
Angus (Gus) Mackenzie 1932-2020

Published: 3 February 2020

Gus was born in Elrose, Saskatchewan and grew up on a farm where he acquired a life-long love for the land. He earned a BSc (Agr) and MSc at the University of Saskatchewan, and a PhD in soil...

Science leads the response to COVID-19. These 25 scientists are tackling the other global challenges

Published: 1 June 2020

The World Economic Forum created the Young Scientists Community in 2008, to engage leaders with science and the role it plays in society. The class of 2020 represents 25 researchers at the...

New Canada Research Chair Tier II in Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Food Security

Published: 30 June 2020

Congratulations to Treena Wasonti:io Delormier, School of Human Nutrition and Associate Director of the Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment (CINE), who has been awarded a...

From the Dean

Published: 14 September 2020

From the Macdonald E-newsletter: August 2020...

Gare à la transmission de maladies par l’eau

Published: 9 October 2019

Lorsqu’une contamination bactérienne se déclare à proximité d’une ferme, il faut cibler le plus rapidement possible les élevages problématiques puisque certaines souches peuvent parfois infecter l...

Vers des cultures plus résistantes

Published: 21 November 2019

Les conditions météorologiques, les grands vents et les parasites peuvent abîmer les cultures jusqu’à coucher les tiges au sol. On parle alors de la verse des plants. De la reproduction à la...

Opinion: Impending fertility crisis requires urgent action

Published: 24 January 2020

Responses should include prioritizing funding for research on male infertility and making assisted reproductive treatment more accessible....

'Close to Zero': Why you shouldn't worry about catching COVID from meat-19

Published: 11 May 2020

While meat packing plants have become virus hot spots, there have been no reported cases from food or food packaging. Experts explain why....

E-newsletter: Message from the Dean

Published: 25 June 2020

Summer has officially begun! It is amazing what warmer weather, sunshine and time spent outdoors in the fresh air can do to lift the spirits. There is no doubt that the past few months have been...


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