The search for life on Mars begins at 's Macdonald Campus

Published: 26 February 2018

It’s a question that has long plagued humanity: are we alone in the universe?...

Professor Raj Duggavathi appointed next Chair of Animal Science

Published: 1 June 2018

Professor Raj Duggavathi has been appointed Chair of the Department of Animal Science for the period June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2023.

Tango médiatique

Published: 14 August 2018

Les milieux universitaire et de la recherche gagnent à cultiver leurs relations avec les médias.  Mais attention … à l’ère des vérités parallèles et des nouvelles factices, la tâche peut se révéler...

Crafting better beer

Published: 10 July 2017

In a study published recently in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researcher Jaswinder Singh and co-authors describe a new protein that could greatly improve brewing.

Tree removal near the John Abbott College Memorial Field

Published: 17 August 2017

Some of you may have noticed trees being felled near the John Abbott College Memorial Field.  While we never want to cut trees down, nature sometimes leaves us no choice.  Four of the trees being...

Réflexion sur l'agriculture avec la doyenne de la Faculté de l'agriculture de l'Université

Published: 18 December 2017

En cette fin d'année, nous vous proposons une réflexion sur l'agriculture avec une femme qui a consacré sa vie aux enjeux agricoles. Anja Geitmann est doyenne de la faculté des sciences de l...

Videos of Founder's Day talks now available

Published: 19 February 2018

Macdonald Founder's Day,  brought together more than 500 members of the Mac Community to celebrate the birth of Sir William Macdonald, to recognize outstanding staff and students, and to listen to...

NRS Postdoctoral Researcher receives Bantng Fellowship

Published: 2 August 2018

Congratulations to Karina Benessaiah, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Natural Resource Sciences, who received a prestigious Banting Fellowship.


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