Class of 2024
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
2024 | 287 | ROBITAILLE, Maude (Enger) |
Development of a Dynamic Shield for Intensity-modulated Brachytherapy for Vaginal Cancer |
286 | RIOS IBACACHE, Odette (Kildea) |
Development of geometcial parameters to describe anatomical changes and predict the need for radiotherapy replanning in head and neck cancer patients | |
285 | RAHBARAN, Maryam (Enger) |
Patient-specific Intravascular Brachytherapy Dosimetry | |
284 | KONERMANN, Sarah (Pater, Hijal, Bernier) |
Conversion of Cardiac Voltage Maps into DICOM for Retroscpective Dosimetric-Voltage Analysis and Prospective Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning in Patients undergoing Stereotactic Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia | |
283 | KALINOWSKI, Jonathan (Enger) |
Clinical translation of intensity modulated brachytherapy for rectal cancer | |
282 | FAUCHER, Jules (Levesque) |
Using colour image segmentation with Magnetic Resonance Images for Computed Tomographyy Synthesis | |
281 | BIDER, Renée-Claude (Levesque, Fortier) |
Towards a relaxation-based MR-oximetry technique for the measurement of tumor hypoxia |
Class of 2023
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
2023 | 280 | USHIO, Shogo (Levesque, Fortier, Pater) |
Dosimetric evaluation of an improved algorithm for computed tomography synthesis |
279 | REID, Jake (Enger) |
Development of Selenium-75 as a brachytherapy source | |
278 | CIOBANU, Cristian (Levesque, Fortier) |
Evaluation of complex fitting for longitudinal relaxation mapping in fat with magnetic resonance imaging | |
277 | AHN, Hailey (Enger) |
Development of a small, cost-efficient scintillation detector for use in automated synthesis of PET radiopharmaceuticals |
Class of 2022
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
2022 | 276 | ZOU, Yujing (Enger) |
Predictive modeling of post-radiation-therapy recurrence for gynecological cancer patients using clinical and histopathology imaging features |
275 | ZHANOUZAKOV, Medet (Serban) |
Image registration for dose accumulation between external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy for cervical cancer: Comparison to clinical practice | |
274 | YADAV, Ranjan (Seuntjens, Serban, Vallières, Ybarra) |
Cone-beam computed tomography image-based radiomics analysis of early tumor changes after radiotherapy in an orthotopic lung cancer mouse model | |
273 | TAI, Yee Man (Seuntjens) |
Quality assurance for mixed electron-photon beam radiation therapy using treatment log files and MapCHECK | |
272 | MACKAY, Norman (Seuntjens) |
Experimental evaluation of stability with the Aerrow graphite calorimetry system | |
271 | JAFARZADEH, Hossein (Enger) |
Bayesian optimization in multi-criteria treatment planning of high-dose rate brachytherapy | |
270 | DIAZ MARTINEZ, Victor (Enger) |
Towards robust dosimetry for alpha diffusing radiotherapy​ | |
269 | DI FRANCESCO, Marco (Popovic, Serban) |
Commissioning of deformable image registration for lung re-irradiation | |
268 | BIAN, Jingyi (Enger) |
Development of a hydrated electron dosimeter in the very low dose-per-pulse regime as well as Geant4-DNA simulation of water radiolysis | |
267 | BADALAN, Alexandru (Levesque) |
Shape recognition for MRI-based prediction of treatment outcomes in neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer |
Class of 2021
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
2021 | 266 | THIBODEAU-ANTONACCI, Alana (Enger) |
Development of a dynamic-shielding intensity modulated brachytherapy applicator for the treatment of rectal cancer |
265 | PATEL, Dipal (Levesque) |
Using pattern recognition algorithms in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging | |
264 | O'SULLIVAN-STEBEN, Kayla (Kildea) |
Design and development of a novel infrastructure to securely share medical physics and radiation therapy data through patient data donation | |
263 | MANALAD, James (Kildea) |
On the Monte Carlo simulation of neutron-induced indirect DNA damage to estimate neutron carcinogenic potential | |
262 | FORTIN, Marc-Antoine (Levesque) |
Evaluation of fast volumetric brain T1 mapping techniques | |
261 | CÔTÉ-MALDONADO, Sabrina (Patrocinio) |
An investigation of predictors for prostate motion in image-guided intensity-modulated prostate radiotherapy | |
260 | CAMPOS PAZMINO, Jorge (Levesque) |
Measurement of magnetic susceptibility in brain cortical tissue by magnetic resonance imaging | |
259 | BUI, Alaina (Enger) |
Developing the hydrated electron dosimeter and investigation of the G-value of hydrated electrons |
Class of 2020
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
2020 | 258 | YEO, Jonathan (Kildea) |
Characterizing the mutational signature of photons through single-cell whole genome sequencing |
257 | SEPULVEDA ZULUAGA, Esteban (Kildea) |
Standardization of CSI treatment planning and its evaluation using a DVH registry | |
