
Sciences, Publics, Politics: Lessons From Canada’s Climate Wars | Issues

Published: 11 February 2020

When Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau took office in 2015 as Canada’s prime minister, a top priority was to establish Canada as a global leader on climate change. At the United Nations’ climate...

Give me liberty, and give me death? The enduring legacy of America’s penchant for freedom | The Globe and Mail

Published: 27 April 2020

April 23, 2020 | For centuries Americans have battled others, and each other, in the name of freedom, sometimes weaponizing the word, sometimes twisting the notion out of recognition. David...

Do not allow Saudi Arabia’s flogging ban to distract from the repression that still exists | The Globe and Mail

Published: 5 May 2020

April 30, 2020 | In this op-ed, Irwin Cotler argues that while the recent reforms in Saudi Arabia should be welcomed, the international community, Canada included, cannot give Saudi Arabia a pass.

The Causes and Consequences of COVID-19 Misperceptions: Understanding the Role of News and Social Media | OSF Preprints

Published: 21 May 2020

May 4, 2020 | This research investigates the relationship between media consumption, misinformation, and important attitudes and behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Professor Taylor...

Forget about schools – open the summer camps in spring | The Globe and Mail

Published: 7 May 2020

May 6, 2020 | Camps are the solution to many of the problems the school reopening is designed to solve, while significantly mitigating the risks of exposure and transmission. Going to camp gets...

Understanding global post-pandemic economic recovery

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 12:00to13:00

The pandemic has had a major impact on the Canadian, US, and global economy. Economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will be complex and challenging./maxbellschoolCategory: Academic talks and...

Implementing Financial Sector Policy Reforms in Africa

Friday, May 22, 2020 11:00to12:00

Despite how all-consuming the threat of COVID-19 has become for countries around the world, the problems governments faced before the pandemic haven’t disappeared./maxbellschoolCategory: Academic...

WEBINAR: Monitoring Health Systems Responses

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 16:30to17:30

This webcast with Amélie Quesnel-Vallée is open to the public. Priority during the Q&A section of this webcast will be given to Max Bell School MPP students./maxbellschoolCategory: Academic...

WEBINAR: How Can Globalization Be Governed?

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 13:00to14:00

Covid-19 starkly illustrates the fragility that accompanies globalization. Climate change looms even larger, but on a timescale that has not generated the necessary sense of urgency. New concepts...


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