Step-by-Step GPA Conversion Procedure
Note that if the grades are from an exchange or are transferred credits, you should write “Credit courses” rather than the degree name.
- Download GPA conversion sheet (Microsoft Excel format) from ’s Mechanical Engineering website.
- In the area for your name, fill in your name, as well as the university, the country in which the university is located, and degree with which the grades are associated. Please use the following format:
LAST NAME (all capitals) / First name (University, Country; Degree) - Fill in ID number (you will receive it once you submit online application form).
- If your grades are already in letter form (i.e. A, B, C, etc.), skip to Step 6.
- To convert your grades to the letter system, use the conversion scheme provided by your university. If the university does not provide a scheme, refer to the following website for grade conversions based on regions and countries:
Follow the instruction on this website to convert numerical grades (e.g. 70%) to letter grades (e.g. B).
IMPORTANT: For transcripts from countries where an overall standing is provided (e.g. First Division, Second Class – Upper), convert the overall standing into a letter grade rather than individual course grades. This system is typically used by counties such as India, Pakistan, England, France and other commonwealth countries. If you have transcripts from these countries, please also refer to the notes on India below.
- Fill in the year of study in the GPA Calculation Spreadsheet, which appears to the right of the cell labeled ‘Year #’ (e.g. 2009-2010, Year 1 etc.). Use the same numbering system as it appears in your transcript. If your university reports an overall standing (e.g. First Division, Second Class – Upper), you should write “Overall” rather than the specific year.
- In the first column, start by specifying the semester (Semester 1, Fall Semester, etc.). Below the semester, fill in the converted letter grades obtained during that time period. Remember to enter ALL grades that appear on your transcript, including “Failure” and “Unsatisfactory” (these both convert into F). Exclude “Pass” and “Withdraw” grades.
- Enter corresponding credit weight in the column “Credit Weight”. If your university provides hours of instruction instead of credits, use them instead. If your university does not provide neither, use 1 as credit weight for all courses. The GPA will be calculated automatically.
- You can include multiple semesters within a single “Year” column, but be sure to differentiate between semesters and their corresponding grades as shownin this example (i.e. Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer Semester, etc.). Repeat Steps 6-8 for each year of your studies. Please see below for specific instructions for selected countries.
- Please note that your Bachelor, Masters, and any other partial studies (exchange, transfer credits, etc.) must be calculated on separate sheets. These can be differentiated by specifying the degree title as described in Step 2.
- Print all the pages of the spreadsheet and include them into your application package.
- chinese_example_1.pdf
- You may use this sample as an interactive template prior to calcuating your own GPA. conversion_example_chinese_1.xls
- chinese_example_2.pdf
- french_example_1.pdf
- french_example_2.pdf
- german_example.pdf
- indian_example_1.pdf
- indian_example_2.pdf
- iranian_example.pdf
- mexican_example.pdf
- pakistan_example.pdf
If your university provides an overall standing but your degree is in progress, please convert your grades individually by course.
- Iranian conversions do not follow overall standing. Each original, numerical grade you obtained must be converted into a letter grade and entered into the spreadsheet.
- There are two scales. The 10-point scale is usually used for Undergraduate studies while the 13-point scale is usually used for graduate studies.
- Many universities use 12 as the passing grade for graduate studies rather than 13. If your transcript specifies that 12 is the passing grade, use the 12-point scale.
India (and countries following the British education system)
- If the degree certificate provides an overall classification (e.g. Distinction, Lower Second Division, etc.), convert this single overall standing in lieu of individual grades.
- If no overall standing is reported but the transcript provides annual averages, convert these annual averages rather than individual courses.
- Only if your university does not report annual or overall standing, convert all grades by course.
- French universities generally use annual averages. Convert these annual averages rather than individual courses.
- If the degree certificate provides an overall classification (e.g. Très Bien, Passable, etc.), annual averages can be replaced by a single overall standing.
- If no annual average or overall classification is provided, convert all grades by course.
- German transcripts should generally be converted by course grades.
- In certain cases, an overall classification is provided on the degree certificate (e.g. Sehr Gut, Befriedigend, etc.). In such cases, use this overall standing in lieu of individual course grades.
Grades: No grade conversion/GPA calculation is necessary for any courses taken at .