Researchers demonstrate for the first time the potential of existing technology to directly detect and characterize life on Mars and other planets. The study, published in Frontiers in Microbiology...
De plus en plus de consommateurs se tournent vers des substituts aux protéines provenant de la viande, entre autres les protéines de sources végétales. [...] Pascal Thériault, agroéconomiste à l...
Some unique buffalo calves were born at the Ontario Buffalo Company in Stirling, ON. Their genetic mothers were only 4 months of age at the time their oocytes were collected by laparoscopy,...
L’un offre un service clé en main pour des projets d’agriculture urbaine, l’autre a développé un modèle de production agricole intensive en conteneur. Le premier s’adresse aux particuliers, aux...
Matthieu est chef cuisinier dans un restaurant montréalais, et sa famille en est la preuve vivante. Dans ce foyer où il y a 5 bouches à nourrir, voilà près de 4 ans que la viande ne s’invite plus...
It takes a long time to develop a new variety from scratch. Dr. Bruce Coulman of the University of Saskatchewan recently recalled the start of his forage breeding career at ....
Participants, including scientists from , Canada, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, NGOs, representatives from processing machineries industry, small and micro level food...
Alice Cherestes, interim Director of the Freshman Program in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; and Teresa Zatylny, Administrative Student Affairs Coordinator in the Faculty of...