Abstracts (selected):
- Kay-Rivest E, Daniel SJ. (October 7-10, 2018): High-Frequency Ultrasound: Novel Diagnostic Tool to Evaluate Tonsillar Asymmetry in Children submitted to the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation for presentation during the 2018 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Maftoon N, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2013): Estimation of ideal open-cavity middle-ear responses from responses with partial cavity opening. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19: 030100, 5 pp., doi:10.1121/1.4800434
- Motallebzadeh H, Gariepy B, Maftoon N, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2013): Finite-element modelling of the newborn ear canal and middle ear. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19: 030101, 5 pp., doi:10.1121/1.4800394
- Maftoon N, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2013): Experimental study of effects of opening middle-ear cavity on vibrations of gerbil tympanic membrane. 36th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., Baltimore
- Motallebzadeh H, Gariepy B, Maftoon N, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2013): Finite-element modelling of the newborn ear canal and middle ear. 36th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., Baltimore
- Akinpelu OV, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2013): Otoacoustic-emission detection when the middle ear contains amniotic fluid: A chinchilla animal model. 36th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., Baltimore
- Maftoon N, He Z, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2012): Multiple-point vibration measurements on the gerbil tympanic membrane. 35th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., San Diego
- Coppoolse JMS, Van Kooten TG, Li NYK, Thibeault SL, Heris HK, Mongeau L, Pitaro J, and Daniel SJ, (July 3-4, 2012): “In vivo study in a rat animal model of composite microgels based on hyaluronic acid and gelatin for the reconstruction of the vocal fold lamina propria following injury “. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, Germany.
- Motallebzadeh H, Charlebois M, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2012): A non-linear viscoelastic model for the tympanic membrane. 35th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., San Diego
- Maftoon N, Nambiar S, Funnell WRJ, Decraemer WF & Daniel S (2011): Experimental and modelling study of gerbil tympanic-membrane vibrations. 34th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., Baltimore
- Gariepy B, Qi L, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2009): A finite-element model of the newborn ear canal and its response to low-frequency acoustic stimulation. Congrès Assoc. Oto-Rhino-Laryngol. Chir. Cervico-Fac. Québec, Montréal
- Maftoon N, Nambiar S, Funnell WRJ, Decraemer WF & Daniel SJ (2009): Experimental and modelling study of gerbil tympanic-membrane vibrations. Congrès Assoc. Oto-Rhino-Laryngol. Chir. Cervico-Fac. Québec, Montréal
- Daniel SJ, Akache FG, Nader ME, Munguia R (2007). Electron microscopy study of hydrogen peroxide ototoxicity in a chinchilla animal model. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, San Diego, California, April 27-29, 2007.
- Sahmkow S, Daniel SJ, Lafontaine A. (2007 Aug): Drooling in Neurologically[AF1] Impaired Patients: Botox Treatment. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg;137(2): 164-165.
- Qi L, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2007): A non-linear finite-element model of the newborn tympanic membrane. 30th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., Denver.
- Chalk C, Nicholson D, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2006): A randomized controlled trial of computer-assisted anatomy instruction. Med. Educ. Conf., Can. Assoc. Med. Educ., London (ON)
- Daniel SJ, * (May 19th – 22nd, 2006): Munguia R. Safety of ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone eardrops in a chinchilla animal model. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Chicago, Ill.
- Licup Ana Teresa, Daniel SJ. (May 19th – 22nd, 2006): The Microvascular Characteristics of the Auditory Cortex and its response to early onset chronic conductive hearing loss. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Chicago, Ill.
- Daniel SJ. (May 19th – 22nd, 2006): Botox Injection of Salivary Glands as an Alternative to Tracheostomy in newborn babies with severe salivary aspiration. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Chicago, Ill.
- Anand S, Daniel SJ, Funnell R, et al. (May 14-17, 2006): Primary Tumour Volume as a Predictor of Outcome in Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 60th Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Kelowna, British Columbia.
- Akache F, Daniel SJ, Funnell WRJ (2005): Manubrium and eardrum vibrations in the rat. 28th Midwinter Res. Mtg., Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol., New Orleans
- Alsabah BH, Funnell WRJ, Daniel SJ, et al. (June 19 - 22, 2005): Secrets of the Lenticular Process and Incudostapedial Joint. 59th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, St. John's, Newfoundland.
