircraft, with deliveries beginning in 2021. (…) Airbus markets and supports the A220 aircraft, which is...

McIntyre Medical Building Closed

Published: 15 July 2018

Following the weekend fire at the McIntyre Medical Building, McIntyre will remain closed until further notice. We are working around the clock to verify the integrity of the structure, replace...

McIntyre fire damage: building closed

Published: 14 July 2018

(July 14, 2018 - 12:15 pm - updated 9:25 pm) On the evening of July 13, a fire was reported on the outdoor terrace of the McIntyre Medical Building. Authorities arrived quickly and the fire was...

Expert: Trudeau in Latvia commits to extra troops, extended stay in NATO mission

Published: 10 July 2018

Canada will commit extra troops and remain in Latvia as part of NATO's mission to deter potential Russian aggression until 2023, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed Tuesday. (source: CBC)...

THE CONVERSATION: How a U.S. Supreme Court ruling could modernize Canada's tax system

Published: 9 July 2018

(Opinion by Ivan O. Ozai, Doctoral Candidate, Faculty of Law, º«¹úÂãÎè) In the last few months, several countries have considered the idea of levying taxes on digital companies. But...

GLOBE AND MAIL | Could your diabetes medication be the next anti-aging pill?

Published: 9 July 2018

Scientists studying metformin say the generic drug slows the ‘burn rate’ in living cells in ways that increase longevity. […] Metformin, by contrast, has both an enviable safety profile and a...


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