
Check journal compliance with Tri-Agency and FRQ open access requirements

Search by journal title to review a journal's open access policies.Ìý

Using JISC Open Policy Finder in 4 steps

1) Go to theÌýÌýwebsite and enter journal title in the search.

JISC Open Policy Finder search box

2) Confirm that you are consulting the correct journal by reading the Journal Details tab or consult the information along the top of the screen.

Hypatia: Journal of Feminism

3) Review the Journal Policy section to see the Open Access policies for the Published, Accepted, and Submitted of your article. Click on each to reveal more information.

JISC Journal Policy section

4)ÌýNote any OA fees, embargoes, and location.

These sections tell you if you need to pay to make your work Open Access (OA fee), if you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can make that version Open Access (Embargo) and where you and put that version once it is Open Access (Locations). Available CC licences for the OA route are also provided (Licence), as well as any conditions for using this route that may be imposed by the publisher (Conditions). Click on the down arrow to see the options for each version of your work (Published, Accepted, or Submitted).

JISC Options


Vocabulary for article revisions

  • Published
    • Also known as: Version of Record, Publisher PDF
  • Accepted
    • Also known as: Accepted Manuscript, final manuscript and Postprint
    • This version of your paper has undergone peer-review, changes have been applied and is the final version sent to the journal to be transformed into the Publisher Version
    • Intellectually, the Accepted Version and Publisher Version are the same
  • Submitted
    • Also know as: Submitted Manuscript and Preprint
    • This version has not undergone any peer-review and is the initial submission made to a journal

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