Undergraduate Research

All AES USRAs have the same overall minimum total award value (derived from the award and the supervisor’s contribution). The Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences offers undergraduate students every opportunity to expand their learning experience through participation in research projects. Eligibility begins with a student’s desire to participate in faculty research, supported by an excellent academic record. AES USRAs extend eligibility to include international students registered full-time in one of our faculty programs.

We encourage students interested in assisting with research, either during summer or the academic year, to reach out to a professor whose research interests match their own.

Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs)

Full-time undergraduate students with an excellent academic record in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences have a variety of opportunities to participate in faculty research. Students and supervisors come to an agreement for a 15 or 16 week full-time research project. All AES sponsored USRAs have the same overall minimum total award value (derived from the award and the supervisor’s contribution).


ճNSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)in Universities program is meant to stimulate interest in research in the natural sciences and engineering, and the pursuit of research careers in these fields. Recipients engage in a research and development activity under the supervision of a professor holding an NSERC grant. It is an opportunity to gain research experience in an academic setting, while receiving financial support to do so.

Value and tenure

Value: $6000 from NSERC
Supervisor’s Contribution: minimum of $2800 (15 weeks), or $3000 (16 weeks)
ٳܰپDz:Summer research project (May to August); 16 weeks or 15 weeks on a full-time basis

Student eligibility

  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • You must be registered at the time you apply in a Bachelor's degree program.
  • You must have completed all course requirements for at least two full academic terms, and have a minimum CGPA of 3.0
  • NSERC reminds you that the USRA program actively encourages women applicants in their pursuit of graduate studies and careers in science and engineering.
  • NSERC also encourages eligible Canadian Indigenous students to apply.
    • Please make sure that you self-identify on the NSERC application form
    • Please let theresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca (Macdonald Research Office)know that you have done so
  • NSERC also encourages eligible Canadian black student researchers to apply.
    • Please make sure that you self-identify on the NSERC application form
    • Please let theresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca (Macdonald Research Office)know that you have done so
  • You may hold a maximum of three USRAs throughout your university career.
  • There are other requirements too: please consult the.Individual departments may set higher application cutoffs than NSERC's minimum requirements; this award application process is competitive.

Please note: acknowledges that USRAs may take a maximum ofonecourse during the tenure of the award. A second course may be permitted on a case-by-case basis only with supervisor’s approval.

How to apply; forms; students

The checklist (required), forms, and instructions are available via theGraduate and Postdoctoral Studies webpage for NSERC USRA.

To submit a complete application, you need toidentify and meet with an eligible researcher (download 2024 list) who will serve as your proposed supervisor and will submit a project proposal with you.

Supervisors:Form 202 has been updated to include a section titled“Expected Quality of the Training to be Received”. Instructions are yet to be updated on the agency webpage but please inform your supervisors to look for and verify instructions.

Each Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences unit has a quota of available awards, and has its own selection process and deadlines. Apply through the academic unit where you wish to hold your award (i.e., your proposed supervisor's school or department, not necessarily your own unit). Students from other universities may also apply.

Below is the NSERC USRA submission contact information.

NSERC USRA deadlines forSummer 2024


Contact person

Please submit
directly to the Contact Person
for your Unit

Animal Science

roger.cue [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. R Cue)

February 23, 2024

Bioresource Engineering

viacheslav.adamchuk [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. V. Adamchuk)

February 23, 2024

Human Nutrition (School of)

daiva.nielsen [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. D. Nielsen)

February 23, 2024

Food Science & Agricultural Chemistry

Stephane.bayen [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. S. Bayen)

February 23, 2024

Natural Resource Sciences

sebastien.faucher2 [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. S. Faucher)

February 23, 2024


robin.beech [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. R. Beech)

February 23, 2024

Plant Science

valerie.gravel [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. V. Gravel)

February 23, 2024

FRQNT supplement: $1500

ճby awarding an extra $ 1,500 to the USRA scholarship holders enrolled at an eligible university in Quebec. To receive the FRQNT supplement, the USRA award holder must complete the FRQNT online form after having received his or her NSERC letter indicating that he or she is eligible to the supplement.

