

Accès au logement II

Friday, March 14, 2025 09:00to12:00

Chaire de recherche en droit des biens transsystémique et communautés durables, Université º«¹úÂãÎè

This conference, which will take place at º«¹úÂãÎè (Canada), aims to better understand the urgent issue of access to affordable, sustainable and decent housing for all, in order to find solutions to the housing shortage, as the global population grows and our cities become increasingly dense. From a comparative/transsystemic perspective (integrating civil law, common law, and Indigenous legal traditions) and an interdisciplinary approach (law, philosophy, urban planning, history, etc.), we seek to reflect on the theoretical and practical aspects of access to housing and its various components (affordability, sustainability, accessibility, etc.). To achieve this, we will focus on concrete cases that help us better understand the opportunities, both in private and public law, to address the cross-cutting nature of housing access. In this regard, perspectives from civil society and community organizations are welcome.

Registration:ÌýÌý(places limitées et lunch offert aux participants)


Peter Palm - Malmö University. Real estate management transformation towards sustainable management

Béatrice Balivet - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. L’accès à un logement qualitatif, abordable et durable : entre collaboration, transformation et innovation juridique

Alexandra Flynn - UBC Allard School of Law. Regulating poor people’s things: Theorizing personal property in Canadian cities

Magnus Andersson - Malmö University. Affordable housing and access to labour markets, a spatial study of Sweden

Imane Oualji - Université Hassan I. Accès au logement : perspectives marocainesÌý

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