Proposal Forms
Spring 2025
Proposal Form in Word - Study Groups
Proposal Form in Word - Lectures, Workshops, Outings
Call for Proposals
A week or two after the start of a term, the Call for Proposals for the following term is sent by e-mail to the entire membership (by mail to the few moderators who do not have an e-mail address). Two forms are used year-round, one for study groups and the other for lectures, workshops and outings. They are available at all times in the MCLL office and on the MCLL website. One form is required for each offering. The address for proposal submission is: proposalsmcll.scs [at]
Proposal Acceptance
Those who have submitted a proposal will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 3 workdays; they should let the office know if they do not receive it. The Curriculum Committee considers each proposal and generally gives acceptance; it may suggest changes or, very occasionally, a delay for administrative reasons – i.e., to achieve a balance in study group offerings.
Writing Style
The person submitting a proposal chooses the title and writes out the description. Titles should be compelling and incisive. Texts may be edited; however only the author makes any major changes that may be required. The Style of the Study Group must be specified.
Proofreading and accuracy are the responsibility of the proposers. Those that have been accepted will receive the final version of the text, along with the proposed scheduling. They should let the office know by the specified deadline if they do not receive them or if changes are needed.
The Curriculum Committee is reluctant to cancel an event, except for health reasons or other emergencies. Study group moderators are asked to wait until after the first week of the term before cancelling due to shortage of applicants since many participants register late or decide on a change in that first week. If the number of participants is less than expected, the moderator has the option of shortening the duration of the study group or asking the participants for a greater commitment. Cancellations result in disappointed participants and are therefore to be avoided.
Role of Liaison
Moderators, lecturers, workshop leaders and outing coordinators are matched with assigned Curriculum Committee members who act as liaisons. Although the liaison will usually get in touch with the moderator, a moderator may write to mcll.scs [at] to find out the name and coordinates of his/her liaison. ‘Liaison’ is a support role, to be exercised according to need. At one end of the spectrum, the liaison merely follows up on the Call for Proposals; at the other end, he/she may help in validating a concept, developing content, finding a co-moderator, using the classroom equipment, coping with difficult participants, relaying complaints to the Curriculum Committee or assisting in any other way.