August 23, 2021 | When voters went to the polls in the recent federal election, climate change was front of mind for many. For the first time, all major parties had credible plans to reduce...
Max Bell School professor Andrew Potter talks about his new book ON DECLINE with Jonathan Montpetit, senior digital journalist with CBC.
Watch the virtual book launch cohosted with Biblioasis.
August 15, 2021 | On Sunday, Justin Trudeau met with Governor General Mary Simon and asked her to dissolve Parliament, setting in motion Canada's 44th federal election. But with a fourth wave of...
What will policymaking look like in 30 years? What boundaries are worth setting for AI and data-driven policymaking?/maxbellschoolCategory: Public lectures and conferences
August 30, 2021 | In this CBC interview, Aengus Bridgman, director of the Media Ecosystem Observatory's Canadian Election Misinformation Project, provides an overview of the Project's first memo:...
As the twentieth anniversary of the attacks of 9/11 nears, we seem to have come full circle in Afghanistan./maxbellschoolCategory: Public lectures and conferences
Public lectures