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Chaire de recherche en droit des biens transsystémique et communautés durables, Université

Rethinking the Charter’s “Interpretive” Clauses: What Dickson means for Women’s Equal Rights
Sponsored by the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, F.R. Scott Chair in Public & Constitutional Law, Constitutional Law Society, and the Feminist Legal Collective.

The Strength of our Canadian Institutions: Courts, Democracy, and the Rule of Law
The Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism is honored to welcome Chief Justice Tulloch for his talk, "The Strength of Our Canadian Institutions: Courts, Democracy, and the Rule of Law."
Struggling with modernity: Quebec law, 1914-1949
The Paul-André Crépeau Centre is pleased to welcome Professor Philip Girard for the presentation of his chapter “Struggling with modernity: Quebec law, 1914-1949."
Mugambi Jouet - Interaction between federalism and abortion policy and politics in Canada and the USA
Mugambi Jouet will contrast the interaction between federalism and abortion policy and politics in Canada and the USA in Prof. Johanne Poirier's Comparative Federalism class.
Mugambi Jouet - American Exceptionalism in a Changing Western World
Mugambi Jouet will lead an informal discussion on “American Exceptionalism in a Changing Western World”. Cakes and coffee will be served.

Defending Human and Environmental Rights through Strategic Litigation in Colombia: The Case of Anchicayá
Organized by Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Lawyers without Borders Canada.
Join us for a compelling discussion on defending human and environmental rights through strategic litigation in Colombia, focusing on the Anchicayá case. This event will explore the ongoing legal battle for justice following the devastating environmental damage caused by the illegal dumping of toxic sludge into the Anchicayá River.

Inclusive Citizenship: Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities
Join us for our Student Colloquium, where students from across Canada will present their research work on the topic of "Inclusive Citizenship: Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities". With Keynote guest Professor Sébastien Jodoin, professor at Faculty of Law and founding director of the Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Research Program (DICARP).

The Annual Proulx Roundtable 2025 | Made in Canadian Prisons: An Urgent Discussion about Prison Labour in Canada
Prisons are many things. Among these, they are places of work for the tens of thousands of human beings imprisoned there. Like others, these people report for work in a variety of roles: kitchens, maintenance work, food processing, clerical jobs, and manufacturing. Unlike others, they do so without being recognized as employees and without the basic legal protections usually afforded to workers. Among other impacts, this can mean working in problematic conditions for meagre pay.
Book launch – The Reasonable Person: A Legal Biography
The Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law warmly invite you to attend the book launch of Valentin Jeutner’s new book, The Reasonable Person: A Legal Biography (Cambridge University Press, 2024).
Attendance is open to students and lunch will be served.