Hate condemned after Montreal Jewish school struck by gunfire for the 2nd time this week | CBC News
November 12, 2023 | "The Jewish community is under attack in Montreal," says mayor. Yeshiva Gedola of Montreal, a Jewish school was once again targeted by gunfire overnight. Members of Montreal's Jewish community say they will not be intimidated into closing the doors to their establishments after the incident.
When do protests cross the line? | iHeartRadio
November 13, 2023 | Where does the protest cross the line from protected speech to unlawful expressions? The news recording talked about intervening in protests in light of the ongoing protests in Montreal, especially the protests that have resulted in violent acs against certain businesses or institutions.
Are we there yet? Canada's progress on the road to housing rights | QHPPC
17 October, 2023 | Canada is required to respect, protect and fulfill the right to adequate housing by law. Homelessness in Canada appears to be on the rise and social and affordable housing is increasingly unavailable to those who need it the most.
The effects of human rights interventions on rights-related outcomes | IIIE
Data about the impact of human rights interventions at a global level are needed to ensure effective policy decision-making.
Quebec's plan to protect reproductive health | CBC News
July 3, 2023| In an interview with CBC Pearl Eliadis reflects on provincial government's plan to protect reproductive heath. Some health and legal experts have been questioning a provincial government plan to protect reproductive rights, after the minister responsible for women's health proposed to enshrine a women's right to abortion.Â
Bilingual cities and towns in Quebec join forces to mount legal challenge to Bill 96 | CBC News
June 08, 2023 | The courts were asked by twenty-three municipalities to suspend parts of Quebec's new language law, which they describe as abusive. Mayors are concerned about communications, illegal searches and seizures, government grants and the obligation, set out in the law, to discipline public employees who break the rules by working in English.Â
Closure of Roxham Road | La Presse
March 28, 2023 | In recent years, tens of thousands of migrants have entered Canada via Roxham Road in the hope of finding a better life. However, this tolerated system is now a thing of the past. What does the sudden closure of this controversial crossing mean?
Migrant dies crossing from US to Quebec | CTV News
February 28, 2023 | This past week a 45 year old man died attempting to cross the Canada-US border, as well as the 367 cases reported in January.
Ottawa's new anti-Islamophobia advisor is facing backlash | Global News
January 31, 2023 | As National Assembly resumes in Quebec City, hostilities between the provincial and federal governments are heating up. The latest controversy rose from Prime Minister Trudeau defending the appointment of Amira Elghawaby as his government's special representative to combat Islamaphobia. Premier François Lagault and other members of the government are in disbelief.Â
Appel à un cadre juridique sur la violence conjugale «fait au Québec» | Le Devoir
25 novembre 2022 | Les femmes qui pensent à quitter leur conjoint violent craignent une foule de choses : se retrouver à la rue par manque d’argent, subir une violente agression en quittant la maison, être incapable de naviguer le système de justice pour se protéger.
Se loger, clé manquante vers la liberté pour les victimes de violence conjugale | Le Devoir
25 novembre 2022 | Dans cet article avec les co-auteurs James Hughes, Melpa Kamateros et Eric Latimer, Pearl Eliadis soutient que malheureusement, aujourd’hui encore au Québec, le cadre légal entourant les droits des femmes victimes de violence conjugale et le droit au logement présente des barrières importantes au rétablissement d’une vie sécuritaire.
Housing is a growing hurdle to fleeing domestic violence | Montreal Gazette
November 24, 2022 | Fourteen women have been killed by an intimate partner in Quebec so far this year. Shame, stigma and manipulation from controlling spouse are barriers as formidable as they are complex. Housing has long been overlooked as a hurdle to fleeing domestic violence, but as prices soar, it has become even more of a barrier.Â
Decision holding Bill 21 under microscope | CTV News
November 12, 2022 |Â Quebec government and the groups opposing Bill 21 are challenging a court decision that largely upheld the controversial religious symbols law. Professor Pearl Eliadis commented on the hearing into the appeal that started this week.
Charter may quickly become less relevant: Why Canadians outside of Quebec should watch the elections | CTV News
September 6, 2022 | Professor Pearl Eliadis reflected on the Charter ahead of the Quebec elections and how the two pieces of legislation- and the CAQ's use of the notwithstanding clause to protect from their court challenges- show a "unilateral attempt by the CAQ to change our fundamental Charter and constitutional values," and a "pushing and pulling at the constitution."Â
Can Quebec pharmacists legally refuse to prescribe the morning-after pill? | CBC News
August 6, 2022 | Recently, in Saguenay, Que., a pharmacist rejected a woman's request to purchase emergency oral contraception, claiming that then morning-after pill did not "align with his values." Human rights lawyer and Max Bell School professor Pearl Eliadis weighs in.