256 | LEFEBVRE, Thierry (Savadjiev, Seuntjens) |
Computational methodologies for solid tumor characterization and outcome prediction in volumetric medical images | |
255 | KOLOKOTRONIS, Anastasia (Levesque) |
Robust characterization of longitudinal magnetic resonance relaxation with application to novel nanoparticles | |
254 | KESZTI, Federico (Seuntjens) |
Development of the "Aerrow Mini": A miniature graphite calorimeter for absolute clinical dosimetry of high-energy photon beams | |
253 | ENSWORTH, Alex (Levesque) |
Development of magnetic resonance imaging methods to quantify cortical damage in brain injury | |
252 | DECUNHA, Joseph (Enger) |
Microdosimetric evaluation of photon emitting brachytherapy sources in tissue-specific models | |
251 | ANDRADE HERNANDEZ, Aixa (Kildea) |
Exploration of potential parameters that influence when to replan head and neck cancer patients during radiotherapy |
2010 - 2019
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
2019 | 250 | MÉGROURÈCHE, Julien (Enger) |
Development of a hydrated electron dosimeter for radiotherapy applications: A proof of concept |
249 | MATHEW, Felix (Kildea) |
Measurement of neutron fluence spectra using a passive Nested Neutron Spectrometer with gold foils | |
248 | LUND, Christopher (Seuntjens) |
A microdosimetric analysis of the interactions of mono-energetic neutrons with human tissue | |
247 | HENG, Jean (Seuntjens) |
Dose-to-outcome modeling for lung robotic stereotactic body radiation therapy | |
246 | CÔTÉ, Benjamin (Renaud) |
Numerical design and development of a probe-format graphite absorbed dose calorimeter for use in small-field radiotherapy | |
245 | CARROLL, Liam (Enger) |
Non-invasive positron detector to monitor the arterial input function in dynamic PET | |
244 | BANCHERI, Julien (Seuntjens) |
Calculation of kilovoltage beam radiotherapy ionization chamber correction factors | |
243 | AYALA ALVAREZ, Santiago (Seuntjens) |
Dosimetric studies on the INTRABEAM electronic brachytherapy source | |
2018 | 242 | TURGEON, Vincent (Enger) |
Non-invasive positron detector to monitor the arterial input function in Positron Emission Tomography |
241 | PATRICK, Haley (Kildea) |
Development of a DVH registry for plan evaluation, dose accumulation, and cohort analysis | |
240 | ALBERS, Julia (Parker) |
Software development for prospective and retrospective analysis of lung stereotactic body radiation therapy treatment | |
2017 | 239 | OSUNKWOR, Emmanuel (Davis) |
Commissioning of an optically-stimulated luminescence dosimetry (OSLD) system for in-vivo dosimetry |
238 | MODCHALINGAM, Mithunan (Levesque) |
Distortion field quantification and multi-echo gradient optimization for radiation therapy planning images | |
237 | ALMAKDESSI, Georges (Davis) |
Secondary neutrons around clinical electron and proton beams | |
2016 | 236 | VALLIÈRES, Simon (Seuntjens) |
Nanoparticle-enhanced radiation therapy using gold-doxorubicin |
235 | SIMARD, Mikaël (Levesque) |
Quantitative magnetization transfer evaluation of the knee joint in magnetic resonance imaging | |
234 | SCHNEIDER, James (Devic) |
Decomposition of FDG-PET based differential uptake volume histograms in rectal cancer patients | |
233 | O’GRADY, Kyle (Davis) |
Monte Carlo modeling of the Varian TrueBeam, with chamber effects included in determination of the source parameters | |
232 | MONTGOMERY, Logan (Kildea) |
Validation of the national system for incident report - Radiation therapy | |
231 | JOSEPH, Ackeem (Kildea) |
Predicting waiting times in radiation oncology using machine learning | |
230 | FORTIER, Véronique (Levesque) |
Implementation and validation of a quantitative susceptibility mapping approach | |
229 | FAMULARI, Gabriel (Enger) |
Production and evaluation of novel brachytherapy sources | |
228 | DOBRI, Simon (Ybarra) |
An exploration of the radiation-induced electro-optic effect and its suitability as the basis for a novel medical radiation dosimeter | |
227 | DIAMANT-BOUSTEAD, André (Ybarra) |
Modeling lung SBRT treatment outcomes using Bayesian network averaging | |
2015 | 226 | XING, Stella (Levesque) |
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the characterization of soft tissue sarcoma |
225 | MIRZAKHANIAN, Lalageh (Enger) |
Investigation of the uncertainties involved in the low energy proton interactions in Geant | |
224 | CHRISTIANSEN, Eric (Vandervoort, Seuntjens) |
Calculation of correction factors for three detectors in small composite clinical fields for the CyberKnife radiosurgery system | |
223 | AHMED, Zaki (Levesque) |
Quantitative perfusion mapping using a novel reference region-based model for DCE-MRI | |
2014 | 222 | WANG, Judy (El Naqa) |
Theory of heavy-hole spin-echo dynamics |
221 | QUINTERO MATEUS, Chrystian (Tomic, Devic, Seuntjens) |
Radiochromic film dosimetry system for clinical CTDI measurements | |
220 | NOVOSAD, Philip (Collins) |
Atlas-based segmentation for HRRT brain PET | |
219 | MULLINS, Joel (Seuntjens) |
