Vrinda Narain awarded the 2017 Gonthier Fellowship
Professor Vrinda Narain is the recipient of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice’s 2017 Charles D. Gonthier Research Fellowship. She will present results of her research project entitled “Difference and Inclusion: Reframing Multiculturalism and Reasonable Accommodation” at CIAJ’s Annual Conference on diversity this fall.
Professor Narain, who is currently Associate Dean (Academic) at ’s Faculty of Law, works on questions of constitutional law, social diversity and feminist legal theory. She is the author of two books: Reclaiming the Nation: Muslim Women and the Law in India (University of Toronto Press, 2008) and Gender and Community: Muslim Women's Rights in India (University of Toronto Press, 2001).
The Charles-D.-Gonthier Research Fellowship
Created in 2009 and named in honour of the late Mr. Justice Charles D. Gonthier of the Supreme Court of Canada, a former President of the Institute, the Charles D. Gonthier Research Fellowship of $7,500 is awarded annually to an academic selected by the jury who will best research the topic of . To find out more, visit the .
About the CIAJ
The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) promotes excellence and leadership in the administration of justice through knowledge, learning and the exchange of ideas. The CIAJ offers education and research programs and provides a forum for everyone interested in the administration of justice.