- Daniel SJ, Vu T, Quash C. (June 11 – 22, 2005): Changing Patterns in Atypical Mycobacterial Adenitis in Quebec, Montreal, QC., 59th Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, St. John’s, NFLD.
- Balys R, Daniel SJ, Manoukian J, Abou-Jaoude P. (June 11 – 22, 2005): Tracheotomy in the First Year of Life, Analysis of a 20year period. Montreal, QC., 59th Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, St. John’s, NFLD.
- Anand S, Daniel SJ, Funnell WRL, Vevental J, Hier M, Black M, Kost K, Zeitouni A. (June 11 – 22, 2005): The Correlation Between Tumor and Nodal Volume and Survival in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Montreal, QC, 59th Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, St. John’s, NFLD.
- Tewfik MA, Frenkiel S, Gasparrini R, Daniel SJ, Zeitouni A, Kost K, Samaha M, Sweet R, Novick, W. (June 11 – 22, 2005): Factors Affecting Unanticipated Hospital Admission Following Outpatient Surgical Procedures in Otology. Montreal, QC, 59th Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, St. John’s, NFLD.
- Abou-Jaoude P, Manoukian JJ, Daniel SJ, Schloss MD, Tewfik T. (May 18, 2004): Complications of Adenotonsillectomy Revisited in a Large Pediatric Case Series. 58th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Quebec.
- Rotenberg BW, Daniel SJ, Forte V. (May 25, 2003): Pediatric Laryngeal Paralysis: A New Proposed Surgical Therapy. 57th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Ottawa. Winner of the Best Basic Science Award, Poliquin-Xomed Competition.
- Bharatha AÓ˦, Daniel SJ, Papsin BC, Friedberg J. (May 2003): Non-neoplastic Masses of the Middle Ear: Lesions Best Identified Prior to Surgery! 57th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Calgary. (Ó˦ medical student supervised)
- Lin VÓ˦, Torgerson CSÓ˦, Daniel SJ, Forte (May 2003): Is A Plexiform Neurofibroma Pathognomonic of Neurofibromatosis Type I? 57th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Calgary. (Ó˦ residents supervised)
- Lin VÓ˦, Daniel SJ, Papsin P, Harrison RV. (May 25, 2003): A Magnetoencephalogram Study of Native Deaf Signing Children. 57th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Ottawa. (Ó˦ residents supervised)
- Daniel SJ, Crysdale W. (May 1, 2002): Selection of patients for adenoidectomy: nasal airflow studies versus endoscopy. 56th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Ottawa.
- Micallef J, Daniel SJ, James A, Lin V, Friedberg J. (May 1, 2002): Bilateral cholesteatoma in the pediatric population. 56th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Ottawa.
- James A, Daniel SJ, Richmond L, Papsin B. (May 01, 2002): Skin breakdown over cochlear implants: prevention of a magnet site complication. 56th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Ottawa.