Evaluation of eclipse dose calculations and TrueBeam couch positional accuracy in the context of dynamic couch trajectories | |
218 | MAGLIERI, Robert (Kildea, Seuntjens) |
A study of photoneutron spectra around high-energy medical linear accelerators using Monte Carlo simulations and measurements | |
217 | HICKLING, Susannah (El Naqa) |
Feasibility of x-ray acoustic computed tomography as a relative and in vivo dosimeter in radiotherapy applications | |
216 | GUILLET, Dominique (DeBlois) |
Use of the Microsoft kinect for applications of patient surface data to radiotherapy | |
215 | DESROCHES, Joannie (Leblond, Seuntjens) |
Intraoperative use of Raman spectroscopy for brain tumor resection guidance | |
214 | ASGHARIZADEH, Saeid (Syme, Devic) |
Patient-specific quality assurance tool for high-dose rate brachytherapy for rectal cancer patients | |
2013 | 213 | ZLATEVA, Yana (El Naqa) |
Investigation of Cherenkov emission with applications in dosimetry, image guidance and intensity modulation in radiation therapy |
212 | RENAUD, Marc-André (Seuntjens) |
Pre-calculated track Monte Carlo dose calculation engine | |
211 | GHOLAMPOURKASHI, Sara (DeBlois) |
Web-based system for quality assurance of radiation oncology equipment and procedures | |
210 | GERARD, Ian (Collins) |
An analysis of tracking error in image-guided neurosurgery | |
209 | FAN, Michael (Stroian, DeBlois) |
Web application in radiotherapy: The standardization of treatment planning and development of quantitative plan metrics | |
208 | BOURQUE, Alexandra (Carrier, Seuntjens) |
A stoichiometric calibration method for dual-energy computed tomography | |
207 | ALDOSARY, Ghada (Sarfehnia) |
The measurement of the linear energy transfer of various radiotherapeutic beams in the clinic: A feasibility study | |
2012 | 206 | WATSON, Peter (Seuntjens) |
Scatter artifact correction in cone-beam CT images |
205 | NASONKIN, Sergey (Syme) |
Characterization of scintillating optical fibres | |
204 | KHATCHADOURIAN, Rafael (Kildea, Evans) |
Monte Carlo simulations and physical measurements of neutron equivalent dose in the maze area of linac bunkers | |
203 | DYESS, Amanda (Parker) |
Patient dose verification for image-guided radiation therapy using a deformable registration tool | |
202 | CARRIER-VALLIÈRES, Martin (El Naqa) |
Outcome prediction of sarcoma tumors using PET/MR imaging | |
201 | BEKERAT, Hamed (Devic, Sarfehnia) |
Improving the energy response of external beam therapy (EBT) Gafchromic dosimetry fils at low energies (s100keV) | |
200 | ARCHAMBAULT, Laurie (Wierzbicki) |
Validation of XiO's electron Monte Carlo module in heterogeneous phantoms | |
199 | TOLTZ, Allison (Parker, Seuntjens) |
Prediction of risks of cardiac mortality and secondary cancers after thoracic radiotherapy in adolescents and young adults | |
198 | THAKUR, Varun (Parker) |
Planning and delivery comparison of six Linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery techniques | |
197 | SINGH, Khushdeep (Devic) |
Investigating of the energy response of EBT-2 GAFCHROMIC®¸ film model | |
196 | RENAUD, James (Sarfehnia) |
Development of a graphite probe calorimeter for absolute clinical dosimetry: numerical design optimization, prototyping and experimental proof-of-concept | |
195 | MILROY, Desmond (Patrocinio, Seuntjens) |
Validation of a commercial Monte Carlo algorithm for stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiation therapy | |
194 | LETOURNEAU, Étienne (Reader) |
Impact of algorithm, iterations, post-smoothing, count-level and tracer distribution on single-frame PET quantification using a generalized image space reconstruction algorithm | |
193 | LEDUC, Vincent (Wierzbicki) |
Beam data acquisition with the IC Profiler: A feasibility study | |
192 | BERMAN, Avery (Pike) |
Development of a functional magnetic resonance imaging simulator: deterministic simulation of the transverse magnetization in microvasculature | |
2011 | 191 | TWORK, Gregory (H.J. Patrocinio) |
Validation of the spatial accuracy of the ExacTrac® Adaptive Gating System |
190 | SHIN, Naomi (Parker) |
Modeling secondary cancer risk following paediatric radiotherapy: A comparison of intensity modulated proton therapy and photon therapy | |
189 | PAPACONSTADOPOULOS, Pavlos (J. Seuntjens) |
Modulated electron radiation therapy: An investigation on fast beam models and radiation-tolerant solutions for automated motion control of a few leaf electron collimator | |
188 | MORCOS, Marc (F. DeBlois) |
Applications of deformable image registration: Automatic segmentation and deformable dose accumulation | |
187 | MITROU, Ellis (F. DeBlois) |
Monte Carlo-based electron treatment planning and cutout output factor calculations | |
186 | CARLINI, Lina (J. Nadeau) |
Quantum dots as photosynthesizers for photodynamic therapy | |
185 | ALONSO ORTIZ, Eva (G.B. Pike, I. Levesque) |
The effect of caffeine on the whole brain oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) | |
