

Collage of three scenes: On the left, a group of three people, two women and one man, collaborate on a laptop. In the center, a pipette deposits liquid into a laboratory container. On the right, healthcare professionals wearing masks assist a patient.

The Strategic Planning Process began in the fall academic year 2023, with a target date for completion of December 31, 2024:

Leadership consultations – On appointment to the position of Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in August 2023, Dr. Lesley Fellows set out to revisit and refresh the Faculty Strategic Plan then in place, the major actions of which having been completed.

In light of current and emerging challenges, as well as opportunities in health care and the sciences ahead, early consultations were held with Faculty leadership during meetings with the Dean’s Operations Committee and the Faculty Leadership Commons.

Environmental scan – Complementary to these early consultations, the VP-Dean’s Office conducted an environmental scan of the strategic plans in place or in the process of being updated in the Faculty’s six schools. Common themes were extracted to complete the scaffold on which the Faculty plan would be built. The Faculty Strategic Plan is not intended to replace School or unit plans, but rather provide an overarching vision and strategy that will serve to support local plans.

Broad consultation – In December 2023, the broad consultation phase began using standing Faculty Council meetings as the forum for discussion and input. Three such consultations were scheduled for the 2023-2024 academic year, with two additional sessions in the Fall 2024 academic year.

Dec. 2023

Feb. 2024

May 2024

Consultations during standing clinical Grand Rounds, Administration-Operations leadership meetings and similar targeted meetings continued through the Fall 2024-2025 academic year. Also in the Fall 2024 , a Faculty-wide invitation to provide input via an online survey was circulated to all academics, administrative staff and learners.

The plan is now close to completion and set to launch shortly, thanks to all who participated in this exercise and provided input over the course of the last 12 months. The Strategic Research component was launched in Fall 2024 following extensive consultation, and is available here (/medhealthsci/research/new-strategic-research-plan).



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