Canadian Forest Sector Workforce Diversity undergraduate supplements: $5000

ճprovides financial support to high-calibre students working towards degrees in forestry sciences and related fields relevant to Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service. Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service offers up to a maximum of 30 supplements. Eligible students will be contacted by the NRC-CFS with aNotice of Award. To request payment of the award, forward the NRC-CFS Notice of Award along with a brief request email request toresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca (by email.).

Other Faculties

Whereyou apply depends on yoursupervisor's department, not your own department.

Deadlines and procedures may vary. If you are interested in an NSERC USRA with a supervisor from another faculty, i.e., the Faculties of Science, Arts, Dentistry, Education [includes the Department of Kinesiology & Physical Education], Engineering, Management, Medicine, Music, please check their USRA webpage. You can find their websites via theUniversity-wide NSERC USRA webpage.

Further information

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, "NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award" - for students

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, "USRA" - for administrative staff

Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,research.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca


The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council(SSHRC) Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)in Universities program is meant to stimulate the interest of self-identifying black student researchers in research in the social sciences and humanities, and the pursuit of research careers in these fields. Recipients engage in a research and development activity under the supervision of a professor holding a SSHRC grant. It is an opportunity to gain research experience in an academic setting, while receiving financial support to do so.

Value and tenure

Value: $6000 from NSERC
Supervisor’s Contribution: minimum of $2800 (15 weeks), or $3000 (16 weeks)
ٳܰپDz:Summer research project (May to August); 16 weeks or 15 weeks on a full-time basis

Student eligibility

  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • You must self-identify as a black student researcher:
    • Please make sure that you self-identify on the application form
    • Please let theresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca (Macdonald Research Office)know that you have done so
  • You must be registered at the time you apply in a Bachelor's degree program.
  • You must have completed all course requirements for at least two full academic terms, and have a minimum CGPA of 3.0
  • SSHRC reminds you that the USRA program actively encourages women applicants in their pursuit of graduate studies and careers in social sciences and humanities.
  • You may hold a maximum of three USRAs throughout your university career.
  • There are other requirements too: please consult the USRA information on ’sGPS USRA webpage.Individual departments may set higher application cutoffs than NSERC's minimum requirements; this award application process is competitive.

Please note: acknowledges that USRAs may take a maximum ofonecourse during the tenure of the award. USRA full-time research working schedule must be maintained. A second course may be permitted on a case-by-case basis only with supervisor’s approval.

How to apply; forms; student deadlines

The checklist (required), forms, and instructions are available via theGraduate and Postdoctoral Studies webpage for SSHRC USRA.

To submit a complete application, you need toidentify and meet with an eligible researcher (download 2024 SSHRC USRA list)who will serve as your proposed supervisor and will submit a project proposal with you.

Supervisors:Form 202 has been updated to include a section titled“Expected Quality of the Training to be Received”. Instructions are yet to be updated on the agency webpage but please inform your supervisors to look for and verify instructions.

Apply through the academic unit where you wish to hold your award (i.e., your proposed supervisor's school or department, not necessarily your own unit). Students from other universities may also apply.

SSHRC USRA application submission information:

SSHRC USRA deadlines forSummer 2024


Contact person

Please submit
directly to the Contact Person
for your Unit

Natural Resource Sciences

sebastien.faucher2 [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. S. Faucher) February 23, 2024


The Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)in Universities program is meant to stimulate the interest of self-identified black student researchers in research in the health sciences, and the pursuit of research careers in these fields. Recipients engage in a research and development activity under the supervision of a professor holding a CIHR grant. It is an opportunity to gain research experience in an academic setting, while receiving financial support to do so.