2010 | 184 | DELAGE, Patrick (G. Hegyi, S. Devic) |
Radiochromic film dosimetry system: From calibration to in vivo measurements and intensity-modulated radiation therapy quality assurance measurements |
183 | MOHAMMED, Huriyyah (S. Devic) |
Differential uptake volume histograms: A novel avenue towards delineation of biological target volumes (BTVs) in radiotherapy | |
182 | LEE, Sangkyu (J. Seuntjens) |
Image-based dose correlation studies on radiation-induced lung... | |
181 | JELESCU, Ileana (G.B. Pike) |
Measuring blood-brain barrier permeability in multiple sclerosis enhancing lesions | |
180 | HOLMES, Joseph (F. DeBlois) |
Three-dimensional dose reconstruction using non-transmission and Monte Carlo calculations | |
179 | GILES, Matt (F. DeBlois) |
Cone-beam computed tomography: Imaging dose during CBCT scan acquisition and accuracy of CBCT-based dose calculations | |
178 | ALDELAIJAN, Saad (S. Devic) |
Reference dosimetry of HDR Ir-192 brachytherapy source using radiochromic film | |
177 | KILDEA, John (M.D.C. Evans, E.B. Podgorsak) |
An evaluation of NCRP Report No.151 - Radiation shielding design for radiotherapy facilities, and a feasibility study for 6 MV open-door treatments in an existing high-energy radiation therapy bunker |
2000 - 2009
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
2009 | 176 | XU, Mark (M. McEwen, S. Devic) |
Commissioning of a GafChromic EBT film dosimetry protocol at Ionizing Radiation Standards group of NRC |
175 | THEBAUT, Jonathan (F. DeBlois) |
Measurement-driven, electron beam modeling and commissioning for Monte Carlo treatment planning system with improved accuracy | |
174 | LANDRY, Guillaume (F. DeBlois, F. Verhaegen) |
ImaSim, A simulation software package for the teaching of medical X-ray imaging | |
173 | EL-JABY, Samy (J. Seuntjens, S. Devic) |
An illustrated re-visitation of energy transfer and energy absorption in photon interactions with matter | |
172 | CONNELL, Tanner (J. Robar, E.B. Podgorsak) |
Low-Z target optimization for spatial resolution improvement in planar imaging and cone-beam CT | |
171 | COHALAN, Claire (G.B. Pike) |
Cerebral blood volume changes during human neuronal activation: A comparative study of VASO and VERVE | |
170 | CHEN, Yong (F. Verhaegen) |
Daily 3D ultrasound imaging for Monte Carlo-based adaptive radiotherapy of prostate cancer | |
169 | LAST, Jurgen (F. DeBlois, J. Seuntjens) |
Cut-out manager - A stand-alone software system to calculate output factors for arbitrarily shaped inserts with the Monte Carlo technique | |
168 | LAGMAGO-KAMTA, Gérard (B. Reniers) |
Evaluation of Eclipse Monte Carlo dose calculation for clinical electron beams using heterogeneous phantoms | |
167 | CHUNG, Eunah (E.B. Podgorsak, W. Abdel-Rahman) |
Comparison of measured and Monte Carlo-calculated peak scatter factors for 10x10 cm2 field size in 6 MV and 18 MV photon beams | |
166 | CHAAL, Kahena (W. Parker, R. Ruo) |
Film dosimetry for intensity modulated beams quality assurance | |
165 | SUTHERLAND, Justin (J. Seuntjens) |
Investigating techniques to accurately calibrate non-standard beam | |
164 | STINSON, Eric (G.B. Pike) |
Distortion correction for diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images | |
163 | PATER, Piotr (H.J. Patrocinio, F. DeBlois) |
Determination of internal organ motion in stereotactic body radiotherapy using electronic portal imaging | |
162 | CURTIS, James (G.B. Pike) |
A novel MRI pulse sequence for quantitative 3D perfusion imaging in mice | |
161 | BRUNET-BENKHOUCHA, Malik (J-F. Carrier, F. Verhaegen) |
Tomosynthesis-based intraoperative dosimetry for low dose rate prostate brachytherapy | |
160 | AYLES, Michael (G. Stroian, J. Seuntjens) |
Minimizing errors in treatment planning and delivery during external beam radiotherapy for lung cancer patients | |
2008 | 159 | YAN, Jason (F. Verhaegen) |
Dose distribution studies of rectal cancer patients treated with brachytherapy |
158 | SERRÉ, Luc (W. Abdel-Rahman) |
Transfer of ionization chamber calibration coefficients in linac MV x-ray beams | |
157 | BENSON, Richard (M.D.C. Evans) |
A dosimetric analysis of the varian enhanced dynamic wedge for symmetric and asymmetric configurations | |
156 | BERTRAND, Marie-Joelle (F. Verhaegen, B. Reniers) |
Interseed and tissue-composition effects in permanent low dose rate brachytherapy | |
155 | ALDAHLAWI, Ismail (W. Parker, J.P. Seuntjens) |
Calibration of a radiobiological irradiator: The Faxitron cabinet x-ray system model CP160 | |
2007 | 154 | TANTOT, Laurent (F. Verhaegen) |
Modeling ionization chamber response to non-standard beam configurations |
153 | LIU, Derek (F. Verhaegen) |
Characterization of novel electronic brachytherapy system | |
152 | CHIN, Erika (F. Verhaegen, J.P. Seuntjens) |
Calculation of water and graphite perturbation correction factors for the NACP-02 plane-parallel ionization chamber in high-energy electron beams | |