Published non-refereed papers:
- Daniel SJ. Assurer le maintien de votre DPC – Le point sur le règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des médecins au Québec, Le spécialiste, Vol 20 no 4, Décembre 2018, page 15
- Daniel SJ. L’évaluation des connaissances, Le spécialiste, Vol 20 no 3, Septembre 2018, page 19
- Daniel SJ. La reconnaissance par les pairs – Une pratique riche de sens, Le spécialiste, Vol 20 no 2, Juin 2018, page 11
- Daniel SJ, Wade P. Partenariat avec l’INESSS, Le spécialiste, Vol 20 no 1, Mars 2018, page 16
- Daniel SJ. Le programme de rétroaction personnalisée sur la pratique, Le spécialiste, Vol 19 no 4, Décembre 2017, page 10
- Daniel SJ. Un agrément réussi! Le spécialiste, Vol 19 no 3, Septembre 2017, page 9
- Daniel SJ. Futur règlement relatif au DPC obligatoire du CMQ – Mise à jour importante, Le spécialiste, Vol 19 no 2, Juin 2017, page 39
- Daniel SJ. Stratégie pour évaluer votre pratique, Le spécialiste, Vol 18 no 4, Décembre 2016, page 12
- Daniel SJ. Le savoir à porter de main, Le spécialiste, Vol 18 no 3, Septembre 2016, page 22
- Daniel SJ, Ratelle R. Un besoin important en DPC – Connaître et respecter les droits d’auteur, Le spécialiste, Vol 18 no 2, Juin 2016, page 18
- Daniel SJ. Se préparer pour demain, Le spécialiste, Vol 18 no 1, Mars 2016, page 17
- Daniel SJ. Le nouveau code d’éthique du CQDPCM, Le spécialiste, Vol 17 no 4, Décembre 2015, page 17
- Daniel SJ. De grands changements à l’horizon en DPC – La compétence par conception, Le spécialiste, Vol 17 no 3, Septembre 2015, page 15
- Daniel SJ. Plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne – Docteurs, êtes-vous branchés, Le spécialiste, Vol 17 no 2, Juin 2015, page 18
- Daniel SJ. L’agrément des unités de DPC de nos associations est à nos portes, Le spécialiste, Vol 17 no 1, Mars 2015, page 41
- Daniel SJ. Nouveau d’éthique en préparation, Le spécialiste, Vol 16 no 4, Décembre 2014, page 37
- Daniel SJ. Naissance d’une nouvelle plateforme, Le spécialiste, Vol 16 no 3, Septembre 2014, page 16
- Daniel SJ. Les médias sociaux et le DPC, Le spécialiste, Vol 16 no 2, Juin 2014, page 17
- Daniel SJ. Moderniser le DPC à la FMSQ – L’union fera la force, Le spécialiste, Vol 16 no 1, Mars 2014, page 34
- Daniel SJ. Le Mémento – Votre guide de DPC, Le spécialiste, Vol 16 no HS-1, Janvier 2014, 60 pages.
- Daniel SJ. Intégrer des activités d’évaluation à votre DPC, Le spécialiste, Vol 15 no 4, Décembre 2013, page 18
- Daniel SJ. Le DPC en évolution, Le spécialiste, Vol 15 no 3, Septembre 2013, page 34
- Daniel SJ. Développement professionnel continu, Le spécialiste, Vol 15 no 2, Juin 2013, page 20
- Daniel SJ. Auto-approbation 101, Le spécialiste, Vol 15 no 1, Mars 2013, 32 pages.
- Daniel SJ. BAHA et implants cochléaires, Sourdine, numéro 193, p18-20, Juin 2012.
- Kalil G, Daniel SJ. Incursion dans le monde des prothèses auditives numériques, Le Médecin du Québec, volume 44, numéro 3, p 87-93, mars 2009.
- Daniel SJ, Kalil G. Aides auditives à ancrage osseux, de quoi s’agit-il ? Le Médecin du Québec, volume 42, No 11, p 87-90, novembre 2007.
- Daniel SJ, Kalil G. Cerumen, vous avez dit ? Le Médecin du Québec, volume 42, No 5, p 91-94, May 2007
- Daniel SJ, Kalil G. La macroglossie ou l’hypertrophie de la langue, Le Médecin du Québec, volume 42, No 1, p 93-95, janvier 2007.
- Daniel SJ. La clinique de contrĂ´le salivaire, ł˘â€ÍÖłć±č±ô´Ç°ů˛ąłŮ±đłÜ°ů, Ordre des hygiĂ©nistes dentaires du QuĂ©bec, Vol 16, No 2, P 43-44, July 2006.
- Calce D, Daniel SJ. La Clinique de contrôle salivaire: Une réponse à un problème complexe… la sialorrhée, Le Capteur d’idées, CHUM, Vol 2, p 2-3, juin 2006.
- Daniel SJ. Le nodule thyroïdien solitaire, quelle est la meilleure approche? Le Clinicien. p 80-82, février 2006.
- Daniel SJ. La Sialorrhée, un problème complexe. Le Clinicien. p 89-94 janvier 2006.
- Daniel SJ. Sialorrhée : quelles sont les options de traitement? Le Médecin du Québec, Vol 40, #12, p 93-98, décembre 2005.
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