Value and tenure

Value: $6000 from NSERC
Supervisor’s Contribution: minimum of $2800 (15 weeks), or $3000 (16 weeks)
ٳܰپDz:Summer research project (May to August); 16 weeks or 15 weeks on a full-time basis

Student eligibility

  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • You must self-identify as a black student researcher:
    • Please make sure that you self-identify on the application form
    • Please let theresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca (Macdonald Research Office)know that you have done so
  • You must be registered at the time you apply in a Bachelor's degree program.
  • You must have completed all course requirements for at least two full academic terms, and have a minimum CGPA of 3.0
  • SSHRC reminds you that the USRA program actively encourages women applicants in their pursuit of graduate studies and careers in social sciences and humanities.
  • You may hold a maximum of three USRAs throughout your university career.
  • There are other requirements too: please consult the USRA information on ’sGPS USRA webpage.Individual departments may set higher application cutoffs than NSERC's minimum requirements; this award application process is competitive.

Please note: acknowledges that USRAs may take a maximum ofonecourse during the tenure of the award. USRA full-time research working schedule must be maintained. A second course may be permitted on a case-by-case basis only with supervisor’s approval.

How to apply; forms; student deadlines

To submit a complete application on the NSERC USRA portal, you need toidentify and meet with an eligible researcher (download 2024 CIHR USRA list)who will serve as your proposed supervisor and will submit a project proposal with you.

Supervisors:Form 202 has been updated to include a section titled“Expected Quality of the Training to be Received”. Instructions are yet to be updated on the agency webpage but please inform your supervisors to look for and verify instructions.

Apply through the academic unit where you wish to hold your award (i.e., your proposed supervisor's school or department, not necessarily your own unit). Students from other universities may also apply.

CIHR USRA submission contact information.

CIHR USRA deadlines for Summer 2024


Contact person

Please submit
directly to the Contact Person
for your Unit


robin.beech [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. R. Beech) February 23, 2024

School of Human Nutrition

daiva.nielsen [at] mcgill.ca (Prof. D. Nielsen) February 23, 2024

Brown Martlet USRA

ճBrown Martlet Undergraduate Student Research Awardprovides support toundergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Scienceswho are participating in summer research projects. The professor supervising the research project must provide matching funds. The award is administered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Value (2024) and Duration

Value: $5,000 from AWARD
Supervisor’s Contribution: minimum of $3800 (15 weeks), or $4000 (16 weeks)
ٳܰپDz:Summer research project (May to August); 16 weeks or 15 weeks on a full-time basis

*The value of the award will vary depending on the rate of return of the endowment for the given year.

Student Eligibility

  • Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at time of application.
  • The research must relate to the students’ academic field of study and should be conducted with the intention to advance knowledge.
  • Students must be in good academic standing (CGPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Open to Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and International students

Supervisor Eligibility

  • The professor supervising the research project must provide matching funds
  • The professor must be from the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. View our full list of AES faculty members (use the filters to browse by department)
  • The professor must have funding to match the monetary value of the award

How to apply:

To submit a complete application, you need to identify and meet with an eligible researcher who is willing to serve as your proposed supervisor and will submit a project proposal with you.

Submit your completed forms toresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca

Student: Supervisor:

Deadline:February 23, 2024

For more information

Macdonald Research Office
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
4 Poultry Cottages, Rm 233
research.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca

Rudi Dallenbach USRA

ճRudi Dallenbach Undergraduate Research Awardprovides support toone undergraduate student in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Scienceswho is participating in a summer research project. The professor supervising the research project must provide matching funds. The award is administered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Value (2024) and Duration

Value:$3475 from AWARD
Supervisor’s Contribution: minimum of $5325 (15 weeks), or $5525 (16 weeks)
ٳܰپDz:Summer research project (May to August); 16 weeks or 15 weeks on a full-time basis

*The value of the award varies depending on the rate of return of the endowment for the given year.