151 | CHARPENTIER, Pierre (E.B. Podgorsak, H. Patrocinio) |
Dosimetric evaluation of four techniques used in stereotactic radiosurgery | |
150 | WOCH, Katherine Marie (C.J. Thompson) |
Use of the Polaris Vicra for monitoring subject head movement during neurological PET scans | |
149 | HANCOCK, Jason (C.J. Thompson) |
Evaluation of the timing characteristics of various PET detectors using a time alignment probe | |
148 | SERBAN, Monica (J.P. Seuntjens, G. Stroian) |
A novel deformable phantom for 4D radiotherapy verification | |
147 | REYNARD, Eric (M.D.C. Evans, E.B. Podgorsak) |
Rotational total skin electron irradiation (RTSEI with a 6 MeV electron linear accelerator) | |
146 | ASIEV, Krum (W. Parker, S. Devic) |
Validation of a Monte Carlo-based treatment planning system (TPS) for electron beams | |
2006 | 145 | SUK, Joonyoung (C.J. Thompson) |
Improving the resolution of the MicroPET R4 scanner by wobbling the bed |
144 | LI, Rong Ding (E.B. Podgorsak, W. Abdel-Rahman) |
Dynamic electron arc therapy with the Clinac-21EX linac | |
143 | FU, Luke (D.L. Collins, G.B. Pike) |
Automated analysis of multi-site MRI data for the NIHPD | |
142 | ELLIOTT, Adam Spencer (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Investigation of properties of a new liquid ionization chamber for radiation dosimetry | |
141 | ALEXANDER, Andrew (J.P. Seuntjens, F. DeBlois) |
MMCTP: A radiotherapy research environment for patient-treatment planning | |
140 | ZAKIKHANI, Rumtin (F. Verhaegen) |
Calculated perturbation factors for the NACP-02 plane-parallel ionization chamber irradiated in water by megavoltage electron beams | |
139 | SARFEHNIA, Arman (E.B. Podgorsak) |
The use of orthogonal bremsstrahlung beams for imaging in radiation therapy | |
138 | CHIA, Charmaine (G.B. Pike) |
Evaluation of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging-based measurement of myelin water | |
137 | DUCHESNE, Caroline (W. Wierzbicki, M. Mondat) |
Electron arc therapy on an Elekta SL-25 linear accelerator | |
2005 | 136 | MARK, Clarisse (F. Verhaegen) |
Image-guided radiotherapy using 2D and 3D ultrasounds combined with Monte Carlo dose calculations in prostate treatments |
135 | LEMIRE, Matthieu (G. Hegyi, F. Verhaegen) |
Accurate surface dose measurements in CT examinations using high-sensitivity MOSFET dosimeters calibrated by Monte Carlo simulations | |
134 | CEUSAN, Florin (E.B. Podgorsak, M.D.C. Evans) |
An examination of peripheral dose in linac-based cancer treatment | |
133 | STROIAN, Gabriela (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Optimized scanning procedures for 4D CT data acquisition in radiation therapy | |
132 | ST-JAMES, Sara (C.J. Thompson) |
The effect of changing gamma-ray interaction depth on the "block effect" in PET | |
131 | FRASER, Danielle J. (W. Parker, J.P. Seuntjens) |
Characterizing ionization chamber dosimetry in inverse planned IMRT fields | |
2004 | 130 | HUANG, Vicky (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Validation of total skin electron therapy by the Monte Carlo technique |
129 | DAI, Jinxian (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Validation of Monte Carlo techniques for 3D-CRT of lung cancer patients and comparative evaluation of treatment plans | |
128 | WANG, Yi Zhen (E.B. Podgorsak, M.D.C. Evans) |
Photoneutrons and induced activity from medical linear accelerators | |
127 | POON, Emily Sau-Chee (F. Verhaegen) |
Validation of the GEANT4 Monte Carlo code for radiotherapy applications | |
126 | LIANG, Li Heng (T. Falco) |
Statistical analysis and biological effects of prostate motion in ultrasound image-guided external beam radiotherapy | |
125 | HINSE, Martin (C.J. Thompson) |
Improving the spatial resolution and image noise in densely pixilated detectors for positron emission mammography | |
124 | BOUDREAU, Chantal (W. Parker) |
The use of inhomogeneity corrections for inverse planned IMRT | |
123 | BELEC, Jason (H.J. Patrocinio, F. Verhaegen) |
A Monte Carlo approach to the validation of a pencil beam algorithm used in treatment planning for conformal beam radiosurgery with static fields | |
122 | ALBARET, Claude (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Automated system for Monte Carlo determination of cutout factors of arbitrarily shaped electron beams and experimental verification of Monte Carlo calculated dose distributions | |
121 | HODEFI, Deborah (N. Blais) |
Evaluation of CadPlan for electron beam treatment planning | |
2003 | 120 | TOMIC, Nada (C.J. Thompson) |
The origin of the "block effect" which blurs images in positron emission tomography |
119 | KUMARASWAMY, Lalith (W. Parker, E.B. Podgorsak) |
Comparative study of megavoltage imaging modalities for dosimetric treatment verification | |
118 | YUEN, Conrad (M.D.C. Evans) |
Characterization of the enhanced dynamic wedge | |
117 | OLIVEIRA, Silvana (H.J. Patrocinio, E.B. Podgorsak) |
Comparison of three linac-based stereotactic radiosurgery techniques | |
