2017-18 Events

2017-18 Annual Lecture:

This year, the Yan P. Lin Centre Annual Lecture was given on March 29, 2018, by Timur Kuran, Professor of Economics and Political Science, and Gorter Family Professor of Islamic Studies, Duke University . The title of his lecture was “Clashes with and within Islam: Roles of Intolerant Communities”. His current projects include a study of the role that the Middle East’s traditional institutions played in its poor political performance, as measured by democratization and human liberties.

2017-2018 Schedule (*includes co-sponsored events):

14/09/17: Democracy, Space, and Technology. Eyal Weizman, Forensic Architecture Announcement

15/09/17: Transitions and Global Modernities. James Kloppenberg & Jason Opal, Public forum: Democracy in America? Announcement

19/09/17: Constitutional Studies* Peter Boettke & Mathieu Bédard. Panel discussion: How to Encourage Business Creation in Canada

25/09/17: Transitions and Global Modernities. Laura Robson, The Ethnic Cleansing Solution? Partition and Population Exchange in Syria and Iraq Announcement

29-30/09/17: Global Justice*. Conference, Localizing and Globalizing Justice Announcement

03/10/17 Democracy, Space, and Technology. Yasmeen Lari (Heritage Foundation of Pakistan), Announcement

05/10/17: Global Justice. Caleb Yong, On the Legitimacy of Immigration Law: Democracy, Freedom of Association, Human Rights Announcement

6/10/17 Transitions and Global Modernities. Peter Holquist, Empires, Global Orders, and Russia's Revolutions Announcement

25-27/10/174 Global Antiquities Conference. Places in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China

26/10/17 Constitutional Studies. David Ciepley, The Chartered Corporation as a Governance Technology: Colonial Empire, Constitutional State, and Business Firm Announcement

01/11/17 Constitutional Studies. Dara Lind, Governing Through Fear: Immigration Enforcement in the Trump Era Announcement

3/11/17 Transitions and Global Modernities*. Jason Moore, Four Dualisms: Peak Liberalism, Peak Appropriation, and the End of Cheap Nature Announcement

6-10/11/17: Democracy, Space, and Technology, Exhibition, Framing Los Angeles 1960: Case Study House #22 and the Representation of Whiteness Announcement

09/11/17: Democracy, Space, and Technology. Dianne Harris, Framing Los Angeles 1960: Case Study House #22 and the Representation of Whiteness Announcement

13/11/17 Transitions and Global Modernities*. Laura Belmonte, Global Gay Rights: A History of the International LGBT Rights Movement Announcement

14/11/17 Transitions and Global Modernities. One-day workshop, Palestinian Occupations Under the British Mandate and Beyond Announcement

14/11/17 Global Justice. Laura Valentini, What's Wrong with Sovereignty Violations? Announcement

14/11/17 Constitutional Studies*. Jason Sorens, Catalan Independence: Rule of Law Versus Right to Decide Announcement

12/01/18 Transitions and Global Modernities. Yanni Kotsonis, The Quiet Revolution in Global Taxation: Russia and the World Since the Eighteenth Century Announcement

12/01/18 Global Antiquities*. Silvia Ferrara, The Invention of Writing

09/02/18 Transitions and Global Modernities. Jeff Byrne, Global Subversion, National Salvation: The Rise and Fall of Revolutionary Anti-imperialism Announcement

16/02/18 Global Justice. Serena Parekh, The Refugee Regime and Global Structural Injustice Announcement

22/03/18 Constitutional Studies. Abner Greene, "The Dilemma of Liberal Pluralism."

23/03/18 Transitions and Global Modernities. Jane Nicholas,Transitions and Global Modernities: The Child 'Freak', Human Rights and the Ideal Citizen in the 20th Century Announcement

29/03/18 Lin Centre Annual Lecture. Timur Kuran, Clashes with and within Islam: Roles of Intolerant Communities Announcement

05/03/18 Constitutional Studies.Henry Farrelland Steven Telesdebate "Market Liberalism and Social Democracy: How Big Is The Gap?"

06/04/18 Transitions and Global Modernities. Wu Yiching, Beyond Teleological and Anachronistic History: The First Salvo of Mao’s Last Revolution Reconsidered Announcement

13/04/18 Global Justice. Robert Nichols, Theft is Property! Dispossessions and Critical Theory Announcement

13/04/18 Transitions and Global Modernities. Malavika Kasturi, Considering Hindutva: Gurus, Monasticism and Hindu Nationalism in Twentieth Century India. Announcement

20/04/18 Transitions and Global Modernities, All-day Workshop Tet Offensive Workshop

01/05/18 Global Justice. Rainer Forst, A Critical Theory of Transnational (In-)Justice: Realistic in the Right Way. Announcement

10-12/05/18 Constitutional Studies*. Conference: Political Theory In/And/As Political Science Announcement

14/05/18 Global Justice. Mollie Gerver, Reparations, Discrimination, and the Mega-Rich Announcement

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