Student Eligibility

  • Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at time of application.
  • The research must relate to the students’ academic field of study and should be conducted with the intention to advance knowledge.
  • Preference will be given to students pursuing research at the Macdonald Farm in the area of Plant Science, Animal Science, Bioresource Engineering, or Environmental Sciences.
  • Students must be in good academic standing (CGPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Open to Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and International students

Supervisor Eligibility

  • The professor supervising the research project must provide matching funds
  • The professor must be from the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. View our full list of AES faculty members (use the filters to browse by department)
  • The professor must have funding to match the monetary value of the award

How to apply:

To submit a complete application, you need to identify and meet with an eligible researcher (link same as above) who will serve as your proposed supervisor and will submit a project proposal with you.

Submit your completed forms toresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca

Student: Supervisor:

Deadline: February 23, 2024

For more information

Macdonald Research Office
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
4 Poultry Cottages, Rm 233
research.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca

AES Black Students USRA

The AES Black Students Undergraduate Student Research Award provides support to self-identifying black undergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences who are participating in summer research projects. The professor supervising the research project must provide matching funds. The award is administered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Value (2024) and Duration

Value: $6000 from AWARD
Supervisor’s Contribution: minimum of $2800 (15 weeks), or $3400 (16 weeks)
ٳܰپDz:Summer research project (May to August); 16 weeks or 15 weeks on a full-time basis

*The value of the award will vary depending on the rate of return of the endowment for the given year.

Student Eligibility

  • Applicants must self-identify as black full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at time of application.
  • The research must relate to the students’ academic field of study and should be conducted with the intention to advance knowledge.
  • Students must be in good academic standing (CGPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Open to Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and International students
  • Applicants must self-identify as black students

Supervisor Eligibility

  • The professor must be from the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. View our full list of AES faculty members (use the filters to browse by department)
  • The professor must have funding to match the monetary value of the award

How to apply:

To submit a complete application, you need to identify and meet with an eligible researcher who is willing to serve as your proposed supervisor and will submit a project proposal with you.

Submit your completed forms toresearch.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca

Student: Supervisor:

Deadline: February 23, 2024

For more information

Macdonald Research Office
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
4 Poultry Cottages, Rm 233
research.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca


ճAES Undergraduate Research Awardprovides support to eligible undergraduate students to work full-time under supervision on a summer research project. Eligibility begins with a student’s desire to participate in faculty research, supported by an excellent academic record. AES USRAs extend eligibility to include international students registered full-time in one of our faculty programs. Students and supervisors come to an agreement for a 15 or 16 week full-time research project that complements the students program of study and opens up the opportunity to experience research lab activity first hand, as a member of the lab team. All AES USRAs have the same overall minimum total award value (derived from the award and the supervisor’s contribution).

Value (2024) and Duration

Value: To Be Confirmed
Supervisor’s Contribution: minimum amount to combine with the award for a total of $8800 (15 weeks) or $9000 (16 weeks)
ٳܰپDz:Summer research project (May to August); 16 weeks or 15 weeks on a full-time basis

Student Eligibility

  • Applicants must be full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at time of application.
  • The research must relate to the students’ academic field of study and should be conducted with the intention to advance knowledge.
  • Students must be in good academic standing (CGPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Open to Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and International students

Supervisor Eligibility

  • The professor must be from the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. View our full list of AES faculty members (use the filters to browse by department)
  • The professor supervising the research project must provide supporting funds
  • The professor must have eligible funding

How to apply:

To submit a complete application, you need to identify and meet with an eligible researcher (link same as above) who will serve as your proposed supervisor and will submit a project proposal with you.

Submit your completed forms to research.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca

Student: Supervisor:

Deadline: February 23, 2024

For more information

Macdonald Research Office
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
4 Poultry Cottages, Rm 233
research.macdonald [at] mcgill.ca

Through generous donations from alumni and friends, the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Student Research Awards is able to support eligible undergraduate students to work full-time under supervision on a summer research project.

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