116 | HEATH, Emily (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Evaluation of the PEREGRINE Monte Carlo dose calculation code for 6 MV photon beams | |
115 | DENISSOVA, Svetlana (M. Yewondwossen, E.B. Podgorsak) |
A gated breath-hold radiotherapy technique using a linear position transducer | |
114 | BOUCHARD, Hugo (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Accurate dosimetry of intensity-modulated radiation therapy beams using thimble ionization chambers | |
113 | LEVESQUE, Ives (G.B. Pike) |
Magnetization transfer imaging of multiple sclerosis | |
112 | HOBEILA, Fadi (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Monte Carlo study of ion chamber response in low energy photon beams | |
111 | DAVIS, Stephen (C. Ross, J.P. Seuntjens) |
High sensitivity lithium fluoride as a detector for environmental dosimetry | |
110 | BRODEUR, Marylene (W. Parker) |
Verification of IMRT beam delivery with a ferrous sulfate gel dosimeter and MRI | |
2002 | 109 | LAROUCHE, Renée-Xavière (M.D.C. Evans) |
Total body photon irradiation with a modified cobalt-60 unit |
108 | PASKALEV, Kamen (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Dosimetry of very small photon fields | |
107 | AL-YAHYA, Khalid (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Implementation and validation of Monte Carlo treatment planning for lung cancer patients | |
106 | STEWART, Kristin (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Accurate radiation dosimetry using liquid or air filled plane parallel ionization chamber | |
105 | SHAM, Edwin (D. Hristov) |
Simulated annealing algorithm for inverse treatment planning | |
104 | PETRIC, Peter (G.B. Pike) |
Quantitative multislice cerebral perfusion imaging using arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance techniques | |
2001 | 103 | REINERTSEN, Ingerid (D.L. Collins, G.B. Pike) |
Robust registration volumetric imaging data |
102 | DOUCET, Robert (J.P. Seuntjens) |
Experimental verification of Monte Carlo calculated dose distributions for clinical electron beams | |
101 | CAMBORDE, Marie-Laure (C.J. Thompson) |
Use of beta-gamma coincidence detection to improve the quality of transmission scans for PET | |
100 | BELANGER, Philippe (W. Parker) |
MR based Fricke-gelatin dosimetry: Uncertainty evaluation and computerised analysis of measured dose distributions | |
99 | RUO, Russell (M.D.C. Evans, E.B. Podgorsak) |
Quality assurance of the DBD toolbox on a linear accelerator | |
98 | DUCHESNE, Simon (D.L. Collins, G.B. Pike) |
An appearance-based method for the segmentation of medial temporal lobe structures from MR images | |
97 | RIOUX, Alexandre (C.J. Henri) |
Performance evaluation of a picture archiving and communications system | |
96 | LAMBERT, Denise (M.D.C. Evans, M. Olivares) |
Dosimetry of irregular field sizes in electron beam therapy | |
2000 | 95 | THOMPSON, Heather (B.G. Fallone) |
Numerically produced compensators for conventional and intensity modulated beam therapy |
94 | BARKER, Jennifer (E.B. Podgorsak) |
A comparison study of multileaf and micro-multileaf collimators | |
93 | BERCIER, Yanic (D.H. Hristov) |
A multimodality image fusion and localization system for radiosurgery treatments of arteriovenous malformations | |
92 | TREMBLAY, Hugo (C.J. Thompson) |
La tomographie par émission de positrons à l'étude de la réponse hemodynamique temporelle induite par stimulation cérébrale | |
91 | GILL, Bradford (G.B. Pike) |
Multislice perfusion-weighted brain imaging with applications to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) | |
90 | DIMITRIADIS, Doris (B.G. Fallone) |
Construction and dosimetric evaluation of compensators for intensity-modulated fields |
1990 - 1999
* M.Sc. degree conferred through Department of Physics
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
1999 | 89 | CORBETT, Jean-François (R.A. Corns) |
Local dosimetric modelling of radioactive coronary stents |
88 | CAMPBELL, Jennifer (G.B. Pike) |
Diffusion tensor imaging in MRI | |
87 | ABDEL-RAHMAN, Wamied (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Scatter factors for megavoltage photon beams in various materials | |
86 | HEGYI, Gyorgy (R.B. Richardson) |
Size determination of alpha-emitting particles using CR-39 | |
85 | DUBÉ, Frédéric (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Spiral irradiation in stereotactic radiosurgery | |
84 | GÉLINAS, Dominic (M. Evans) |
Commissioning a dynamic multileaf collimator on a linear accelerator | |
83 | AZNAR, Marianne (C.J. Thompson) |
Quantitative analysis of metabolic breast images from positron emission mammography | |
1998 | 82 | ENGLISH, Michael (S.M. Lehnert) |
The role of glutathione in Cisplatin and 60Co γ-radiation |
81 | SIROIS, Luc (B.G. Fallone) |
3-D automatic anatomy-based image registration in portal imaging | |
80 | ST-JEAN, Philippe (T.M. Peters) |
Computer guidance for thalamotomy and pallidotomy | |
79 | POFFENBARGER, Brett (E.B. Podgorsak) |
The use of a teletherapy cobalt-60 unit for stereotactic radiosurgery | |
78 | DOIRON, Annie (S.M. Lehnert) |
Radiosensitization of a mouse tumor by implanted BrdU-polymer | |
77 | CLONDA, Diego (A.C. Evans) |
Automatic thalamic labeling for image-guided neurosurgery | |
1997 | 76 | OTTO, Karl (B.G. Fallone) |
3-dimensional anatomy-based verification in stereotactic radiosurgery |
75 | LACHAINE, Martin (B.G. Fallone) |
Monte Carlo optimization of a metal/amorphous-selenium portal imager | |
74 | BOURQUE, Daniel (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Static conformal radiation fields in stereotactic radiosurgery | |
73 | BERGMAN, Alanah (C.J. Thompson) |
The evaluation of a positron mammography (PEM) system using images co-registered with X-ray mammograms | |
72 | ANCTIL, Jean-Claude (B.G. Clark) |
Experimental characterization of a low dose-rate and a high dose-rate iridium-192 brachytherapy source using the AAPM TG 43 dosimetry protocol | |
71 | ROBAR, James (C.J. Thompson) |
Construction and calibration of detectors for high-resolution metabolic breast cancer imaging | |
70 | BARRY, Devin (E.B. Podgorsak, M.D.C. Evans) |
Dynamic wedge dosimetry on a dual energy linear accelerator | |
1996 | 69 | ORFALI, Anas (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Verification of a 3D external photon beam treatment planning system |
68 | LACHANCE, Bernard (R. Pouliot/U. Laval, E.B. Podgorsak) |
A new penumbra generator for matching of electron fields | |
67 | CORNS, Robert A. (R. Richardson) |
An implementation of the ICRP66 respiratory tract model in internal dosimetry | |
66 | PISANI, Laura (T.M. Peters) |
Incorporation of video into an image-guided neurosurgical system | |
65 | HOGE, Richard (G.B. Pike) |
Fast acquisition strategies for functional magnetic resonance brain imaging | |
64 | FALCO, Tony (B.G. Fallone) |
Therapy imaging: Metal plate/film and amorphous selenium detectors | |
63 | DEBLOIS, François (C. Pla) |
Implementation of 3D photon external beam dosimetry in the º«¹úÂãÎè Planning System | |
1995 | 62 | ROBAR, Vlado (E.B. Podgorsak, M. Olivares) |
Characteristic angle-beta concept in electron arc therapy |
61 | FRENIERE, Normand (E.B. Podgorsak, L.J. Schreiner) |
Radiation protection characteristics of high-density concrete at 10 MV | |
60 | CURTIN-SAVARD, Arthur J. (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Dose delivery uncertainty in photon beam radiotherapy | |
59 | PARKER, William (L.J. Schreiner) |
Brachytherapy dosimetry with Fricke-gelatin and MRI | |
58 | LUKBAN, Andrew (G.W. Dean) |
Evaluation of SPECT/MR registration error from the internal landmark matching technique | |
57 | LU, Erlian (E. Meyer) |
Radiation dosimetry computations for the planning of positron emission tomography procedures | |
1994 | 56 | ZANKOWSKI, Corey (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Monte Carlo analysis of the 10 MV x-ray beam from a Clinac-18 accelerator |
55 | WANG, Xiaofang (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Depth doses and photon contamination of electron beams in heterogeneous phantoms | |
54 | PICARD, Yani (C.J. Thompson) |
Improving the precision and accuracy of Monte Carlo simulation in PET | |
53 | NARAYANAN, Sridar (T.M. Peters) |
Image analysis for the assessment of stereotactic radiosurgery | |
52 | KELLER, Brian (L.J. Schreiner) |
Characterization of the NMR-based Fricke-gelatin radiation dosimeter | |
51 | CHARLAND, Paule (T.M. Peters) |
Visualisation stéréoscopique d'images médicales | |
1993 | 50* | WANG, Hui (B.G. Fallone) |
Automatic image segmentation and correlation in radiotherapy verification |
49 | MURTHY, Kavita (C.J. Thompson) |
A study of the effects of detector width and depth on spatial resolution in PET | |
48 | VAFAEE, Manouchehr (E. Meyer) |
Evaluation and implementation of an automated blood sampling system for positron emission tomographic studies | |
47 | PATROCINIO, Horacio (L.J. Schreiner) |
Evaluation of backscatter factors for diagnostic x-ray beams | |
46 | COURTEAU, Pierre (C. Pla) |
Electron arc therapy dose calculation using the angle-ß concept | |
45 | COMEAU, Roch (B.G. Fallone) |
The design and implementation of a three-dimensional computerized treatment planning system | |
1992 | 44 | MARKOVIC, Alexander (B.G. Fallone) |
X-ray-induced currents and conductivity effects in a radiation-charged electret ionization chamber |
43 | CADMAN, Patrick (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Target localization and treatment set-up verification in linear accelerator-based radiosurgery | |
42* | GAUVIN, Alain (T.M. Peters) |
Geometrical distortion of magnetic resonance images | |
41* | BUSSIERE, Marc (L.J. Schreiner) |
Monte Carlo study of photon scatter for determination of depth doses at diagnostic energies | |
40 | MORENO-CANTU, Jorge (C.J. Thompson) |
Optimization of positron imaging systems through the use of tapered collimators | |
39 | CROOKS, Ian (B.G. Fallone) |
PC-based contrast enhancement of portal films | |
1991 | 38 | BISSONNETTE, Jean-Pierre (L.J. Schreiner) |
Percent depth dose for diagnostic radiology |
37 | AUDET, Chantal (L.J. Schreiner) |
NMR-based radiation dosimetry using polymer solutions | |
36 | RYNER, Lawrence (B.G. Fallone) |
An electret dosimeter charged by radiation-induced ionization in air | |
35 | MacDONALD, Brennan (B.G. Fallone) |
Surface charge characteristics of a radio-charged electret | |
1990 | 34* | SIXEL, Katharina (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Physical parameters of narrow photon beams in radiosurgery |
33 | KEMP, Brad (G.W. Dean) |
Attenuation correction for spect imaging of the brain | |
32 | BARTZAKOS, Peter (C.J. Thompson) |
Measuring the depth of interaction of PET annihilation photons in scintillation crystals | |
31* | PODGORSAK, Matthew B. (L.J. Schreiner) |
Fricke radiation dosimetry using nuclear magnetic resonance |
1980 - 1989
** M.Sc. degree conferred through the Department of Electrical Engineering
Year | # | Graduate (Supervisor) | Research Topic |
1989 | 30 | FUNG, Andrew (M. Cohen) |
The role of filtration in diagnostic radiology |
29 | HENRI, Chris (T.M. Peters) |
Application of stereoscopic digital subtraction angiography to stereotactic neurosurgery planning | |
28 | KHALFAN, Amin (S. Lehnert) |
Assessment of lung density changes following irradiation | |
27 | VALCOURT, Sylvie (E. El-Khatib) |
Protection and dosimetry of lungs during total body irradiation | |
1988 | 26 | RANGER, Nicole (C. J. Thompson) |
Evaluation of a masked orbiting transmission source for attenuation correction in PET |
25 | ROBERT, Normand (H. Riml) |
The optical CT microscope | |
24 | DUZENLI [Moldon], Cheryl (E. El-Khatib) |
Electron beam inhomogeneity correction factors for lung density equivalent materials | |
1987 | 23 | MITRA, André (H. Riml) |
Application of fast Karhunen-Loeve transform block coding to medical image data compression |
22 | DRANGOVA, Maria (T.M. Peters) |
Stereotactic neurosurgical planning using magnetic resonance imaging: Image distortion evaluation | |
21 | SITOMPUL, Tiur ni Ari (E. El-Khatib) |
Effects of various configurations of attenuators on dose in homogeneous and heterogeneous phantoms | |
1986 | 20** | PIKE, Bruce (T.M. Peters, E.B. Podgorsak) |
Three-dimensional stereotactic intracavitary and external beam isodose calculation for treatment of brain lesions |
19 | WILKINS, David (H. Riml) |
Standardized colour magnetic resonance imaging | |
18 | MENON, Ravi (T.M. Peters) |
Quantitative spin-spin relaxation images in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging | |
17 | MAJOLA-MATIMBA, Jongile (E.B. Podgorsak) |
X-ray photon contamination in electron beams used for rotational total skin irradiation at º«¹úÂãÎè, and a possible solution using a magnetic beam transport system | |
16 | BLAIS, Noël (R. Carrier) |
Epaisseurs équivalentes de mannequins en radiologie diagnostique: Analysée par méthode Monte Carlo | |
1985 | 15 | EVANS, Michael D.C. (E.B. Podgorsak) |
The influence of phantom size on output peak-scatter-factor and percentage depth dose in large-field photon irradiation |
1984 | 14 | DOUESNARD, Jean-Maurice (M. Cohen) |
Un outil de contrôle de qualité en medecine nucléaire |
13 | CLARK, John (T.M. Peters) |
Real-time image filtering for digital radiography | |
12 | CALDWELL, Curtis (G.W. Dean) |
A numerical approach to the problem of the equivalence of counts and volume in cardiac nuclear medicine | |
1983 | 11 | MERRITT, Robert (S.G. Chenery) |
The effect of scatter artifact on quantitative CT with the EMI 7070 scanner |
10 | BLAGOEVA, Rossitsa (M. Cohen) |
Calculation of dose distribution in a simulated body section in a computed tomography scan | |
1982 | 9 | KWA, William S.Y. (S. Chenery) |
The influence of scattered radiation on the CT numbers of bone on a scanner with a fixed detector array |
8 | KODERY, Balachandran (M. Diksic) |
Preparation and evaluation of lower fluoroalkanes as myeline tracers | |
7 | AZIMOV, Philip (G.W. Dean) |
A Monte Carlo routine for modeling gamma-ray scattering in a sphere | |
1981 | 6 | MAWKO, George (C.J. Thompson) |
Coincidence time calibration for positron emission tomography |
5 | HERER, Arnold (M. Cohen) |
Integral dose | |
4 | FRECHETTE, Michel (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Investigation des effets possibles des micro-ondes sur la réponse thermoluminescente du TLD-200 | |
3 | CONNORS, Sherry (S. Lehnert) |
Computer-aided reconstruction from serial sections: Investigations into the growth characteristics of the KHT sarcoma in the lungs of C3H mice | |
2 | BEHMANN, Fadel (E.B. Podgorsak) |
Some aspects of film and ionization dosimetry for the measurement of high-energy electron beams | |
1980 | 1 | MOSSERI, Allen (M. Cohen) |
Measurements for radiological quality control and for radiation protection in diagnostic radiology |